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Minting NFTs in L2 of Cardano: Milkomeda Implementation
Current Project Status

We are the exclusive platform for minting on all Cardano chains, including mainnet and testnet. With the addition of milkomeda, we can boost its adoption among users and developers.



At present, the absence of an NFT minting tool on Milkomeda creates difficulties for developers in testing their solutions. Moreover, to onboard users, we must provide them access to minting tools.

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Minting NFTs in L2 of Cardano: Milkomeda Implementation

Please describe your proposed solution.

By integrating Milkomeda network, users will securely create and manage their NFTs on both the testnet and mainnet using our dapp,

To simplify the process, users will have the option to connect their Metamask wallet set on Milkomeda, granting them convenient access to the network's features.

With just a few simple steps, users can select an image and input relevant data fields to customize their NFTs.

To ensure transparency and community collaboration, we will develop the minting contract using Solidity programming language and make it open source. This will allow developers to review, contribute, and enhance the contract's functionality.

For a seamless user experience, we will utilize the frontend framework Next.js, enabling smooth navigation and intuitive design. The backend will be developed in Node.js, ensuring efficient data processing and effective communication with Milkomeda network.

By incorporating Milkomeda network into our dapp, we aim to empower users with an easy and secure way to create their own NFTs on both testnet and mainnet, while fostering transparency and open-source collaboration within the developer community.

How does your proposed solution address the challenge and what benefits will this bring to the Cardano ecosystem?

The integration of NFT minting within Milkomeda opens up exciting opportunities for creators and artists. This feature enables them to leverage Cardano's secure and decentralized infrastructure to create, trade, and monetize unique digital assets, such as digital art, collectibles, and gaming assets.

By supporting the NFT ecosystem, Cardano becomes a thriving hub for creative expression and unlocks new revenue streams for artists and content creators.

This proposal positions Cardano as a leading blockchain platform, attracting developers, businesses, and users from various industries. The benefits include increased transaction throughput, improved user experience, a vibrant NFT ecosystem, and ultimately, wider adoption and utilization of Cardano's technology.

How do you intend to measure the success of your project?

We intend to measure the success of our project through several key indicators and metrics:

  1. Adoption and Usage: We will track the number of users, developers, and businesses actively utilizing Milkomeda Layer 2 for minting. Increased adoption and usage demonstrate the value and appeal of our solution.
  2. Transaction Volume: Monitoring the transaction volume processed through Milkomeda will provide insights into its scalability and efficiency. We aim to see a significant increase in transaction volume as more users and applications leverage the benefits of Milkomeda.
  3. User Feedback and Satisfaction: Gathering feedback from users, developers, and businesses using Milkomeda is crucial. Regular surveys, user testing, and engagement will help us assess the satisfaction level, identify areas for improvement, and make necessary adjustments to enhance the user experience.
  4. NFT Activity: Tracking the creation, trading, and overall activity of NFTs within Milkomeda will gauge the success of this feature. Increased NFT minting and trading indicate the platform's attractiveness to artists, collectors, and NFT enthusiasts.
  5. Community Engagement: Monitoring community engagement and participation through forums, social media channels, and developer communities will provide insights into the project's reception and the level of community involvement. A thriving and engaged community demonstrates a successful project.
  6. Ecosystem Growth: We will evaluate the growth of the Cardano ecosystem, including the number of dApps, partnerships, and integrations enabled by Milkomeda. A growing ecosystem signifies the project's impact and its ability to attract developers and businesses.

By tracking these metrics and regularly assessing the project's progress against predefined goals, we will effectively measure the success of our implementation of Milkomeda Layer 2 on the Cardano blockchain.

Please describe your plans to share the outputs and results of your project?

We are committed to ensuring transparency and sharing the outputs and results of our project. Here is our plan for sharing:

  1. GitHub Repository: We will maintain an open-source GitHub repository where we will share the codebase and related technical documentation. This will allow developers and the community to review, contribute, and provide feedback on the project.
  2. Regular Updates: We will provide regular updates on the progress of the project through Twitter account.

What is your capability to deliver your project with high levels of trust and accountability?

Our team has successfully developed and delivered a fully functional product on the Cardano mainnet, with over 500 NFTs already minted on the mainnet and an additional 1000 minted on the testnet through our platform. As a result, we possess the necessary resources and capabilities to seamlessly integrate Milkomeda minting.

What are the main goals for the project and how will you validate if your approach is feasible?

The main goals for the project are to become the exclusive platform for minting on all Cardano chains and to boost adoption among users and developers through the integration of milkomeda networks.

To validate if the approach is feasible, the project team can undertake the following steps:

  1. Technical Feasibility: The team needs to assess the technical requirements and challenges associated with integrating milkomeda networks into the platform. This would involve conducting a thorough analysis of the compatibility, functionality, and potential limitations of integrating the networks. By consulting with technical experts and conducting feasibility studies, the project team can validate the technical feasibility of the approach.
  2. Market Demand: The team should conduct market research to understand the demand for minting on Cardano chains and the potential benefits of integrating milkomeda networks. This can involve surveys, interviews, and analysis of market trends and competitor offerings. If there is a significant demand for such a platform and the addition of milkomeda networks has the potential to attract more users and developers, it validates the approach.
  3. User and Developer Feedback: The project team can gather feedback from potential users and developers regarding their interest and willingness to adopt the platform with integrated milkomeda networks. This can be done through focus groups, beta testing, or pilot programs. If the feedback is positive and indicates a strong interest in leveraging the unique opportunities provided by the platform, it suggests the approach is feasible.
  4. Financial Viability: The team needs to assess the financial implications of integrating milkomeda networks. This includes estimating the costs associated with integration, ongoing maintenance, and potential revenue generation. By conducting a financial analysis, the team can determine if the approach is financially viable and would bring value to the project.

Please provide a detailed breakdown of your project’s milestones and each of the main tasks or activities to reach the milestone plus the expected timeline for the delivery.

Milestone 1: Technical Feasibility Assessment (Timeline: 2 week)

1.1. Research and Planning

  • Conduct market research on existing minting platforms and analyze user needs and preferences.
  • Plan the development approach and architecture for the platform.
  • Define the integration requirements and components needed for Cardano mainnet and testnet, including milkomeda networks.

1.2. Platform Infrastructure Setup

  • Set up the necessary infrastructure, including servers, databases, and network configurations.
  • Establish secure connections with Cardano mainnet and testnet, as well as milkomeda networks.

1.3. Smart Contract Development

  • Design and develop the smart contracts for minting on Cardano mainnet and testnet.
  • Implement additional functionalities required for interoperability with milkomeda networks.

1.4. User Interface Design and Development

  • Design an intuitive and user-friendly interface for the platform.
  • Develop the frontend components and ensure a seamless user experience.

1.5. Backend Development

  • Build the backend functionality and APIs to communicate with Cardano and milkomeda networks.
  • Implement necessary security measures and validations.

1.6. Integration and Testing

  • Integrate the developed platform components together.
  • Conduct thorough testing to ensure the smooth functioning of minting on Cardano mainnet and testnet.
  • Test the interoperability with milkomeda networks and identify and fix any compatibility issues.

Milestone 2: Launch and User Adoption (Timeline: 1 month)

2.1. Platform Deployment

  • Deploy the completed platform on a production environment.
  • Configure necessary production settings, such as scaling and security.

2.2. Marketing and Promotion

  • Develop a marketing strategy to attract users and developers to the platform.
  • Launch promotional campaigns on relevant platforms and social media channels.
  • Educate the community about the unique opportunities and advantages of minting on Cardano and milkomeda networks.

2.3. User Onboarding and Support

  • Create user documentation and guides for platform usage.
  • Provide support to users for any inquiries or issues they may encounter.
  • Onboard developers and provide technical resources and assistance for them to leverage the platform effectively.

2.4. Community Engagement

  • Foster an engaged and active community around the platform.
  • Organize events, webinars, and competitions to encourage participation and showcase the benefits of minting on Cardano and milkomeda networks.

Milestone 3: Continuous Improvement and Expansion (Ongoing)

3.1. User Feedback and Iterations

  • Gather user feedback and suggestions for platform improvements.
  • Continuously iterate and enhance the platform based on user needs and preferences.

3.2. New Feature Development

  • Assess new feature requests from users and prioritize based on their value and feasibility.
  • Develop and integrate new features to enhance the minting experience on the platform.

3.3. Blockchain Integration Updates

  • Keep up with the updates and changes in the Cardano and milkomeda networks.
  • Update the platform's integration to ensure compatibility and leverage new functionalities.

Please describe the deliverables, outputs and intended outcomes of each milestone.

The deliverables and outputs of Milestone 1 are as follows:

1.1. Research and Planning:

  • Market research report on existing minting platforms and user needs and preferences.
  • Development approach and architecture plan document.
  • Integration requirements and components document for Cardano mainnet, testnet, and milkomeda networks.

1.2. Platform Infrastructure Setup:

  • Infrastructure setup document detailing the servers, databases, and network configurations.
  • Secure connections established with Cardano mainnet, testnet, and milkomeda networks.

1.3. Smart Contract Development:

  • Smart contracts designed and developed for minting on Cardano mainnet and testnet.
  • Additional functionalities implemented for interoperability with milkomeda networks.

1.4. User Interface Design and Development:

  • User interface design document with an intuitive and user-friendly interface concept.
  • Frontend components developed for a seamless user experience.

1.5. Backend Development:

  • Backend functionality and APIs built to communicate with Cardano and milkomeda networks.
  • Security measures and validations implemented.

1.6. Integration and Testing:

  • Integrated platform components with thorough testing conducted.
  • Compatibility testing with milkomeda networks and any identified issues fixed.

The intended outcomes of Milestone 1 are:

  • A well-researched and planned platform development approach and architecture.
  • An established platform infrastructure with secure connections to Cardano and milkomeda networks.
  • Fully developed smart contracts and additional functionalities for minting and interoperability.
  • A user-friendly interface and seamless user experience.
  • Functional backend with implemented security measures and validations.
  • A fully integrated and thoroughly tested platform with compatibility with milkomeda networks.

The deliverables and outputs of Milestone 2 are as follows:

2.1. Platform Deployment:

  • Deployed platform on a production environment with necessary production settings configured.
  • Documented deployment process and settings.

2.2. Marketing and Promotion:

  • Marketing strategy document for attracting users and developers.
  • Promotional campaigns launched on relevant platforms and social media channels.
  • Educational materials created to inform the community about minting opportunities on Cardano and milkomeda networks.

2.3. User Onboarding and Support:

  • User documentation and guides for platform usage.
  • Support provided to users for inquiries and issues.
  • Developer onboarding process with technical resources and assistance.

2.4. Community Engagement:

  • Engaged and active platform community fostered.
  • Events, webinars, and competitions organized to encourage participation and showcase benefits.

The intended outcomes of Milestone 2 are:

  • A deployed platform on a production environment with necessary settings configured.
  • Increased platform visibility through marketing and promotion efforts.
  • Users and developers onboarded and supported in their platform usage.
  • An engaged and active community participating in the minting activities and discussing the benefits of Cardano and milkomeda networks.

Milestone 3 is an ongoing phase focused on continuous improvement and expansion. The intended outcomes include:

  • Gathering user feedback and suggestions for platform improvements.
  • Continuously iterating and enhancing the platform based on user needs and preferences.
  • Assessing and developing new features to enhance the minting experience.
  • Keeping up with updates and changes in Cardano and milkomeda networks and updating the platform's integration to ensure compatibility and leverage new functionalities.

Please provide a detailed budget breakdown of the proposed work and resources.

Budget breakdown:

Milestone 1: Platform Development and Integration - 3000€

1.1. Research and Planning - 500€

1.2. Platform Infrastructure Setup - 500€

1.3. Smart Contract Development - 1000€

1.4. User Interface Design and Development - 500€

1.5. Backend Development - 500€

1.6. Integration and Testing - 1000€

Milestone 2: Launch and User Adoption - 2000€

2.1. Platform Deployment - 500€

2.2. Marketing and Promotion - 1000€

2.3. User Onboarding and Support - 300€

2.4. Community Engagement - 200€

Milestone 3: Continuous Improvement and Expansion - 1000€

3.1. User Feedback and Iterations - 300€

3.2. New Feature Development - 400€

3.3. Blockchain Integration Updates - 200€

3.4. Technical Support and Maintenance - 100€

Total: 6000€

Who is in the project team and what are their roles?

The team is composed by Alberto Rizzi, backend developer interested in Cardano blockchain and Raul Antonio Rosa Padilla, Cardano Developer.

How does the cost of the project represent value for money for the Cardano ecosystem?

The costs associated with the project are justified by the potential impact they will have on the Cardano ecosystem. By increasing developer engagement, facilitating knowledge transfer, and providing valuable resources, our project will contribute to the growth and adoption of Cardano as a leading smart contract platform. The value derived from the project's outcomes and the positive impact on the Cardano community make the costs a worthwhile investment in building a robust and thriving ecosystem.



  • EP2: epoch_length

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  • EP5: max_block_size

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