~ yojoflo ~ Geneva Claimed Follow
Founder/Director and Venture Catalyst at Venture Centre NZ, an Entrepreneur Ecosystem Development NGO based in Aotearoa (New Zealand). Community Cultivator, and Core Contributor to Āhau.io and Yūmi.ai. Contributor and participant in Project Catalyst community projects, including; Catalyst Women, Community Governance Oversight, Improve and Grow Auditability, Audit Circle, Smarthubs, the emerging Cardano Impact Network (network of networks).
Community Reviews across funding rounds
~ yojoflo ~ Proposals (27)
Library of Proposer Case Studies
<p>Communicating ideas to a crowd is intimidating if you have not seen others do it well & know how it worked out for them.</p>
Cardano Canvas, Cards & Calculator
Solution: Create Canvas, Card deck & Calculator tools to design blockchain ventures at hub events that are easy to explain, customise & share offline
Geneva Business Development Hub
Solution: Collaborate with local players (i.e. sfgeneva.org, Seedstars, Impacthub) to promote finance and impact on Catalyst and Cardano
Citizen's Ledger
Solution: We propose to build a standards-based consistent way to record key gov decisions/actions (+explanation) onto a personal ledger.
Community Governance Oversight
Solution: Survey, report & facilitate retrospectives to improve our governance processes.
Challenge: Improve and Grow Auditability
🔥Regulation-as-code for DApps
Solution: Community-created open-source platform & DIY manuals for anyone to turn any laws/regs into code for everyone to contribute and build on.
Challenge: Catalyst Culture
Challenge: Collaboration for Governance
Community Governance Oversight
Solution: Provide community oversight of Catalyst governance processes.
Tribal DIDs=Indigenous Sovereignty
Solution: Using AtalaPrism SDK, integrate DID wallet features in Āhau, the tribal identity DApp made for, by, with Maori, indigenous people of Aotearoa (New Zealand) to enable issuance of verifiable credentials
Smarthubs=more impact/adoption
Solution: Design a DAO model to connect localised hubs for collaboration starting with 3 businesses promoting Cardano (Suiss, New Zealand & Canada) to distribute & decentralise the work to onboard organisations
Onboarded companies playbook Quick Pitch
Solution: A playbook for funded companies that guide their various teams on how to best connect their operation with the Catalyst operation - payments, admin, communication
Challenge: Entrepreneurship Challenge Quick Pitch
Getting down to business! Building the Professional Decentralised Business Development Network
Solution: A decentralised partnership creation solution that helps connect a company's business needs with trusted community members that can reach out to their networks, create partnerships, and earn revenue.
Make Earning ADA Easier for Developers
Solution: Compile tax reporting/accounting methods from community members in multiple countries, ease onboarding & local compliance, extend knowledge base & facilitate 2023 tax reporting for developers globally
Decolonising financial compliance
Solution: Build ecosystem governance frameworks and technology for Āhau, using TribalDIDs methodologies, to interoperate with financial and compliance systems removing nation-building barriers in Aotearoa/NZ
Token Engineering on Cardano: Step-by-step tutorials to design economic mechanisms Quick Pitch
Solution: Equip product owners, designers & developers with skills to understand & apply token engineering in a EUTxO environment. In 6 video lessons, docs & coding examples, we'll share our story & insights.
Monthly Reports
Key activities for period: Oct 27 – Nov 30 The project formally started on the Oct 3, 2022. Report #1 Nov 25, 2022 here: https://clik.vc/f9tdidsreport1
Began working with Partners Introduced Ahau, TribalDIDs project kaupapa (purpose) Co-design project engagement commenced – how partners work together, expectations, outcomes Begun drafting Mana Enhancing Agreements for engagement (framework: https://clik.vc/meacomms) Confirmed minimum x2 Tribes: Tribal partner 1 A hapū (sub tribe) entity of Māori - the indigenous peoples of Āotearoa, New Zealand. They are currently in negotiations with the Āotearoa - New Zealand government and crown as part of the Waitangi Tribunal proceedings and are in the process of creating their own decentralized tribal registry using the Āhau platform. Tribal partner 2 An iwi (tribe) entity of Māori - the indigenous peoples of Āotearoa - New Zealand. They have their own centralized tribal registry that connects their descendants to benefits and services upon registration. They have established relationships with Aotearoa - New Zealand government departments including the Department of Internal Affairs. Confirmed minimum x2 Government: DIA (DISTF team) – Engaged with the Trust Framework Lead at Department of Internal Affairs MBIE – Engaged with Māori Economic Development Unit (Te Kupenga) and the Enabling Māori Framework Fund (EMF) Additional Government partners – MBIE (social procurement team), Realme (VC Pilot programme), IRD, IDLG deferred until Q1/2023 Minimum x2 Relying parties: Northtec, Maori Health Organisations (Various), Bank, Accountant, Auditors (Various), AML services, deferred until Q1/2023 One of two of the minimum x2 Stakeholders engaged: Digital Identity New Zealand (NZTech) – Engaged in discussion and co-host/promote Webinar about Digital Identity and its impact, benefit, risks for Maori. Additional Stakeholder partners – Iwi Data Leadership Group, Te Manana Runanga, Te Matarau, Digital Aotearoa Collective, deferred until Q1/2023 Planning for webinar about Digital Identity and its impact, benefit, risks for Maori commenced Scheduled for Q1/2023 in partnership with Te Matarau (Association for Maori Tech Community) and DINZ (Digital Identity New Zealand, part of NZTech) Design of event; Invitations, Email marketing, Runsheet, Presentation deck design commenced Continued Identity compliance research Met with New Zealand’s Department of Internal Affairs to understand the development of the Digital Identity Bill, including how it might apply to Āhau’s intended product. Continued reviewing relevant literature and examining associated digital identity standards. The advice we have received from DIA, as well as our conclusions from our own investigations, have led us to focus much more closely on the intended use of the digital product, rather than associated legal frameworks, including understanding how digital identity products will be used by iwi, hapū and whānau and for what purposes. Beginning to see where the requirements of Trust Framework will be practically implemented within Iwi/Māori contexts and where there are questions. Mapped information gathered at previous wananga (workshops) with hapu and iwi next to legislation mapping to better understand their current registration and verification process for their members to inform planning of design sessions in phase 2. (See evidence artifact link; #1) Focus directed toward understanding the product in relation to agents defined in the act: service provider, identity issuer, authenticator, etc. Continued building comprehensible framework for interpretation of the bill https://clik.vc/tdidsdistflegalresearch Engaged with conference proceedings from the 2022 International Indigenous Research Conference (IIRC) and extracted insights likely to be useful to the project. In particular, current state of indigenous data sovereignty and the breadth of work that is currently happening in this space, both in Aotearoa and globally. Research identity rules and standards, KYC / AML scheduled for Q1/2023 Collate and verify rules to be included (NZ+possibly check against Global jurisdiction) Extended link library (SSI): https://clik.vc/ssilinklibrary Extended link library (KYC/AML): https://clik.vc/kycamllinklibrary
Please refer to Statement of Milestones (SOM) for project plan to understand these activities context and relevance here: https://clik.vc/tdids
Key activities for period: Oct 3 – Oct 27 – The project formally started on the Oct 3, 2022 – Set up project management *Confirmed Project Management team *Secured Product Manager *Created SOM and high level project plan *Proposals for collaborative work received, reviewed, discussed, and approved *Secured Legal team of Collaborators including Law, Government policy and Rules-as-code expertise *Plan outlining lines of communication, key points of contact, accountability, intended use of budget throughout phase 1, and commercial arrangements between collaborative parties agreed *Secured Research and Evaluation support (academic stakeholders) *Secured paid support from NZ Government for Maori digital identity research and development *Set up wallet/currency exchange/team payment processes *Set up Project Management reporting timing, roles and requirements *Established regular weekly catch-ups – Began engagement to onboard partners and define use cases / determine participation *Proposing to potential tribal partners use cases includes; Hapu to Hapu identity registration, providing health insurance, distributing educational grants *Proposing to potential Government entity partners include; Department of Internal Affairs (Digital Identity Services Trust Framework team), Realme (Current preferred provider to NZ Govt. of Identity Services and VC pilot programme), Ministry of Business Innovation and Employment (Maori Enablement Framework (EMF) team,Te Arawhiti (the office for Māori and Crown relations), and, Inland Revenue Department *Potential Relying parties include; Westpac Bank. NorthTec (Polytechnic), Waikato University *Stakeholders include; Te Manana Runanga, Te Matarau, Digital Aotearoa Collective, Victoria and Massey Universities (CS / Media Design) *Industry partners; Digital Identity New Zealand (NZTech), BlockchainNZ, AML/CFT service providers *Convened Māori working group for Digital Identity to investigate and support the involvement and development of Digital Identity from a Te Ao Maori perspective. https://digitalidentity.nz/wp-content/uploads/sites/25/2022/05/Te-Kahui-Te-Tiriti-Working-Group-Charter.pdf – Begin Digital Identity Services Trust Framework Bill compliance research *Collated information gathered at previous wananga (workshops) with hapu and iwi to better understand their current registration and verification process for their members to inform planning of design sessions in phase 2. *Curated link libraries of recent/related Sovereign/Digital Identity (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1vkXjFI0XjmDxoDNaWwSBJMwUnlnt7QByU2sgJh5H904/edit?usp=sharing and AML/CFT (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1wFmt6IvLs00t6-nw2SvFVE7CW-XeTqlmRCQoixGUNb4/edit?usp=share_link) reference materials *Commenced initial analysis of relevant legislative materials *Exploring the most effective way of annotating, collating, and modelling key information about legislative instruments, with a view to sharing this knowledge with internal and external stakeholders. (See evidence artifact link; #1) *Legal team collaborators developing and applying bespoke software for analysis
– Please refer to Statement of Milestones (SOM) for project plan to understand these activities context and relevance here: https://clik.vc/tdids
- The five benefits are coded, undergoing testing, and some extra documentation underway. Legislation as Code available at https://github.com/govzeroaotearoa/openfisca-aotearoa/
- We explored names for the public facing service that would be meaningful for our users, and chose “BenefitMe” as a clever way of reclaiming the original meaning of the work benefit, as being something that helps people. The term “benefits” in New Zealand has become used pejoratively and we want to get back to people seeing the government as needing to provide a benefit to society and the people in it.
- Our design lead created a few options BenefitMe and we landed on the logo below, noting we also have “brought to you by a community group ❤️” in the header to differentiate from government websites.
- We are reusing the drupal/openfisca module created by Salsa Digital in Australia, which has provided a great way to build a service on openfisca without having to build from scratch. We used CivicTheme as an easy to deploy design system, and tested colours against existing gov services in NZ to create a distinct look and feel for people to feel comfortable to engage.
- We have consistently tested concepts and designs with Citizens Advice Bureau and Community Law volunteers to ensure it meets their needs, but also to ensure it provides useful help for any individual who comes across the service for themselves. The dev site is up at https://nginx-php.main.dac-benefits.lagoon.salsa.hosting/ so you can see it evolving over the coming weeks. We intend to have the MVP done by end Nov with a little last testing early December, and being used by CAB/CL by mid December.
- We are seeking funding to expand the service and add all other social and taxation benefits from the Social Security Act and taxation into the legislation as code and the BenefitMe service. We are also looking to build upon the documentation and containerised approach to regulation/rules as code framework we have developed through this project by preparing another submission to the Cardano collective to go beyond the documentation and code of this project, by providing training and support to Cardano teams wanting to codify their own regulation as code.
- We are also looking at further use cases for the legislation as code, including policy modeling to help inform policy makers, and to engage the public in participatory policy/legislative/regulatory design.
- One of our developers wrote a great blog post (https://hamish.dev/openfisca-better) about navigating all the attributes in openfisca and ways to make rules as code more accessible to more people.
- Documentation was produced for anyone to pick up, install, and run the NZ rules as code infrastructure. https://github.com/digitalaotearoa/openfisca-aotearoa/blob/main/SETUP-pyenv.md with an updated setup.py at https://github.com/digitalaotearoa/openfisca-aotearoa/blob/main/setup.py
- Updates to our change log are here https://github.com/digitalaotearoa/openfisca-aotearoa/blob/main/CONTRIBUTING.md
- We will be entirely focused on delivery of the MVP for the coming weeks, and then while additional user testing is happening, the rest of the team will tidy up our documentation, reporting and project closure.
- The design brief for the MVP is updated here with the new look and feel (bottom of the board) https://miro.com/app/board/uXjVOuxfw5I=/?moveToWidget=3458764532827554237&cot=14 with a design document that outlines our process and approach available at https://docs.google.com/document/d/1YpA-_HzLkM5Xq_9gNkf4-UOM2URrc-XlIrYE3Vh6BNM/edit?usp=sharing. These methods might be helpful for other Cardano projects to reuse.
- Request For Comments on procedures is still open on best rules-to-code modelling practice, to be tested and iterated by product team and later mainstreamed to the community.
- Minute meetings for all our all hands continue to be are found at https://docs.google.com/document/d/1N_QzTnrlRZFMMd1xlqe2lUKyV_bFJhdSfZdMTATxt3w/edit?usp=sharing
Below are all the six month deliverable status':
- Alpha service launched, based on domestic use case - Pending - Soft launch 30 Nov, MVP by mid Dec 2022
- Teams field testing, user research & user feedback - Ongoing - Due for finalisation by 7 Dec 2022
- Website/Gitbook outline of DIY documentation content with easy to access or spin up infrastructure for any Dapps teams to use - Pending - 90% done, some tidy up after soft launch and links to be provided in final report.
- Encoding complete of international use case and user testing with Dapps teams - Pending - due 30 Nov
- Live, online workshop schedule produced, with the documentation and support for anyone to get involved and start adding their own leg/red as code into a global commons. - Pending - Jo and Ben to coordinate for early/mid Dec for Cardano community.
- Blog post: How to add your own legislation / regulation into the Cardano Reg as Code platform - Done but distributed - will all be incorporated into the link below by 30 Nov as first version of “how to roll your own RaC” for Cardano community https://github.com/digitalaotearoa/rac-guide
- Pre-print paper for peer review: "Opportunities for RAC in Pacific nations an Aotearoa, New Zealand Example” - Pending - eta mid December
- Whitepaper v1 (overview of solution concept and technical architecture) - Already provided in previous reporting.
- Deploy domestic / International MVP - See above. Will work on international use case in subsequent projects. It turned out to be too much to do both use cases simultaneously with creating repeatable RaC documentation and infrastructure.
- Legal eligibility tool is deployed as a Beta domestically and is being used by Citizens Advice Bureau and other social service providers for people every week to better understand their eligibility for services, and feel more confident to get the help they are entitled to. - On track for early December.
- International exemplar/tool is deployed as a Beta and is being used by Community members - Unable to deliver - the work to deploy the domestic exemplar, documentation, containerised and easy to deploy RaC infrastructure, and first exemplary service built on NZ reg as code (BenefitMe) proved more work than expected, especially combined with COVID hitting the team twice in the six month period. So deploying a secondary international example will have to be rolled over to a subsequent project. We intend to support several Cardano teams to create their own regulations as code in another funding round.
The first five benefits are largely done, with two of the team continuing to work on Rules as Code, to tighten up the platform, documentation, test cases and to feed and assure variables being relied upon for the public facing legal eligibility service. The rest of the team has pivoted into delivery of the service. Code available at https://github.com/govzeroaotearoa/openfisca-aotearoa/ and some useful contributions back to Openfisca have been welcomed. Made a fundamental change to how we deal with entities and roles and how we wield them which has cleared up lots of confusion. We renamed the principal_caregiver role from Family to principal, proposing that the entities and roles are only used as structure for scenarios and not as direct legal concepts. It’s described more fully here: https://github.com/govzeroaotearoa/openfisca-aotearoa/compare/main...jobseeker_net#diff-a1843cb1de4744823f8d888d01[…]4e0a47cda9b46aa95cc1bf8912b58c1 After confirming and validating the minimum viable features for a first iteration service, we worked through three platform/stack options. We assessed against ease up extendability, ease of updating after launch, supportability, standards compliance, open source, and effort/cost to deliver an MVP, as well as the availability of skills in the team. We decided to opt for a Drupal/Openfisca/CivicTheme stack, based on the open source work by Salsa Digital to create a Drupal plugin for Openfisca. It was determined that this provided the best option to get the MVP done well, but also the greatest flexibility, because having a CMS in the stack which is capable of being a headless CMS, allows for a range of custom services in future, that can reuse the rules from RaC and the content from the CMS. CivicTheme is an open source design system, storybook, and theme based off the former (and now decommissioned) Australian Government Design System. After over 18 months and ~4,000 hours of design and development, they recently released 1.0 which includes the following artefacts, which might be useful to other projects: CivicTheme 1.0 Figma: https://civictheme.io/figma CivicTheme 1.0 Storybook: https://civictheme.io/storybook CivicTheme 1.0 Drupal Build: https://civictheme.io/github Statement of Accessibility compliance with WCAG 2.1 AA: https://civictheme.io/wcag Statement of Compliance to the former Australian Government Design System: https://civictheme.io/auds We had a generous offer from Salsa Digital to provide Drupal developer support and CMS hosting until we can set up the right app stack on Catalyst Cloud for the service. Noting that our legislation as code infrastructure (openfisca is our RaC platform) is hosted on Catalyst Cloud. We worked with CAB to determine meaningful names for the service, which are now being tested with users, as well as look and feel design options, to ensure the service feels welcoming, and quite distinct from official government services in this jurisdiction. Current leading contender is “Know your Benefits”. Our kanban is on Trello which is helping us stay on track and plan for what comes after MVP. The team started preparing submissions to providing support and training for Cardano teams wanting to use regulation as code in their projects, as well as options to continue expanding and improving the MVP service we will deliver by end of November. The howto documentation and reference model is now published and available https://github.com/govzeroaotearoa/openfisca-aotearoa/blob/main/CONTRIBUTING.md followed by reference examples: https://github.com/govzeroaotearoa/openfisca-aotearoa/blob/main/openfisca_aotearoa/structure.json https://github.com/govzeroaotearoa/openfisca-aotearoa/blob/main/openfisca_aotearoa/variables/acts/social_security/jobseeker_support/jobseeker_support.py The design brief for the MVP is updated here with the new look and feel (bottom of the board) https://miro.com/app/board/uXjVOuxfw5I=/?moveToWidget=3458764532827554237&cot=14 with a design document that outlines our process and approach available at https://docs.google.com/document/d/1YpA-_HzLkM5Xq_9gNkf4-UOM2URrc-XlIrYE3Vh6BNM/edit?usp=sharing. These methods might be helpful for other Cardano projects to reuse. Multiple team members are now co-administrators of the opencollective account, to formalise peer review, oversight and controls for community funding. https://opencollective.com/g0vnz with governance being kept intentionally as simple and cooperative as possible. Request For Comments on procedures is still open on best rules-to-code modelling practice, to be tested and iterated by product team and later mainstreamed to the community. Presentations are being given in Cardano Town Halls about the project and new funding bids being prepared to train, scale and support RaC adoption in Cardano community.
We have got the first complex benefit working on the rules as code platform, with detailed documentation and structure for anyone to add more leg/reg as code in an orderly fashion. We have got a final and prioritised design brief for the public facing application for anyone to learn their legal entitlements and are pivoting over the coming fortnight our dev capacity from rules as code to the legal entitlements application itself.
The team was impact by COVID last month but has mostly made up for it this month. Our blog posts are shared on our github and will be published by end of August for the month 3 deliverables.
We are making good progress, bringing together different experts, communities and organisations. We continue to work in the open, invite anyone to contribute to our slack or github repos, and will be out presenting at townhalls to engage more with the broader Cardano community.
We are working across a few timezones which is difficult, but not have our cadences running and expect to be accelerating delivery and design in the coming month. Interest is growing in the community, and the partnering with Citizen Advice Bureau (a non profit national social service provider) is invaluable. We will be reaching out more to Cardano projects to collaborate now that we have our core team established.
We have a combination of volunteer and funded members of our team, and are always looking for more volunteers to participate, especially if they have an interest in access to justice and the development of high trust and high integrity systems. Our partnerships with social services organisations will help ground our work in the reality of community needs.