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Privacy/Tech lawyer with 10Y XP in (project relevant) legal issues - consumer privacy; digital marketing; data rights & virtual currencies.

Michiel Van Roey own proposals

Community Reviews across funding rounds

Total reviews
Impact / Alignment
4.62 Star
4.38 Star
4.36 Star
Addresses Challenge
4.72 Star
Value for money
4.13 Star

Proposals Across Funding Rounds


Michiel Van Roey Proposals (29)

Dapp to control/monetize your data

$46,850 Received
$46,850 Requested

Solution: Consent-based customer data (D)app, using smart contracts to record personal data licenses; compensating people for their data & attention

Challenge: Fund 6
completed Awarded 1.171% of the fund.
0 (1)

NFT for customer feedback/content

$49,250 Received
$49,250 Requested
Challenge: Fund 6
completed Awarded 1.231% of the fund.
0 (1)

Control your data – privacy ledger

$19,200 Received
$19,200 Requested

Solution: People use Profila's App to learn + exercise data rights; the privacy metadata ledger then provides legal proof = "unsubscribe on steroids"

Challenge: Fund 5
completed Awarded 0.96% of the fund.

Control your data w Profila part 2

$79,500 Received
$79,500 Requested

Solution: People use Profila's App to learn + exercise data rights; the privacy metadata ledger then provides legal proof = "unsubscribe on steroids"

Challenge: Fund 8
completed Awarded 0.497% of the fund.
0 (1)

Company privacy ledger (GDPR, CCPA)

$81,300 Received
$81,300 Requested

Solution: Brands invite customers to use Profila's App to learn + exercise data rights; privacy metadata ledger provides immutable legal proof 2 both

Challenge: Fund 8
completed Awarded 0.508% of the fund.
0 (1)

Dapp to control/monetize your data

$23,200 Requested

Solution: Dapp and permission-based customer platform, using personal data-licensing smart contracts, which pays people for their attention.

Challenge: Fund 4
over budget Requested 2.32% of the fund.
0 (1)

Anonymity & data control w ZEKE (3)

$110,000 Requested

Solution: Tomorrow, you can use our consent-based data (D)app; control which brands access your data; get compensated for your attention and interaction with brand content via our zero knowledge token (ZEKE).

Challenge: Fund 9
not approved Requested 0.688% of the fund.
0 (1)

Profila privacy ledger - 3dP access

$97,000 Requested

Solution: People use Profila's App to learn about + exercise their data rights (e.g. right to be forgotten); the privacy metadata ledger then provides legal proof of this event = "unsubscribe on steroids"

Challenge: Fund 9
not approved impact proposal Requested 0.606% of the fund.
0 (1)

Control your data - PRISM (extra)

$81,500 Requested

Solution: Consent-based data vault (D)app with integrated DID (PRISM), that record which companies access your data, allows you to permission it, and compensates you for your data & attention

Challenge: Fund 9
over budget Requested 0.509% of the fund.
0 (1)

Bringing Partisia Confidential Compute to Cardano Through Aiken Data Subscription Smart Contracts

₳100,000 Requested

Solution: Partisia's Confidential Computing integrated with Cardano Data Subscription Smart Contracts for secure data consent management and analytics. Delivers Web3 private insights for the Cardano community.

Challenge: Fund 12
funded Awarded 0.2% of the fund.
0 (0)

Enabling 1 Billion Telegram users to make ADA (& $ZEKE) Payments: Profila's Cardano Payment Revolution on Telegram, Powered by Ammer Wallet

₳500,000 Requested

Solution: Profila's platform brings ADA payments to Telegram via Ammer Wallet, enabling instant ADA transfers between contacts and ADA invoice payments for your business.

Challenge: Fund 13
over budget Requested 1% of the fund.
0 (0)

Monthly Reports

Since our last report, we have been investigating the end result of the project in terms of how it fits into the platform. In the past month this involved developing the UI of the logic that we previously submitted. This draft UI is still under development, but is attached in the PDF with this form. Our developmental state of the proposal is still visible in our public Github repo here: ––

Disbursed to Date
Still in progress
Completion Target
3. In the next 6 months
Comments 0

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Our developmental state of the proposal is still visible in our public Github repo here: –– After consultation with IOG in regards to all of our Atala Prism incorporating projects, we have received guidance that V2 of PRISM, once delivered, will be better equipped to provide our proposals with success. From this guidance we have decided to pause activity on the development and implementation of these proposals until the technology is ready. This includes this proposal, which facilitates the sharing of data between two sets of DIDs. We value the stability, scalability, and readiness that our proposal, if executed correctly, can offer the Cardano community. Due to this, we will reserve the allocated funds received to continue development with V2 of Prism once released. We are aware that this report does not show immediate progress, but with the release of ATALA PRISM V2 we will be able to progress with the project. This month we have had discussions with IOHK and are signing an NDA on updated scope of work. This document cannot be made public, but when work commences, all progress will be shown.

Disbursed to Date
Still in progress
Completion Target
3. In the next 6 months
Comments 0

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Our developmental state of the proposal is still visible in our public Github repo here: –– After consultation with IOG in regards to all of our Atala Prism incorporating projects, we have received guidance that V2 of PRISM, once delivered, will be better equipped to provide our proposals with success. From this guidance we have decided to pause activity on the development and implementation of these proposals until the technology is ready. This includes this proposal, controlling data with Profila part 2 (integration of DID wrapper into mobile). We value the stability, scalability, and readiness that our proposal, if executed correctly, can offer the Cardano community. Due to this, we will reserve the allocated funds received to continue development with V2 of Prism once released. We are aware that this report does not show immediate progress, but with the release of ATALA PRISM V2 we will be able to progress with the project. This month we have had discussions with IOG on the scope of our requests based on the no too distant release of V2. We have also updated our RFW accordingly (linked)

Disbursed to Date
Still in progress
Completion Target
3. In the next 6 months
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Since the last report, we have been working on putting together the intractable database of the project, as well as the collection form. This database can be accessed using the username: 'profila' and password 'profila2022'. The link is attached in the next section. Attached is also a screenshot of the submission form created. This is just a screenshot as we do not yet want people to submit documents to the database.

Disbursed to Date
Still in progress
Completion Target
3. In the next 6 months
Comments 0

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Since the last report, our new team members have been working on the eventual implementation of the project despite the delays described below. These developments can be found in an internal RFC document, which is attached within this form and since our last report has reached phase 2. Our developmental state of the proposal is still visible in our public Github repo here: —– After consultation with IOG in regards to all of our Atala Prism incorporating projects, we have received guidance that V2 of PRISM, once delivered, will be better equipped to provide our proposals with success. From this guidance we have decided to pause activity on the development and implementation of these proposals until the technology is ready. This includes this proposal, registering and sign up through use of DID. We value the stability, scalability, and readiness that our proposal, if executed correctly, can offer the Cardano community. Due to this, we will reserve the allocated funds received to continue development with V2 of Prism once released.

Disbursed to Date
Still in progress
Completion Target
3. In the next 6 months
Comments 0

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Since the last report, we have been working on the user interface in how they will interact with the brand content. Screenshots of the UX progress are attached here. We are also still consulting advisors on the payoff logic of each brand interaction. Our developmental state of the proposal is still visible in our public Github repo here:

Disbursed to Date
Still in progress
Completion Target
3. In the next 6 months
Comments 0

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Since the last report, our team have been working on the finalisation of the logic of gamification within the platform.This includes the logic around how we want to prevent the system being used merely to gain tokens. Attached is a list of unwanted behaviours we have deduced using game theory, as well as our preventative measures. As before, it is still under internal review. Our developmental state of the proposal is still visible in our public Github repo here:

Disbursed to Date
Still in progress
Completion Target
3. In the next 6 months
Comments 0

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Since the last report, our team have been working on the development of the final POC of this feature. This work includes the logic of how a brand interacts with the content produced by the user. This logic is evidenced in the respective PDF attached. Our developmental state of the proposal is still visible in our public Github repo here: In relation to this project, we have worked with partner Mlabs to deliver working and demonstrable code in relation to the minting of an NFT, which is an essential part of the project and has been submitted previously. The next phase will be demonstrating the code with content attached (so the result is more clear) and integrating front and backend developments. This required considering both the consumer (demonstrated last month in the report) as well as the business perspective (this report)

Disbursed to Date
Still in progress
Completion Target
2. In the next 3 months
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Since the last report, we have been working on the payoff logic for how many tokens, or percentage of a token, that a user should earn per action taken on the platform. This draft document is attached in the form but is a draft as we are consulting advisors. Our developmental state of the proposal is still visible in our public Github repo here:

Disbursed to Date
Still in progress
Completion Target
3. In the next 6 months
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Since the last report, we have been working on validating the previously submitted database structure. Since then, we have validated the structure with our partner HSLU. We also held an in person meeting with HSLU, and partnered with Brussels University (signed) for internships to collect the documents we need as part of the database.

Disbursed to Date
Still in progress
Completion Target
3. In the next 6 months
Comments 0

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Our developmental state of the proposal is still visible in our public Github repo here: –– After consultation with IOG in regards to all of our Atala Prism incorporating projects, we have received guidance that V2 of PRISM, once delivered, will be better equipped to provide our proposals with success. From this guidance we have decided to pause activity on the development and implementation of these proposals until the technology is ready. This includes this proposal, controlling data with Profila part 2 (integration of DID wrapper into mobile). We value the stability, scalability, and readiness that our proposal, if executed correctly, can offer the Cardano community. Due to this, we will reserve the allocated funds received to continue development with V2 of Prism once released. We are aware that this report does not show immediate progress, but with the release of ATALA PRISM V2 we will be able to progress with the project.

Disbursed to Date
Still in progress
Completion Target
3. In the next 6 months
Comments 0

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Since our last report, we have been investigating the end result of the project in terms of how it fits into the platform. In the past month this involved looking at how the user is affected and interacts with this project, which is business based. This logic and impact has been demonstrated in the attached document. Our developmental state of the proposal is still visible in our public Github repo here: –– The RFW document for this proposal has been updated to reflect business integration changes, however all notable developments are in the document attached.

Disbursed to Date
Still in progress
Completion Target
3. In the next 6 months
Comments 0

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Since the last report, our new team members have been working on the eventual implementation of the project despite the delays mentioned later in the section. These developments can be found in an internal RFC document, which is attached within this form. Our developmental state of the proposal is still visible in our public Github repo here: —– After consultation with IOG in regards to all of our Atala Prism incorporating projects, we have received guidance that V2 of PRISM, once delivered, will be better equipped to provide our proposals with success. From this guidance we have decided to pause activity on the development and implementation of these proposals until the technology is ready. This includes this proposal, registering and sign up through use of DID. We value the stability, scalability, and readiness that our proposal, if executed correctly, can offer the Cardano community. Due to this, we will reserve the allocated funds received to continue development with V2 of Prism once released.

Disbursed to Date
Still in progress
Completion Target
3. In the next 6 months
Comments 0

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Since the last report, our team have been working on the finalisation of the logic of gamification within the platform.This includes the logic around what features we want to gamify. This draft has been included in the attachment section and is currently under internal review. Our developmental state of the proposal is still visible in our public Github repo here:

Disbursed to Date
Still in progress
Completion Target
3. In the next 6 months
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Since the last report, our team have been working on the development of the final POC of this feature. This work includes the UI of the front end, final version of the feature which is evidenced in the respective attachment. Our developmental state of the proposal is still visible in our public Github repo here: In relation to this project, we have worked with partner Mlabs to deliver working and demonstrable code in relation to the minting of an NFT, which is an essential part of the project. The next phase will be demonstrating the code with content attached (so the result is more clear) and integrating front and backend developments

Disbursed to Date
Still in progress
Completion Target
2. In the next 3 months
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We have worked on the database structure of WP1, assigning and delegating out the initial preliminary workflow. We've attached this document in the latter half of the form. We are actively working on this document as well as continuing communications with HSLU on the timeline of project completion.

Disbursed to Date
Still in progress
Completion Target
3. In the next 6 months
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As mentioned above, since the last report we have integrated an internal development team, consisting of two members. These new team members have been evaluating our deliverables and doing research into any external products needed. Our developmental state of the proposal is still visible in our public Github repo here: –– After consultation with IOG in regards to all of our Atala Prism incorporating projects, we have received guidance that V2 of PRISM, once delivered, will be better equipped to provide our proposals with success. From this guidance we have decided to pause activity on the development and implementation of these proposals until the technology is ready. This includes this proposal, controlling data via PRISM part 2 (integration of DID into data subscription between brands and users). We value the stability, scalability, and readiness that our proposal, if executed correctly, can offer the Cardano community. Due to this, we will reserve the allocated funds received to continue development with V2 of Prism once released.

Disbursed to Date
Still in progress
Completion Target
3. In the next 6 months
Comments 0

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As mentioned above, since the last report we have integrated an internal development team, consisting of two members. These new team members have been evaluating our deliverables and doing research into any external products needed. Our developmental state of the proposal is still visible in our public Github repo here: –– After consultation with IOG in regards to all of our Atala Prism incorporating projects, we have received guidance that V2 of PRISM, once delivered, will be better equipped to provide our proposals with success. From this guidance we have decided to pause activity on the development and implementation of these proposals until the technology is ready. This includes this proposal, controlling data with Profila part 2 (integration of DID wrapper into mobile). We value the stability, scalability, and readiness that our proposal, if executed correctly, can offer the Cardano community. Due to this, we will reserve the allocated funds received to continue development with V2 of Prism once released.

Disbursed to Date
Still in progress
Completion Target
3. In the next 6 months
Comments 0

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As mentioned above, since the last report we have integrated an internal development team, consisting of two members. These new team members have been evaluating our deliverables and doing research into any external products needed. . Our developmental state of the proposal is still visible in our public Github repo here: –– The RFW document will be updated in the coming month as we consult externally surrounding the gamification of the entire Profila platform and incentivising users to interact with brand content. The documentation surrounding gamification has been created and is being finalised

Disbursed to Date
Still in progress
Completion Target
3. In the next 6 months
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As mentioned above, since the last report we have integrated an internal development team, consisting of two members. These new team members have been evaluating our deliverables and doing research into any external products needed. Our developmental state of the proposal is still visible in our public Github repo here: –– The RFW document for this proposal has been updated to reflect business integration changes.

Disbursed to Date
Still in progress
Completion Target
3. In the next 6 months
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As mentioned above, since the last report we have integrated an internal development team, consisting of two members. hese new team members have been evaluating our deliverables and doing research into any external products needed. Our developmental state of the proposal is still visible in our public Github repo here: –– The gamification documentation surrounding the platform has been written and is now being designed by our internal UX team

Disbursed to Date
Still in progress
Completion Target
3. In the next 6 months
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As mentioned above, since the last report we have integrated an internal development team, consisting of two members. These new team members have been evaluating our deliverables and doing research into any external products needed. For this proposal, all that is left is to develop the front end for the community to see and interact with it. Our developmental state of the proposal is still visible in our public Github repo here: In relation to this project, we have worked with partner Mlabs to deliver working and demonstrable code in relation to the minting of an NFT, which is an essential part of the project. The next phase will be demonstrating the code with content attached (so the result is more clear) as aforementioned

Disbursed to Date
Still in progress
Completion Target
2. In the next 3 months
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As mentioned above, since the last report we have integrated an internal development team, consisting of two members. As mentioned above, since the last report we have integrated an internal development team, consisting of two members. These new team members have been evaluating our deliverables and doing research into any external products needed. Our developmental state of the proposal is still visible in our public Github repo here: —– After consultation with IOG in regards to all of our Atala Prism incorporating projects, we have received guidance that V2 of PRISM, once delivered, will be better equipped to provide our proposals with success. From this guidance we have decided to pause activity on the development and implementation of these proposals until the technology is ready. This includes this proposal, registering and sign up through use of DID. We value the stability, scalability, and readiness that our proposal, if executed correctly, can offer the Cardano community. Due to this, we will reserve the allocated funds received to continue development with V2 of Prism once released.

Disbursed to Date
Still in progress
Completion Target
3. In the next 6 months
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As mentioned above, since the last report we have integrated an internal development team, consisting of two members. These new team members have been adapting and learning to existing systems in the business, as well as evaluating all of our current Catalyst Proposal deliverables. Our developmental state of the proposal is still visible in our public Github repo here: –– After consultation with IOG in regards to all of our Atala Prism incorporating projects, we have received guidance that V2 of PRISM, once delivered, will be better equipped to provide our proposals with success. From this guidance we have decided to pause activity on the development and implementation of these proposals until the technology is ready. This includes this proposal, controlling data with Profila part 2 (integration of DID wrapper into mobile). We value the stability, scalability, and readiness that our proposal, if executed correctly, can offer the Cardano community. Due to this, we will reserve the allocated funds received to continue development with V2 of Prism once released.

Disbursed to Date
Still in progress
Completion Target
3. In the next 6 months
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As mentioned above, since the last report we have integrated an internal development team, consisting of two members. These new team members have been adapting and learning to existing systems in the business, as well as evaluating all of our current Catalyst Proposal deliverables. Our developmental state of the proposal is still visible in our public Github repo here: –– After consultation with IOG in regards to all of our Atala Prism incorporating projects, we have received guidance that V2 of PRISM, once delivered, will be better equipped to provide our proposals with success. From this guidance we have decided to pause activity on the development and implementation of these proposals until the technology is ready. This includes this proposal, controlling data via PRISM part 2 (integration of DID into data subscription between brands and users). We value the stability, scalability, and readiness that our proposal, if executed correctly, can offer the Cardano community. Due to this, we will reserve the allocated funds received to continue development with V2 of Prism once released.

Disbursed to Date
Still in progress
Completion Target
3. In the next 6 months
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As mentioned above, since the last report we have integrated an internal development team, consisting of two members. These new team members have been adapting and learning to existing systems in the business, as well as evaluating all of our current Catalyst Proposal deliverables. Our developmental state of the proposal is still visible in our public Github repo here: —–

After consultation with IOG in regards to all of our Atala Prism incorporating projects, we have received guidance that V2 of PRISM, once delivered, will be better equipped to provide our proposals with success.

From this guidance we have decided to pause activity on the development and implementation of these proposals until the technology is ready. This includes this proposal, registering and sign up through use of DID. We value the stability, scalability, and readiness that our proposal, if executed correctly, can offer the Cardano community. Due to this, we will reserve the allocated funds received to continue development with V2 of Prism once released.

Disbursed to Date
Still in progress
Completion Target
3. In the next 6 months
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As mentioned above, since the last report we have integrated an internal development team, consisting of two members. These new team members have been adapting and learning to existing systems in the business, as well as evaluating all of our current Catalyst Proposal deliverables. Our developmental state of the proposal is still visible in our public Github repo here: –– The RFW document will be updated in the coming month as we consult externally surrounding the gamification of the entire Profila platform and incentivising users to interact with brand content.

Disbursed to Date
Still in progress
Completion Target
3. In the next 6 months
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As mentioned above, since the last report we have integrated an internal development team, consisting of two members. These new team members have been adapting and learning to existing systems in the business, as well as evaluating all of our current Catalyst Proposal deliverables. Our developmental state of the proposal is still visible in our public Github repo here: In relation to this project, we have worked with partner Mlabs to deliver working and demonstrable code in relation to the minting of an NFT, which is an essential part of the project. The next phase will be demonstrating the code with content attached (so the result is more clear)

Disbursed to Date
Still in progress
Completion Target
3. In the next 6 months
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As mentioned above, since the last report we have integrated an internal development team, consisting of two members. These new team members have been adapting and learning to existing systems in the business, as well as evaluating all of our current Catalyst Proposal deliverables. Our developmental state of the proposal is still visible in our public Github repo here: –– The RFW document will be updated in the coming month as we consult externally surrounding the gamification of the entire Profila platform, which includes the psychographic element of data input from users (building up their Profila via Category Quizzes)

Disbursed to Date
Still in progress
Completion Target
3. In the next 6 months
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As mentioned above, since the last report we have integrated an internal development team, consisting of two members. These new team members have been adapting and learning to existing systems in the business, as well as evaluating all of our current Catalyst Proposal deliverables. Our developmental state of the proposal is still visible in our public Github repo here: –– The RFW document for this proposal has been updated to reflect business integration changes.

Disbursed to Date
Still in progress
Completion Target
3. In the next 6 months
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We have made progress in two core aspects of this project. These are: development, and team organisation and workflow. — 1. Development Work — We continue to utilise our public repo (linked below) on Github wherein we have been adding RFW/RFC (Request for Work, Request for Comment) issues to display internal logic when approaching the development of features. This repo is also populated with UX designs so that a visual indication of the progress of our work is now visible. Additionally, via the projects tab we will be displaying respectively which RFWs apply to which feature to make our roadmap more transparent. The RFW that correlates to the development of this can be viewed in our GitHub repo.

Internal discussions have been taking place regarding the implementation of our consumer shared 'moments', how most effectively to implement a first version, as well as how to efficiently use them for increased brand interaction.

–– 2. Team Organisation and Workflow — As we continue to handover from our previous dev team, we are in the process of hiring an internal engineer for development projects. We are conducting interviews and aim to make a final decision soon. We have also signed an agreement with development house SteppeChange, pioneers in developing data and marketing tech solutions. This is in addition to our updated roadmap and delegation of development tasks among a select few other parties such as Virtido, PSG, UC3m, and Mlabs. We have also direct contracted advisory services now from Mikko Kotila and blockchain advisory from Carlos Vargas.

Disbursed to Date
Still in progress
Completion Target
3. In the next 6 months
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We have made progress in two core aspects of this project. These are: development, and team organisation and workflow. — 1. Development Work — We continue to utilise our public repo (linked below) on Github wherein we have been adding RFW/RFC (Request for Work, Request for Comment) issues to display internal logic when approaching the development of features. This repo is also populated with UX designs so that a visual indication of the progress of our work is now visible. Additionally, via the projects tab we will be displaying respectively which RFWs apply to which feature to make our roadmap more transparent. The RFW that correlates to the development of this can be viewed in our GitHub repo. We have been working directly with IOG PSG in respect to the viability of implementing PRISM and will continue to work with them on this project as well as have their involvement in our other PRISM related catalyst project. Some aspects of our integration of PRISM rely on the development of PRISM itself, which contributes to our project's extended length. Progress has specifically been made in the regard of this proposal in that use of MagicLink has been discussed and finalised as a solution to make user sign up more efficient as well as user-friendly.

–– 2. Team Organisation and Workflow — As we continue to handover from our previous dev team, we are in the process of hiring an internal engineer for development projects. We are conducting interviews and aim to make a final decision soon. We have also signed an agreement with development house SteppeChange, pioneers in developing data and marketing tech solutions. This is in addition to our updated roadmap and delegation of development tasks among a select few other parties such as Virtido, PSG, UC3m, and Mlabs. This project specifically has utilised the consultancy of IOG PSG. We have also direct contracted advisory services now from Mikko Kotila and blockchain advisory from Carlos Vargas.

Disbursed to Date
Still in progress
Completion Target
3. In the next 6 months
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We have made progress in two core aspects of this project. These are: development, and team organisation and workflow. — 1. Development Work — We continue to utilise our public repo (linked below) on Github wherein we have been adding RFW/RFC (Request for Work, Request for Comment) issues to display internal logic when approaching the development of features. This repo is also populated with UX designs so that a visual indication of the progress of our work is now visible. Additionally, via the projects tab we will be displaying respectively which RFWs apply to which feature to make our roadmap more transparent. The RFW that correlates to the development of this can be viewed in our GitHub repo. –– A core part of our progress has been development work regarding the minting of NFTs within our own platform. Originally planning to use PlayerMint's smart contract, MLabs instead developed a new smart contract that is better suited to our needs. Remaining work now needs to be done regarding off-chain work. This Progress report is provided as evidence of progress in the next section (alongside the RFW in our public catalyst repo above). .

–– 2. Team Organisation and Workflow — As we continue to handover from our previous dev team, we are in the process of hiring an internal engineer for development projects. We are conducting interviews and aim to make a final decision soon. We have also signed an agreement with development house SteppeChange, pioneers in developing data and marketing tech solutions. This is in addition to our updated roadmap and delegation of development tasks among a select few other parties such as Virtido, PSG, UC3m, and Mlabs. This project specifically has utilised the consultancy of Mlabs. We have also direct contracted advisory services now from Mikko Kotila and blockchain advisory from Carlos Vargas.

Disbursed to Date
Still in progress
Completion Target
3. In the next 6 months
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We have made progress in two core aspects of this project. These are: development, and team organisation and workflow. — 1. Development Work — We continue to utilise our public repo (linked below) on Github wherein we have been adding RFW/RFC (Request for Work, Request for Comment) issues to display internal logic when approaching the development of features. This repo is also populated with UX designs so that a visual indication of the progress of our work is now visible. Additionally, via the projects tab we will be displaying respectively which RFWs apply to which feature to make our roadmap more transparent. The RFW that correlates to the development of this can be viewed in our GitHub repo.

We have been having internal discussions to develop out the gamification elements of our MVP as based on our catalyst proposal. –– 2. Team Organisation and Workflow — As we continue to handover from our previous dev team, we are in the process of hiring an internal engineer for development projects. We are conducting interviews and aim to make a final decision soon. We have also signed an agreement with development house SteppeChange, pioneers in developing data and marketing tech solutions. This is in addition to our updated roadmap and delegation of development tasks among a select few other parties such as Virtido, PSG, UC3m, and Mlabs. We have also direct contracted advisory services now from Mikko Kotila and blockchain advisory from Carlos Vargas.

Disbursed to Date
Still in progress
Completion Target
3. In the next 6 months
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We have made progress in two core aspects of this project. These are: development, and team organisation and workflow. — 1. Development Work — We continue to utilise our public repo (linked below) on Github wherein we have been adding RFW/RFC (Request for Work, Request for Comment) issues to display internal logic when approaching the development of features. This repo is also populated with UX designs so that a visual indication of the progress of our work is now visible. Additionally, via the projects tab we will be displaying respectively which RFWs apply to which feature to make our roadmap more transparent. The RFW that correlates to the development of this can be viewed in our GitHub repo.

–– 2. Team Organisation and Workflow — As we continue to handover from our previous dev team, we are in the process of hiring an internal engineer for development projects. We are conducting interviews and aim to make a final decision soon. We have also signed an agreement with development house SteppeChange, pioneers in developing data and marketing tech solutions. This is in addition to our updated roadmap and delegation of development tasks among a select few other parties such as Virtido, PSG, UC3m, and Mlabs. We have also direct contracted advisory services now from Mikko Kotila and blockchain advisory from Carlos Vargas.

Disbursed to Date
Still in progress
Completion Target
4. After 6 months
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We have made progress in two core aspects of this project. These are: development, and team organisation and workflow. — 1. Development Work — We continue to utilise our public repo (linked below) on Github wherein we have been adding RFW/RFC (Request for Work, Request for Comment) issues to display internal logic when approaching the development of features. This repo is also populated with UX designs so that a visual indication of the progress of our work is now visible. Additionally, via the projects tab we will be displaying respectively which RFWs apply to which feature to make our roadmap more transparent. The RFW that correlates to the development of this can be viewed in our GitHub repo.

We have been working directly with IOG PSG in respect to the viability of implementing PRISM and will continue to work with them on this project as well as have their involvement in our other PRISM related catalyst project. Some aspects of our integration of PRISM rely on the development of PRISM itself, which contributes to our project's extended length. –– 2. Team Organisation and Workflow — As we continue to handover from our previous dev team, we are in the process of hiring an internal engineer for development projects. We are conducting interviews and aim to make a final decision soon. We have also signed an agreement with development house SteppeChange, pioneers in developing data and marketing tech solutions. This is in addition to our updated roadmap and delegation of development tasks among a select few other parties such as Virtido, PSG, UC3m, and Mlabs. This project specifically has utilised the consultancy of IOG PSG. We have also direct contracted advisory services now from Mikko Kotila and blockchain advisory from Carlos Vargas.

Disbursed to Date
Still in progress
Completion Target
3. In the next 6 months
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We have made progress in two core aspects of this project. These are: development, and team organisation and workflow. — 1. Development Work — We continue to utilise our public repo (linked below) on Github wherein we have been adding RFW/RFC (Request for Work, Request for Comment) issues to display internal logic when approaching the development of features. This repo is also populated with UX designs so that a visual indication of the progress of our work is now visible. Additionally, via the projects tab we will be displaying respectively which RFWs apply to which feature to make our roadmap more transparent. The RFW that correlates to the development of this can be viewed in our GitHub repo.

We have been working directly with IOG PSG in respect to the viability of implementing PRISM and will continue to work with them on this project as well as have their involvement in our other PRISM related catalyst project. Some aspects of our integration of PRISM rely on the development of PRISM itself, which contributes to our project's extended length. Additionally, as we have had internal discussions regarding launching our platform as web based for the MVP, these developments take direct precedence in terms of resource allocation. –– 2. Team Organisation and Workflow — As we continue to handover from our previous dev team, we are in the process of hiring an internal engineer for development projects. We are conducting interviews and aim to make a final decision soon. We have also signed an agreement with development house SteppeChange, pioneers in developing data and marketing tech solutions. This is in addition to our updated roadmap and delegation of development tasks among a select few other parties such as Virtido, PSG, UC3m, and Mlabs. This project specifically has utilised the consultancy of IOG PSG. We have also direct contracted advisory services now from Mikko Kotila and blockchain advisory from Carlos Vargas.

Disbursed to Date
Still in progress
Completion Target
4. After 6 months
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We have made progress in all aspects of this project. These include development, team organisation and workflow, as well as community based commitments. —

  1. Development Work — We have now opened a public repo (linked below) on Github wherein we will be adding respective code for the project. We will also be adding RFW/RFC (Request for Work, Request for Comment) issues to display internal logic when approaching the development of features.

Additionally, via the projects tab we will be displaying respectively which RFWs apply to which feature to make our roadmap more transparent. We are still in the process of delegating the development of this project to one of the teams we are working with, laid out below. As mentioned above, the RFW that correlates to the development of this can be viewed in our GitHub repo (this is the RFW that is attached above). Note that this RFW is not complete as we finalise design and implementation internally, hence the lack of complete detail for now.

  1. Team Organisation and Workflow — As we continue to handover from our previous dev team, we are in the process of hiring an internal engineer for development projects. Additionally, in line with our updated roadmap we are now delegating and finalising development tasks among a select few parties. These include Virtido, PSG, UC3m, and Mlabs. This project specifically has utilised the consultancy of IOG PSG. We have also direct contracted advisory services now from Mikko Kotila and blockchain advisory from Carlos Vargas.

  2. Community based commitments — As a part of our progress update and new approach, we want to ensure that not only are the catalyst community updated and aware of our progress, but our entire community. To do this, we are committed to hosting a Product Update stream / Twitter Space in August (date tbd) on one of our social media channels to inform our community of our progress to date on catalyst developments as well as overall platform decisions.

Disbursed to Date
Still in progress
Completion Target
3. In the next 6 months
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We have made progress in all aspects of this project. These include development, team organisation and workflow, as well as community based commitments. —

  1. Development Work — We have now opened a public repo (linked below) on Github wherein we will be adding respective code for the project. We will also be adding RFW/RFC (Request for Work, Request for Comment) issues to display internal logic when approaching the development of features.

Additionally, via the projects tab we will be displaying respectively which RFWs apply to which feature to make our roadmap more transparent. We are still in the process of delegating the development of this project to one of the teams we are working with, laid out below. As mentioned above, the RFW that correlates to the development of this can be viewed in our GitHub repo (this is the RFW that is attached above). Note that this RFW is not complete as we finalise design and implementation internally.

  1. Team Organisation and Workflow — As we continue to handover from our previous dev team, we are in the process of hiring an internal engineer for development projects. Additionally, in line with our updated roadmap we are now delegating and finalising development tasks among a select few parties. These include Virtido, PSG, UC3m, and Mlabs. This project specifically has utilised the consultancy of IOG PSG as it pertains to the implementation of Atala PRISM. We have also direct contracted advisory services now from Mikko Kotila and blockchain advisory from Carlos Vargas.

  2. Community based commitments — As a part of our progress update and new approach, we want to ensure that not only are the catalyst community updated and aware of our progress, but our entire community. To do this, we are committed to hosting a Product Update stream / Twitter Space in August (date tbd) on one of our social media channels to inform our community of our progress to date on catalyst developments as well as overall platform decisions.

Disbursed to Date
Still in progress
Completion Target
4. After 6 months
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We have made progress in all aspects of this project. These include development, team organisation and workflow, as well as community based commitments. —

  1. Development Work — We have now opened a public repo (linked below) on Github wherein we will be adding respective code for the project. We will also be adding RFW/RFC (Request for Work, Request for Comment) issues to display internal logic when approaching the development of features.

Additionally, via the projects tab we will be displaying respectively which RFWs apply to which feature to make our roadmap more transparent. We are still in the process of delegating the development of this project to one of the teams we are working with, laid out below. As mentioned above, the RFW that correlates to the development of this can be viewed in our GitHub repo (this is the RFW that is attached above). Note that this RFW is not complete as we finalise design and implementation internally.

  1. Team Organisation and Workflow — As we continue to handover from our previous dev team, we are in the process of hiring an internal engineer for development projects. Additionally, in line with our updated roadmap we are now delegating and finalising development tasks among a select few parties. These include Virtido, PSG, UC3m, and Mlabs. This project specifically has utilised the consultancy of IOG PSG. We have also direct contracted advisory services now from Mikko Kotila and blockchain advisory from Carlos Vargas.

  2. Community based commitments — As a part of our progress update and new approach, we want to ensure that not only are the catalyst community updated and aware of our progress, but our entire community. To do this, we are committed to hosting a Product Update stream / Twitter Space in August (date tbd) on one of our social media channels to inform our community of our progress to date on catalyst developments as well as overall platform decisions.

Disbursed to Date
Still in progress
Completion Target
3. In the next 6 months
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We have made progress in all aspects of this project. These include development, team organisation and workflow, as well as community based commitments. —

  1. Development Work — We have now opened a public repo (linked below) on Github wherein we will be adding respective code for the project. We will also be adding RFW/RFC (Request for Work, Request for Comment) issues to display internal logic when approaching the development of features.

Additionally, via the projects tab we will be displaying respectively which RFWs apply to which feature to make our roadmap more transparent. We are still in the process of delegating the development of this project to one of the teams we are working with, laid out below. As mentioned above, the RFW that correlates to the development of this can be viewed in our GitHub repo (this is the RFW that is attached above). Note that this RFW is not complete as we finalise design and implementation internally.

  1. Team Organisation and Workflow — As we continue to handover from our previous dev team, we are in the process of hiring an internal engineer for development projects. Additionally, in line with our updated roadmap we are now delegating and finalising development tasks among a select few parties. These include Virtido, PSG, UC3m, and Mlabs. This project specifically has utilised the consultancy of IOG PSG. We have also direct contracted advisory services now from Mikko Kotila and blockchain advisory from Carlos Vargas.

  2. Community based commitments — As a part of our progress update and new approach, we want to ensure that not only are the catalyst community updated and aware of our progress, but our entire community. To do this, we are committed to hosting a Product Update stream / Twitter Space in August (date tbd) on one of our social media channels to inform our community of our progress to date on catalyst developments as well as overall platform decisions.

Disbursed to Date
Still in progress
Completion Target
4. After 6 months
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We have made progress in all aspects of this project. These include development, team organisation and workflow, as well as community based commitments. —

  1. Development Work — We have now opened a public repo (linked below) on Github wherein we will be adding respective code for the project. We will also be adding RFW/RFC (Request for Work, Request for Comment) issues to display internal logic when approaching the development of features.

Additionally, via the projects tab we will be displaying respectively which RFWs apply to which feature to make our roadmap more transparent. We have been working directly with IOG PSG in respect to the viability of implementing PRISM and will continue to work with them on this project as well as have their involvement in our other PRISM related catalyst project.

As mentioned above, the RFW that correlates to the development of this can be viewed in our GitHub repo(this is the RFW that is attached above).

  1. Team Organisation and Workflow —

As we continue to handover from our previous dev team, we are in the process of hiring an internal engineer for development projects. Additionally, in line with our updated roadmap we are now delegating and finalising development tasks among a select few parties. These include Virtido, PSG, UC3m, and Mlabs. This project specifically has utilised the consultancy of IOG PSG. We have also direct contracted advisory services now from Mikko Kotila and blockchain advisory from Carlos Vargas.

  1. Community based commitments — As a part of our progress update and new approach, we want to ensure that not only are the catalyst community updated and aware of our progress, but our entire community. To do this, we are committed to hosting a Product Update stream / Twitter Space in August (date tbd) on one of our social media channels to inform our community of our progress to date on catalyst developments as well as overall platform decisions.
Disbursed to Date
Still in progress
Completion Target
3. In the next 6 months
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We have made progress in all aspects of this project. These include development, team organisation and workflow, as well as community based commitments. —

  1. Development Work — We have now opened a public repo (linked below) on Github wherein we will be adding respective code for the project. We will also be adding RFW/RFC (Request for Work, Request for Comment) issues to display internal logic when approaching the development of features. Additionally, via the projects tab we will be displaying respectively which RFWs apply to which feature to make our roadmap more transparent. We are still in the process of delegating the development of the smart contract layer of this project to one of the teams we are working with, laid out below. As mentioned above, the RFW that correlates to the development of this can be viewed in our GitHub repo(this is the RFW that is attached above).

  1. Team Organisation and Workflow — As we continue to handover from our previous dev team, we are in the process of hiring an internal engineer for development projects. Additionally, in line with our updated roadmap we are now delegating and finalising development tasks among a select few parties. These include Virtido, PSG, UC3m, and Mlabs. We have also direct contracted advisory services now from Mikko Kotila and blockchain advisory from Carlos Vargas.

  2. Community based commitments — As a part of our progress update and new approach, we want to ensure that not only are the catalyst community updated and aware of our progress, but our entire community. To do this, we are committed to hosting a Product Update stream / Twitter Space in August (date tbd) on one of our social media channels to inform our community of our progress to date on catalyst developments as well as overall platform decisions.

Disbursed to Date
Still in progress
Completion Target
3. In the next 6 months
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We have made progress in all respects of this project. These include code development, team organisation and workflow, as well as community based commitments.

  1. Development Work — We have now opened a public repo (linked below) on Github wherein we will be adding respective code for the project. We will also be adding RFW/RFC (Request for Work, Request for Comment) issues to display internal logic when approaching the development of features. Additionally, via the projects tab we will be displaying respectively which RFWs apply to which feature to make our roadmap more transparent. A core part of our progress has been development work regarding the minting of NFTs within our own platform for allowance of a core Profila feature called Moments. Originally planning to use PlayerMint's smart contract, MLabs instead developed a new smart contract that is better suited to our needs.

As mentioned above, this code can be viewed on our public Github repo, as well as the RFW that correlates to the development of this (this is the RFW that is attached above).

  1. Team Organisation and Workflow — As we continue to handover from our previous dev team, we are in the process of hiring an internal engineer for development projects. Additionally, in line with our updated roadmap we are now delegating and finalising development tasks among a select few parties. These include Virtido, PSG, UC3m, and Mlabs. This project specifically has utilised Mlabs for development thus far. We have also direct contracted advisory services now from Mikko Kotila and blockchain advisory from Carlos Vargas.

  2. Community based commitments — As a part of our progress update and new approach, we want to ensure that not only are the catalyst community updated and aware of our progress, but our entire community. To do this, we are committed to hosting a Product Update stream / Twitter Space in August (date tbd) on one of our social media channels to inform our community of our progress to date on catalyst developments as well as overall platform decisions.

Disbursed to Date
Still in progress
Completion Target
3. In the next 6 months
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Working with playermint and Mlabs on advancing this project. Kick-off call passed, we all have our tasks. ZEKE character came back from designed and is attached als JPG. This will be the visual NFT mascot

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IOG high level requirement document almost final (confidential so I cannot disclose the content). This contains the development and implementation of Atala prism as per this proposal.

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IOG high level requirement document almost final (confidential so I cannot disclose the content). This contains the development and implementation of Atala prism as per this proposal.

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High level requirement document scoped (first page attached) with IOG professional services team which includes the lay-out of the PRISM implementation under this project is as good as ready. Document is confidential so I couldn't include it entirely.

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This is a follow up project from our fund 7 proposal, which foresees to integrate our own Cardano-native token called "Zero Knowledge Token" or ZEKE into the profila platform. More information about our token can be found on We have hired Christian Zupeuc and his gamification development company to help us with workshops on how the token economics of this gamification use case look like. We had the first workshops already since the report of last month.

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We recently hired Christian Zupeuc and his game development company to help us with the gamification aspect of this proposal (see attached their workshop offers which we took). We have since last reporting had the first session.

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This project will build further on the initial metadata privacy ledger project that was funded under project catalyst fund 5. Watch our reporting video on the townhall - We also just finalized our project closeout report and are now fully ready to take on the development of this follow up project.

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Atala Prism team of IOG and Professional services team (under Carlos Vargas) are working with the Profila development and research team (partnering with the university of Madrid), to implement Atala Prism as DID in Profila's zero knowledge advertising strategy (explained in our initial research paper - available here

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This project will build further on the initial metadata privacy ledger project that was funded under project catalyst fund 5. Watch our reporting video on the townhall -

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This is a follow up project from our fund 7 proposal, which foresees to integrate our own Cardano-native token called "Zero Knowledge Token" or ZEKE into the profila platform. More information about our token can be found on

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This project will build further on the initial metadata privacy ledger project that was funded under project catalyst fund 5. Watch our reporting video on the townhall - - we only have to send the reporting form (3 pages) and then the project can be closed out

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Atala Prism team of IOG and Professional services team (under Carlos Vargas) are working with the Profila development and research team (partnering with the university of Madrid), to implement Atala Prism as DID in Profila's zero knowledge advertising strategy (explained in our initial research paper - available here

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Our first NFT project with Revuto (partner company) has been launched, whereby Revuto token owners who hold our NFT can get additional tokens when they connect to companies on Profila that are also companies in the Revuto app (e.g. Netflix), + they get a multiplier on the upcoming Profila ISPO.

In addition, we are working with our development partner Mlabs and our NFT partner playermint to integrate the Playermint NFT minting smart contract into our app for delivery of this funded proposal. More about our playermint partnership via this press release -

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ZEKE token sale in being organized in parallel -

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Currently negotiating a professional relationship with IOG/Atala team to work on this proposal + collaboration with Mlabs setup to aid in development efforts

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Partnership with playermint announced to use Playermint NFT minting smart contract + Mlabs partnership to integrate Playermint SC into the app

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ZEKE token sale in being organized in parallel -

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Towards the realization of our decentralized marketing platform, Profila will integrate with IOG through ATALA PRISM for its identity management system component. In addition to identity management, cardano blockchain will be used to build an Ad ecosystem. Profila is scoping a collaboration with IOG's professional services team, of which the development of this fund 6 proposal forms a part.

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ZEKE token has been minted -

Designers are working on additional app screens to include the gamification and token earning in the app.

Negotiations with wallet providers to integrate a Cardano native wallet in the app.

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Profila is proud to announce a partnership with PlayerMint - a project on Cardano building a play-to-earn layer and launchpad that integrates with existing games like Fortnite and Rocket League. The PlayerMint layer lets gamers earn the PlayerMint token (PMX) through their gameplay performance, enabling them to use it in a Marketplace to purchase virtual creations (NFTs).

Profila and Playermint will collaborate on multiple projects that relate to NFTs, starting with the implementation of Profila’s Catalyst Fund 6 proposal ‘NFT for customer feedback/content’, where people using the Profila app can share content with brands in the form of NFTs, thereby allowing brands to reuse artistic and unique customer-created videos about their products, while at the same time remunerating the original creator.

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Working on partnership with Playermint and NFTMaker to help in the development of the NFT feature in our app as explained in this proposal. We are making progress

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Cardano-native token was created. App feature that integrates token is ready. Now working on wallet functions and payouts.

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Working on partnership with IOG professional services team (under Carlos Vargas) to help in the development of Atala Prism our app as explained in this proposal. Our development team is learning through Atala Prism Pioneer Program. We are making progress

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