Please describe your proposed solution.
build out tokenised credentials for access and verification mechanisms with credentials and proofs of achievement for real world case studies of the usefulness of DIDs to help spearhead adoption of DID solutions.
I have been working a lot with different forms of tokenised metadata particularly with regards to the CIP68 standard.
Using this I have started creating my own usecases for DIDs and building a business around it (NFTPass)
This case study aims to use real world tests of NFTPass to demonstrate simple uses and mechanisms for tokenised credentials, and will then expand the use cases into other fields with example contracts, transaction data, metadata structures and processes that can be adopted by less blockchain savvy companies.
I am to release a detailed report on the already existing and currently deployable solutions based on the tests run by NFT Pass at Cardano events this year, as well as extrapolated theoretical and modelled usecases that use example smart contracts, credential verification mechanisms and validator interaction based on tokenised credentials.
** Based on the suggestions provided in the comments I will put together some examples of work like this that has already been done and I will explain how mine will be different
** Any other suggestions will be taken into account and I will do my best to include them in the work that is done in this proposal, whether it is a comparison of findings from other reports or something different, I appreciate all feedback as I want to create something that will be useful for the community to demonstrate the value of tokenised credentails
How does your proposed solution address the challenge and what benefits will this bring to the Cardano ecosystem?
The output is a case study for DID solutions and provide example use cases to help businesses and companies understand the ability of DID implementations and encourage adoption of DID solutions, particularly AtalaPrism, but in the context of any digitised credentials.
The benefit to the greater cardano ecosystem will be a full opensource DID implementation with example use cases that have been testing in different real-world settings
How do you intend to measure the success of your project?
releasing a detailed case study of potential usefulness, vulnerabilities and risks associated with DIDs
success for this project will be example use for onchain and offchain verification of credentials for Blockchain and other businesses as well as the release of the contracts and data used to demonstrate the value.
Please describe your plans to share the outputs and results of your project?
outputs will include
- open sourced smart contracts and token metadata as well as update mechanisms,
- case study on the use cases for DIDs
- examples of real world tests conducted over the next 6 months at Cardano events