over budget
Hackathon and Internship Program
Current Project Status

Expose Cardano more to the market through the hackathon and have our student developers build smart contracts for some of these businesses.


Over 90% of African businesses are SMEs and cannot afford traditional business protection through a lawyer. This factor puts them at risk.

Addresses Challenge


1 member

Hackathon and Internship Program

The European Business University - Luxembourg (EBU) (<http://ebu.lu/>) has over 6200 students who come from over 100 countries with 85% of them coming from African countries (see chart: "EBU Scholarship Demographics"). Also check out our student testimonials:

<https://www.youtube.com/embed/sV0ym2cdTNE>Most of our students are in our certificate impact program (<https://connect.ebu.lu/>) where students study our courses on scholarship basis.

Within the program, we offer our Plutus/Haskell course, taught in English for a period of 13 weeks. The course is based on the educational material provided directly by IOG, under the educational strategic partnership established between IOG and EBU (<https://ebu.lu/partnerships/>).

On the final week of the course, students are required to complete a final project challenge. Here, they are given a real-world problem statement and are required to work in groups to develop smart contracts to solve the problem to pass the course. So far we have had over 60 students taking the course with 20 of them successfully completing it.

To ensure the students continue applying the knowledge and concepts learnt, EBU plans to organize a hackathon for each term. The successful students will build more smart contracts on the Cardano blockchain as they build their possible solutions. The students will also stand a chance to win awards for their proposed solution. Moreover, they will be helping in building the blockchain more thus encouraging more development and adoption of the Cardano blockchain in Africa.

In addition to that, EBU plans to have EBU Hubs where our developers will be linked to corporations/ businesses who require smart contracts to improve their operations. The students will get to intern in these corporations as they build on these solutions. This not only creates future potential employment opportunities for them but also is an avenue for them to work on real business problems.

Through our hackathon and internship program, businesses will be able to have smart contracts implemented for their operations thus building and empowering them. They will be able to get a level of protection they would otherwise never be able to afford.

Moreover, the potential job opportunities that emerge from this will create a demand for the skill encouraging more people to take on Cardano development.

Thus, the proposed solution contributes to both growing Africa and growing the Cardano ecosystem.

Possible Risk: Natural difficulty of the Plutus/Haskell course might limit students from successfully completing the course which is a requirement to benefit from the program.

<u>Strategy of Mitigation:</u> As a respected and established university, our reputation has been baked under the smouldering fire of teaching complex topics to communities under serious socio-economic hardship. Proof of this is the vote of confidence that IOG and other equally respected organisations fighting on the same battlefield give to our work. In the framework of the collaboration with IOG, we have already delivered and continue to deliver the course, taught by a very knowledgable course instructor who was a Plutus Pioneer: Second cohort, and successfully completed the program.

Possible Risk: Not having 100% of our students getting internships.

<u>Strategy of Mitigation:</u> We shall partner with various corporations that will help us in building our EBU Hubs that will act as workspaces where our students will get to build on projects and be connected with businesses to work as interns to build smart contract solutions for them, all on the Cardano blockchain.

Milestone 1: Organising the Hackathon

  • During the first occurrence, organise all past successful students to form groups, work on their projects based on a problem statement.
  • One week later, the students present their working projects during the hackathon.
  • Have the projects assessed by the EBU team and the Plutus/Haskell course instructor.
  • The winning teams get awarded

Milestone 2: Internship program

Output 1: Get corporations/ business who require smart contract solutions.

Output 2: Connect students to these corporations to work as interns to build these solutions.

  • Have the students work remotely or on the business site.

Output 3: Employment creation for the interns

  • Having the interns hired to continue developing blockchain projects in these corporations/ businesses.

Output 4: EBU Hubs creation

  • Have physical locations where students can get support and internet resources from, and even work from and network.


For the hackathon part of the program, there will be 5 teams with 4 people each. The top teams will be awarded as follows:

  • The winning team prize: $1000
  • Runner up prize: $700
  • 1st runner up prize: $400

The award money could be used by students to fund the development of their projects further.

For the internship part of the program:

  • 20 interns: ($250/mo per intern x 3 months: $750) = $15000

Additionally, we'll need funds for running the program every term to create more demand for Cardano smart contract developers as well as increase our reach: $10000

Dr. James Mulli - Director/Academic Dean, European Business University - Luxembourg

LinkedIn: <https://www.linkedin.com/in/jamesmulli/>

Susan Ndagi - Technical Administrator and Support Officer, European Business University - Luxembourg

LinkedIn: <https://www.linkedin.com/in/susanndagi/>

Ann Matati - Scholarship Program Coordinator, European Business University - Luxembourg

LinkedIn: <https://www.linkedin.com/in/anne-matati-aa482616a/>

Ernest Musyoki - Data Scientist and Plutus/Haskell Instructor, European Business University - Luxembourg

LinkedIn: <https://www.linkedin.com/in/ernest-musyoki404/>

Sebastian Pabon - Plutus/Haskell Instructor, European Business University - Luxembourg (Spanish Campus)

LinkedIn: <https://www.linkedin.com/in/ing-sebastian-pabon/>

KPI 1: The projects developed during the hackathon

  • The detailing and depth of the projects

  • Practicality of the project and if they solve the problem statement presented

  • Hackathon length = 1 week every term (14 weeks)

KPI 2: The number of students incubated as interns for the development and implementation of smart contract solutions needed by these corporations/ businesses.

  • Internship length = 3 months

KPI 3: The number of students offered job opportunities within these corporations to progress with the development and implementation of more smart contract solutions within their operations.

KPI 4: Development of EBU Hubs as a result of larger masses taking interest in the use of the Cardano blockchain technology. This will allow people in Africa to connect to the internet, meet their peers (students), and form networks.

Stage 1: Students building great projects during the hackathon that solve the problem statement.

Stage 2: Having more students pique interest in learning Plutus/Haskell and enroll to the course as a result.

Stage 3: Students landing internships and even job opportunities thus applying their new knowledge and skills on real business applications.

Stage 4: Development of the EBU Hubs, starting with in Kenya where majority of our students come from, and eventual expansion across Africa and the world.

Entirely new proposal



  • EP2: epoch_length

    Authored by: Darlington Kofa

    3m 24s
    Darlington Kofa
  • EP1: 'd' parameter

    Authored by: Darlington Kofa

    4m 3s
    Darlington Kofa
  • EP3: key_deposit

    Authored by: Darlington Kofa

    3m 48s
    Darlington Kofa
  • EP4: epoch_no

    Authored by: Darlington Kofa

    2m 16s
    Darlington Kofa
  • EP5: max_block_size

    Authored by: Darlington Kofa

    3m 14s
    Darlington Kofa
  • EP6: pool_deposit

    Authored by: Darlington Kofa

    3m 19s
    Darlington Kofa
  • EP7: max_tx_size

    Authored by: Darlington Kofa

    4m 59s
    Darlington Kofa