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- A human at Lido Nation manually comb through proposals 2 identify core members of a group. People denoted as such are listed on the group page.
- For these core member, a script finds all the proposals for which they are the primary author & attribute that proposal to the group.
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The Team (2)
Members in Catalyst that have co-proposed with Photrek. Individuals may not be employed at Photrek. This is is is not representative of Photrek's full team.
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Photrek Challenges (1)
Challenge: Prototype Diversified Voting Method
Photrek Proposals (19)
Superintelligence for Cardano: Groundbreaking Integration for AI-Powered dApps
Solution: Connect Cardano to the ASI through's uAgents Framework, providing access to a decentralized, autonomous, and intelligent resource for streamlining complex tasks and decision-making processes.
Cardano Governance Exchange: Improved Community Decisions using Fair Market Influence
Solution: Create a governance marketplace where community members pay a fair market price for influence. Vote pricing for decisions scale quadratically and are re-distributed evenly to all after a final vote.
Public Benefits Organizations: Improving legal foundations for Cardano organizations
Solution: A framework for incorporating DAOs as benefits corporations using Sociocratic Pluralism for off-chain and on-chain governance to integrate decision making across diverse parties and steer effectively.