Please describe your proposed solution
Long View: We intend to produce a narrative documentary, told from the perspective of a small blockchain based project looking to establish a real business in the 21st Century, and avoid becoming a Ponzi scheme with a fan club.
Our documentary will feature a journey into learning about self-sovereignty, accountability, real-world utility, and economic opportunities. We will explore this through observing the words and actions of actual contributors to building blockchain ecosystems.
Pre-Production Funding: Prior to beginning the fundraising process for our documentary we are seeking to have a comprehensive legal and accounting opinion developed regarding what we can offer to those contributing, be it through traditional methods or via a tokenised representation of what their contribution offers.
This proposal is therefore seeking the funds to pay for this legal and accounting opinion, so we can proceed with the fundraising activities for our documentary project.
What are your reasons for approaching it in the way that you have?
Film is a popular and accessible medium for many people wanting to learn about different topics. By providing an entertaining and engaging story to help explain complex topics and understand new social phenomena. This documentary will engage audiences not normally interested in crypto and blockchain with engaging and entertaining narratives. Cardano is a compelling blockchain to focus on in our documentary because the work Cardano builders and community members are doing (ie. governance, transparent and immutable ledgers of information, “banking the unbanked”, “don’t trust, verify”, peer-reviewed research, etc) are areas of interest to regular people in an increasingly chaotic world.
Act I Scene I
“Something came into my social media feed. Crypto. I got curious and I spent some time investigating. It seems to be something entirely new, that doesn't just use the internet for convenience, but actually needs it to exist. A blockchain is a shared computing platform that lives on the internet. I listened to a few people on the internet proclaim a new social evolution would emerge from crypto. It seemed everyone had a large number of superstitious reasons why their crypto was the boss of all blockchains, yet scientific rigour seemed few and far between. And identities were persecuted daily, as if there were a medieval witch hunt in progress, not just succinct critiques, but rather damning proclamations…”
Who will your project engage?
Our documentary is aimed at people who are not currently blockchain users, and people with little knowledge of uses of Web3. It will also be entertaining for experienced blockchain users, and it will hopefully be thought provoking regardless of whether the viewer is familiar with blockchain or not. By helping explain the type of human interactions that currently happen in the cryptocurrency industry, we hope to help people see that there are ways to cut through the noise and identify the value blockchain has to offer.
This documentary will serve as a way to educate and therefore attract more people to cryptocurrency and Cardano.
How do you perceive the problem you are solving?
We perceive the problem we are solving as a saturation of technical and financial perspectives in the media, with a lack of engaging, entertaining storytelling in the documentary genre.