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Cardano Community Hubs
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Cardano Community Hubs Proposals (5) Worldwide
Solution: We are reaching out across the world to people who have projects than can benefit from all that Cardano can offer & building community hubs.
Protecting wildlife & Maasai, Kenya
Solution: Introducing Systems to decrease the strain on the farmers, herders, wildlife, the landscape and the people of the Maasai community
Sustainable forestry Hub Cambodia
Solution: To incorporate Cardano into this sustainable forestry project & build a Cardano Hub to facilitate reforestation & responsible logging
Monaco Streaming Film Festival 2022
Solution: We will create a Film showing all the use-cases & benefits of Cardano for the public & businesses & show it in the Streaming Film Festival.
Cardano Reuse Plastic India Hub
Solution: To convert plastic wastes for reuse, improve sustainability, reduce CO2 emissions & trade Carbon Credit on the Cardano Ecosystem.
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