
货币 Cardano有一种数字货币叫ADA。你可以用ADA在接受的地方购买食物和服务。你也可以用ADA换取当地货币,就像你可能用美元换取欧元一样。ADA比传统货币更好用的一种方式是,在世界任何地方发送它都很容易、快速和便宜。它也是可获得的和安全的,因此,即使世界上没有可靠的银行业务的地区也可以使用它。
合同 为什么只停留在金钱上?你也可以发送其他类似金钱的东西。例如,房屋或汽车所有权证书。区块链上的东西是永久的、不可破坏的。因此,没有人可以贿赂政府工作人员,从你那里偷走你的房子。
身份和记录 当你去到一个新的国家,甚至一个新的州,你的身份不会跟着你。Cardano使用区块链来存储你的身份。由于区块链是全球性的,无论你走到哪里,你的身份和个人记录都可以使用。
政府 Cardano希望改变我们形成的方式,与政府互动,并让政府负责。Cardano是目前唯一试图做到这一点的区块链协议。通过区块链和Cardano,我们可以创造真正的民主。想象一下一个国家,任何公民都可以在区块链上创建一个议程。然后每个公民都可以投票,而且完全安全。想象一下,在未来,糟糕的政治和腐败的政府必须改变,或者被改变。
世界上的卡达诺 除了这几个例子,Cardano是我们对它的理解。它就像没有微软的Windows或没有苹果的iPhone。它是一种公共事业,就像互联网或无线电波。不同的是,对于Cardano,每个人都可以对系统的运作有发言权。
What is staking
This seems like an amazing idea! It would be so amazing to have a storehouse for all your priceless information that can transfer globally! My question - how can this be made totally secure?
That’s what cardano takes care of. It’s radical technology.
I just love it. I love the idea, I love the system and how it functions. It feels good to actually know my money will be monitored by a softer ware instead of relying on humans. It takes the blame game from mankind and just put it on a computer. Like I love it and can’t wait for everything to just fall in place.
Great idea right! The beauty of this that once we figure out how to do for most of not all of our monies, we can do it for all sorts of other things that need tracking while keeping us fully in charge. Medical records, school attainment records, voting records, just to name a few. Actually Cardano is actively working on doing exactly this for both school attainment and voting records.
That we don’t have trust easily corruptible people allows us all to be our better angels. If none can be bribed or threatened to handover your private information because only you hold the key to unlock it, everyone will sleep better at night and grow into their very best selves!
I believe it’s important to understand the evolution of the crypto world to really grasp the magnitude of potential in Cardano! This article paints the picture perfectly!
couldnt agree more
I think so many can relate to this idea of things being easily transferable and creating a simpler way to live and do life. From what it sounds like, this idea would be a big step forward to simplifying some of the too complicated systems we have in place and create more opportunity and positive change.
Thanks for your comment Rhea. “Opportunity” for positive change can’t be stressed enough. All of this streamlining will magnify not just democratic systems but also socialist, autocracies, and everything in between. It’s important that everyone understands blockchain technology so we can all help create systems that works for all.
The Cardano Blockchain and ADA are both great tools. Often, what is missing is how that is translated to a broad audience––this article does that so well. It is concise and easily readable. No knowledge of blockchain is needed. Thank you for writing this; I’ll be sure to send it to plenty of people I talk to about Cardano!
I want to know more about cardano.
Vraiment cardano fait la différence
This is an amazing paradigm which will leverage major shift globally.