Please describe your proposed solution
Trinity is a lending-borrowing protocol on Cardano with unique characteristics designed to address capital inefficiency. As with other traditional decentralized lending protocols, Trinity enables users to earn rewards by providing liquidity and to borrow assets by posting collateral.
Trinity seeks to address one of the most universal problems experienced by pool-based DeFi protocols that is capital inefficiency. Currently, the popularity of pool-based DeFi platforms far exceeds that of any other variant. Pool-based protocols are well-suited for sparse liquidity environments. However, these protocols suffer heavily from capital inefficiency. Only a very small portion of the total value contained in each pool is actually utilized in a given day or even in a given week. The vast majority of the capital remains completely inactive in the pool and simply exists to establish the asset ratio and in case of a bank run or other extremely abnormal edge-cases.
In order to address this problem, Trinity extends the traditional lending borrowing protocol architecture with additional liquidation mechanisms to borrow/lend funds that would otherwise remain inactive (i.e. DEX liquidity). Like other lending-borrowing protocols, liquidations under normal circumstances on Trinity can occur as a result of price fluctuation of the collateral and loaned assets. In Trinity, liquidations can also be triggered by external criteria of the pool state (i.e. a bank run in the case of a synthetics protocol, or an extreme high volume token purchasing period on a DEX). This additional liquidation criterion allows funds, which normally sit dormant and inactive in the pool, to be used productively to generate yield and capital via the lending mechanism without compromising the safety of the pool.