not approved
Video DAOs for Grassroots Community Learning Hubs
Current Project Status

Norigumi is a blockchain-based DAO for secure video collaborations, storing conversation hashes on Cardano and ensuring proof of dialogue with IPFS.


Current DAO collaboration tools lack accessible, intuitive, and verifiable communication, limiting their adoption in grassroots collaborations.

Impact Alignment
Impact Alignment
Value for Money
Video DAOs for Grassroots Community Learning Hubs

Please describe your proposed solution

<u>How do you perceive the problem you are solving</u>

The problem our app, Norigumi, addresses stems from two key challenges in the domain of decentralised collaboration: the complexity of decentralized autonomous organizations (DAOs) and the limitations of existing collaboration tools which are often text-based and lack the structure for effective decision-making. While DAOs represent a powerful idea for democratizing governance and enhancing transparency, they are often perceived as overly technical in nature, which creates a significant barrier to entry for everyday users working in practical, ground-level environments.

This perception significantly hampers the broader adoption of DAOs for collaborative efforts that could benefit from decentralized governance, especially in the regions where Wada operates, where straightforward, accessible solutions are crucial for widespread adoption.

Wada is going to tackle these challenges by introducing a user-friendly, video-based interface that simplifies interaction within a DAO framework. This approach not only makes the platform more accessible to a global audience but also leverages the power of visual communication to foster better understanding and engagement among network collaborators. By moving away from text-heavy interfaces, we're creating the means for more natural, intuitive, and engaging discussions, making it easier for people of varied backgrounds to participate in and benefit from a decentralized governance model.

Moreover, traditional DAOs do not typically provide built-in support for mentorship and expert guidance within their platforms. We're innovating in this area by enabling human experts to drop into discussion sessions, offering real-time support and facilitation. This feature is critical for guiding users through the process of structured collaboration and decision-making, ensuring that the best outcomes can be found. The Norigumi interface is specifically optimized to encourage and support best practices in collaboration, integrating components that serve various interactions involved in reaching consensus on proposals.

In essence, our project not only addresses the inherent complexities associated with DAOs but also enhances their applicability and accessibility, making them suitable for a diverse range of users including those with less technical backgrounds. This approach breaks down the barriers to entry for using advanced collaboration tools, providing a robust, user-friendly platform that aligns with real-world needs for secure, transparent, and efficient decision-making.

<u>What are your reasons for approaching it in the way that you have</u>

Our approach to creating, testing, and deploying Norigumi within the Wada Hubs across Africa is grounded in our commitment to ensuring that the platform is finely tuned to the specific needs and conditions of the communities it will serve. This strategy is informed by several key considerations:

  1. Localized Testing and Feedback: By working closely with the 11 hubs that are part of the Wada network, Norigumi benefits from direct input and real-world testing across diverse African communities. This proximity to end-users during the development phase allows us to gather nuanced feedback and make iterative improvements that address local requirements, usability concerns, and cultural contexts.
  2. Promotion of Blockchain and DLT Skills: Each of the Wada hubs is dedicated to teaching and promoting blockchain and distributed ledger technology (DLT). Integrating Norigumi into these hubs provides a practical application of these technologies, allowing learners and practitioners to directly engage with a sophisticated blockchain-based platform. This not only enhances their educational experience but also promotes deeper understanding and adoption of blockchain technology in practical, everyday use cases.
  3. Building Community and Governance: Since Norigumi operates as a DAO, deploying it in environments where blockchain and DLT are already being taught aligns well with our goals of fostering community-driven governance. Participants in Wada hubs are more likely to appreciate and engage with the decentralized governance model, which in turn will help cultivate robust, active user governance bodies within Norigumi.
  4. Scalability and Adaptation: Utilizing a network of hubs allows us to scale the implementation more effectively, adapting the platform to different scales and scopes of use within each hub. This method also serves as a litmus test for how well the platform can adapt to various operational sizes and feedback loops, providing invaluable insights into scalability and adaptability.
  5. Strategic Partnership and Collaboration: Collaborating with Wada hubs aligns with our strategic goals of leveraging existing networks and expertise within Africa. These hubs act as critical partners in ensuring that the deployment of Norigumi not only reaches its target audience but also benefits from the infrastructure, relationships, and credibility already established by these centres.

<u>Who will your project engage</u>

The strength of our project lies in the partnerships, which we've been developing for several months already. Our focus extends across various strategic groups to ensure a broad and impactful adoption:

  1. Blockchain Enthusiasts and Educators: Including educators within the Wada Hubs who promote blockchain understanding and practical application.
  2. Students and Learners: Using Norigumi to deepen their knowledge of blockchain technologies and decentralized systems.
  3. Community Leaders and Local Businesses: Leveraging the platform for enhanced communication and decision-making processes.
  4. Tech Developers and Innovators: Engaging those interested in developing and refining decentralized applications.
  5. Government and Policy Makers: Utilizing the app for transparent governance and public discussions.
  6. NGOs and Civil Society Groups: Employing Norigumi for transparent and accountable communication.
  7. Local Talent and Communities, including Farmers: Engaging with grassroots movements and local communities, especially in agricultural sectors, to facilitate peer-to-peer learning and make their value creation more visible within and beyond their locales.
  8. Volunteers, Impact Entrepreneurs, and Developer Residencies: Driving the development of decentralized applications, these contributors are essential for practical implementation and innovation within the Norigumi platform.
  9. Recruiters: Connecting local talent with global needs, enhancing economic inclusion, and fostering entrepreneurship through collaborative partnerships.
  10. Other Hubs: Collaborating with networks of bioregional learning nodes like Astralship to propagate knowledge and technology, thereby amplifying the impact and integration of Cardano-funded projects.
  11. Impact Funders: Engaging with entities that provide financial resources and support to ensure sustainable development and scalability of blockchain-based initiatives.
  12. Technical Partners: Collaborating with experts in dApps, Web3 integrations, and other technologies, focusing on applications such as offline peer-to-peer exchanges and localization of technology through language models.
  13. Cardano &amp; Catalyst: Enhancing collaboration with Cardano partners for technology development, business integration, and expanding the impact network.

<u>How will you demonstrate or prove your impact</u>

To demonstrate or prove the impact of the Norigumi project, we will employ a combination of quantitative and qualitative metrics, alongside robust data collection and analysis methodologies. Here’s how we plan to measure and report our impact effectively:

Quantitative Metrics

  1. User Adoption Rates: We will track the number of active users, the rate of new user sign-ups, and the frequency of their participation. This will provide insights into the platform's acceptance and usage within the target communities.
  2. Number of Conversations Recorded: Monitoring the number of video conversations held and recorded on the blockchain gives a direct measure of platform utilization.
  3. Decisions Documented and Executed: Counting the decisions made through the platform’s structured conversation and voting mechanisms will showcase its effectiveness in facilitating meaningful collaboration.
  4. DAO Participation Metrics: We will measure engagement in the DAO’s governance processes, including votes cast, proposals submitted, and community feedback sessions held.

Qualitative Metrics

  1. User Satisfaction and Feedback: Through surveys and interviews, we will gather user feedback to assess satisfaction with the platform’s usability, effectiveness, and impact on their communication and collaboration practices.
  2. Case Studies: Developing detailed case studies of specific user groups or projects that have successfully utilized Norigumi will highlight its practical benefits and transformative potential.
  3. Community Impact Stories: Collect stories and testimonials from users about how Norigumi has impacted their projects, governance, and community engagements.

Data Collection and Analysis

  • Platform Analytics Tools: Implement built-in analytics to continuously monitor and analyze user interaction and platform performance.
  • Regular Reporting: Produce regular impact reports detailing usage statistics, user engagement levels, and DAO activities. These reports will be shared with stakeholders, including funders, users, and the public.
  • Independent Audits and Evaluations: Engage third-party organizations to conduct periodic audits and evaluations of the platform’s impact, providing an unbiased assessment of its effectiveness and areas for improvement.

Pilot Programs and Iterative Feedback

  • Pilot Testing: Conduct pilot tests with specific communities or groups before wider rollouts. This approach allows for gathering focused insights and making necessary adjustments.
  • Iterative Feedback Loops: Establish feedback mechanisms within the platform to collect continuous user input, which will be used to refine and improve Norigumi based on real-world use and community needs.

By employing these strategies, Norigumi will not only prove its impact but also continuously enhance its functionalities and effectiveness in fostering secure, structured, and verifiable digital communications within various collaborative environments.

Please define the positive impact your project will have on the wider Cardano community

<u>In what way will the success of your project bring value to the Cardano Community?</u>

  1. Adoption and utility: One of the most tangible ways this project creates positive impact on the wider Cardano community is the partnerships that can be formed, specifically with networks of regenerative practitioners. The on-chain dialogue and the nature of a multi-hub network of place-based learning communities will create a huge volume of transactions related to real-world challenges, and generate insight into novel ways for Cardano to be utilised for these aims.
  2. Community Engagement: Our engagements with local talent and communities, as well as the more global network of volunteers and impact entrepreneurs will foster engagement among the Cardano community and further collaboration within the Cardano ecosystem more broadly. By providing opportunities to learn a more embodied understanding of participatory governance, decentralised decision-making, and project development, our work will enhance the will of individuals within the Cardano community to find ways to incorporate these learnings in their innovations.
  3. Ecosystem Growth: Our partnerships with other hubs, impact funders, and technical partners can contribute to the growth and expansion of the Cardano ecosystem. We hope this way to attract new users, developers, investors, and partners to help Cardano continue to grow as a leading blockchain platform for innovation grounded in real-world use cases.

<u>How will you measure impact? </u>

Adoption and Utility:

  • Partnerships Formed: Our project is all about leveraging partnerships. We'll make the number and quality of partnerships formed visible, assessing their potential impact on Cardano's utility and adoption.
  • Transaction Volume and Impact Verification: Our work is inseparable from learning community resilience. Therefore, the volume and frequency of transactions will be a good indicator of how Cardano is translating into addressing real-world challenges.
  • Feedback and Testimonials: We'll be gathering feedback and testimonials from partners, users, and stakeholders on how each event has contributed to enhancing utility and adoption of Cardano within their respective communities and industries. Some events may even be filmed to give an impression of the qualitative shift from our engagements.

Community Engagement:

  • Participant Engagement: We'll monitor levels of engagement among local talent, communities, volunteers, and participants involved in project activities, including attendance at events, participation in online discussions, and energy contributions. We'll present these per project as well as make aggregations for the whole network.
  • P2P Learning Exchanges: Any event participant or resident will be able to encode and share their certificate of learning about participatory governance and decentralised decision-making, bringing a new way for the Cardano ecosystem to be able to find and collaborate with relevant peers.

Ecosystem Growth:

  • Network Growth: We'll be tracking indicators of ecosystem growth, such as the increase in the number of users, projects, transactions, and future catalyst fund rounds within the Cardano ecosystem, resulting from our efforts to attract and onboard new participants.
  • Community Outreach: As always, easure the reach and impact of community outreach efforts, including marketing campaigns, events, and educational initiatives, in attracting and engaging new stakeholders and contributors to the Cardano ecosystem.

What is your capability to deliver your project with high levels of trust and accountability? How do you intend to validate if your approach is feasible?

Our capability to deliver the Norigumi project with high levels of trust and accountability is underpinned by WADA’s established track record of successful technology deployments across its extensive network of hubs in Africa. Here's how we assure this delivery and validate our approach:

<u>Established Track Record</u>

WADA, with its widespread presence and operational history, has consistently demonstrated its ability to implement and manage innovative projects. Our previous successes with blockchain and DLT adoption initiatives across 11 hubs provide a solid foundation for deploying and scaling Norigumi. We leverage this experience to ensure that our projects are executed with the highest standards of professionalism and efficacy.

<u>Resource Access and Infrastructure</u>

Our network of hubs is equipped with the necessary technological infrastructure and human capital. We have access to a diverse pool of skilled professionals, including developers, educators, and project managers, who are well-versed in blockchain technologies and community engagement. This extensive resource base ensures that we have the operational capacity to manage and deliver complex projects like Norigumi.

<u>High Levels of Trust and Accountability</u>

  1. Transparent Processes: We adhere to transparent project management practices, including open communication channels, regular stakeholder updates, and publicly accessible progress reports.
  2. Robust Governance: Norigumi itself is a testament to our commitment to trust and accountability, operating as a DAO that enables transparent governance and community-driven decision-making processes.
  3. Stakeholder Engagement: We engage stakeholders at all levels in the planning and implementation phases, ensuring that their input and feedback are integral to the project’s evolution.

<u>Validation of Feasibility</u>

  1. Pilot Programs: We will initiate pilot programs within select hubs to test the feasibility of Norigumi. These pilots will help identify operational challenges and user acceptance, allowing for real-time adjustments and enhancements.
  2. Feedback Loops: Incorporating iterative feedback loops within the platform to continuously gather user input and make necessary modifications ensures that the platform meets the needs of its users effectively.
  3. Performance Metrics: Key performance indicators (KPIs) will be established to measure success across various dimensions such as user engagement, decision-making efficacy, and platform stability. These metrics will guide ongoing development and scalability assessments.

<u>Continuous Improvement and Scalability</u>

Our approach is inherently designed for scalability and continuous improvement, backed by WADA’s network and capabilities. By methodically analyzing pilot outcomes and leveraging WADA’s distributed resources, we can systematically expand Norigumi’s reach and impact.

In conclusion, our proven capacity to manage and deliver complex projects, combined with our strategic approach to validation and continuous improvement, ensures that we can deliver the Norigumi project with high levels of trust and accountability. This capability positions us to successfully implement Norigumi across WADA’s network, validating its feasibility and efficacy in enhancing digital collaboration through blockchain technology.

What are the key milestones you need to achieve in order to complete your project successfully?

Milestone 1: Requirements Gathering and Initial Design

  • Output: A requirements document and initial design prototypes developed with direct input from potential users in the hubs.
  • Acceptance Criteria: Documented approval of the requirements and initial designs by the project team and a representative group of potential users.
  • Evidence of Completion: Requirements document, design mockups, and approval records from user feedback sessions.

Milestone 2: MVP Development

  • Output: Development of the MVP that includes basic functionality for video communication, blockchain integration for hashing, and initial DAO features.
  • Acceptance Criteria: The MVP must meet the core functional requirements outlined in the initial design and perform basic operations as intended.
  • Evidence of Completion: Code repository links, screenshots of the platform, and a video demonstration of MVP functionality.

Milestone 3: Initial User Testing

  • Output: Conducting low-key, informal testing sessions with selected users from the hubs to gather feedback on the MVP’s usability and functionality.
  • Acceptance Criteria: Collect actionable feedback that can be used to refine the MVP, ensuring it is responsive to the users' needs and preferences.
  • Evidence of Completion: Summary of feedback collected, list of modifications planned based on feedback, and session recordings or notes.

Milestone 4: MVP Refinement

  • Output: Implementation of critical updates and refinements to the MVP based on feedback from the initial user testing.
  • Acceptance Criteria: Revised MVP must resolve identified issues and incorporate user feedback to enhance usability.
  • Evidence of Completion: Updated code repository, change log detailing refinements made, and demo video of the revised MVP.

Final Milestone: Final Review and Documentation

  • Output: Final review of the MVP to ensure it meets the project’s objectives and preparation of comprehensive documentation for future phases.
  • Acceptance Criteria: The MVP should be ready for a later stage of scaling with documented functionalities, limitations, and user instructions.
  • Evidence of Completion: Final project report, user documentation, and a recorded walkthrough of the MVP.

Who is in the project team and what are their roles?

<u>Wada: General Oversight &amp; Coordination</u>

Wada is a web3 community network focused on connecting the world to Africa using blockchain, AI and other emergent technology. 35+ funded and completed proposals on public Catalyst record with strong partnerships within the Cardano Catalyst ecosystem. We are a trusted source for both Africa-based projects and wider ecosystem contributions.

  • Lead contact: Mercy has over 25 years of diverse experience in project management and engagement across West Africa and Canada, and in the healthcare sector in both the UK and North America. She is a co-founder of Wada, an international organisation dedicated to elevating underrepresented groups through the application of technology and investing in a more equitable future. Mercy oversees Wada's partnerships and has been deeply involved in Catalyst and the Cardano community since Fund 1, as well as IntersectMBO. She served as the Circle v3 representative for Funded Proposers (Catalyst Coordinators), indicating her passion for decentralised governance.

<u>Astralship: Incubation and Decentralised Organising</u>

Astralship is a grassroots systemic innovation lab in North Wales, that organises multi-week hackathons in a community hub optimised for co-creative flow. 14 years experience incubating inter-disciplinary teams has led to the integration of social and technology practices into a facilitation methodology for multi-stakeholder collaboration.

  • Lead contact: Liam Kurmos
  • Product lead: Tobias Fechner
  • Lead facilitator: Shikhar Agarwal
  • Lead engineer: Keith Ang

<u>Mario Yanez: Community Learning Design Lead</u>

Mario Yanez is a visionary dedicated to catalyzing a transition toward life-sustaining, regenerative human cultures. With academic backgrounds in finance, information systems, and ecology, Mario brings a multidisciplinary approach to his work. As a whole-systems designer, he implements regenerative landscapes and transformative ecosocial systems at various scales globally. Currently a doctoral candidate in complexity systems at ISCTE/University Institute of Lisbon, Mario's research focuses on cultivating wholeness and aliveness in human systems. Mario's extensive experience includes founding and directing organizations such as Inhabit Earth (formerly Earth Learning), a global NGO fostering regenerative human communities, and serving as a fellow at the Schumacher Institute. He has secured major grant awards, including USDA and DHHS grants, for initiatives promoting sustainable agriculture and community development. Mario's contributions extend to academia, with publications in esteemed journals and involvement in EU-funded research projects at the University of Lisbon. Fluent in Spanish and Portuguese, Mario's work transcends borders, embodying a commitment to global collaboration and systemic change.

Please provide a cost breakdown of the proposed work and resources

Budget Estimation for Norigumi MVP Development

1) Personnel Costs

  • Project Manager: Part-time project management to oversee the project lifecycle.
  • Developers: Blockchain developer and a front-end developer for MVP development.
  • UI/UX Designer: Designing user interfaces based on initial requirements and feedback.
  • Quality Assurance: Testing the MVP during development and after refinements.
  • Total Estimated Cost: ₳202,000

2) Technology &amp; Tools

  • Software Licenses and Tools: Development environments, design software, and blockchain integration tools.
  • Server and Hosting Costs: Initial costs for hosting the MVP, including IPFS and blockchain transaction fees.
  • Total Estimated Cost: ₳34,000

3) User Involvement and Testing

  • Travel and Logistics: Minimal travel costs for team visits to hubs for gathering user feedback.
  • Miscellaneous: Expenses for conducting user sessions, including any required materials or tools.
  • Total Estimated Cost: ₳17,000

4) Documentation and Training Materials

  • Documentation: Development of comprehensive user and technical documentation.
  • Training Materials: Creation of basic training materials for future user training sessions.
  • Total Estimated Cost: ₳17,000

5) Administrative and Overhead Costs

  • Legal and Administrative: Costs for legal consultations, especially concerning IP and user data compliance.
  • Contingency Fund: A reserve to address unforeseen costs or overruns.
  • Total Estimated Cost: ₳25,000

Total Estimated Budget: ₳295,000


How does the cost of the project represent value for money for the Cardano ecosystem?

This proposal tackles two major challenges in online collaboration: the complexity of decentralized autonomous organizations (DAOs) and the limitations of text-based tools. DAOs can democratize governance and enhance transparency, but their technical nature often deters everyday users, especially in grassroots settings.

Our solution introduces a user-friendly, video-based interface for DAOs. This approach simplifies interactions, making DAOs more accessible and engaging, particularly in regions like Africa where simple solutions are crucial. By emphasizing visual communication, we lower the barriers to entry and enable more people to participate in decentralized governance.

The project will bring value to Cardano and Catalyst by making DAOs practical for a broader audience especially crucial at this time as Cardano enters Voltaire and decentralized governance era. The video interface facilitates natural discussions, reducing the reliance on text. Real-time mentorship and expert guidance will support users during discussions, ensuring best practices.

Norigumi, our platform, is designed to enhance user interaction and effectiveness, making DAOs more practical and accessible. This project will provide exceptional value by breaking down barriers and offering a robust, user-friendly platform for secure, transparent, and efficient online communication, benefiting diverse users, including those in less technologically advanced regions. This aligns with real-world needs and maximizes the impact of the Cardano ecosystem and Catalyst funding



  • EP2: epoch_length

    Authored by: Darlington Kofa

    3m 24s
    Darlington Kofa
  • EP1: 'd' parameter

    Authored by: Darlington Kofa

    4m 3s
    Darlington Kofa
  • EP3: key_deposit

    Authored by: Darlington Kofa

    3m 48s
    Darlington Kofa
  • EP4: epoch_no

    Authored by: Darlington Kofa

    2m 16s
    Darlington Kofa
  • EP5: max_block_size

    Authored by: Darlington Kofa

    3m 14s
    Darlington Kofa
  • EP6: pool_deposit

    Authored by: Darlington Kofa

    3m 19s
    Darlington Kofa
  • EP7: max_tx_size

    Authored by: Darlington Kofa

    4m 59s
    Darlington Kofa