Who is in the project team and what are their roles?
The only member of the team for this project is :
Benjamin Ben Zvi, a 3rd year international business student studying in Grenoble Ecole de Management in France.
I already worked in some projects in fund 8 as responsible for marketing for art projects from a caricature artist.
Moreover, I already got 3 funded proposals on fund 9 related to the education of the students about Blockchain. One is already closed and I am working to close the other two.
<https://projectcatalyst.io/funds/9/f9-challenge-and-scouted-for-students/aloha-for-cardano> (Closing video and report already there)
Also participated in one of WADA's project which's goal was to educate the French African community about Cardano and to share my own experience as a student.
Moreover, I have already done a few videos on the YouTube channel and you can view the results.
Finally, I also supported Goodwall.io project in educating youth about Catalyst and Cardano
I will dedicate some time during my studies to finish this project, I will work after class in order to fulfill the project objectives.