Universities Onboarding to Cardano
Current Project Status

Organize a series of 12 Introduction to Blockchain and Cardano courses in renowned universities within Argentina, Colombia, Venezuela, and Mexico.


Cardano and its technology remain relatively unknown at the university level.

Value for money
Impact / Alignment


2 members

Universities Onboarding to Cardano

Please describe your proposed solution.


The LATAM Cardano Community is a decentralized alliance that inspire and empowers individuals, organizations, initiatives and governments with interest in Latin América, to foster collaboration and to expand the adoption of Cardano to facilitate its impact in and from the region to the world.

This proposal aims to create a series of 12 Introduction to Blockchain and Cardano courses in four different countries: Argentina, Colombia, Venezuela, and Mexico. These courses will be conducted by experienced Cardano community members in prestiguious universities of each country.

The goal is to provide comprehensive education on blockchain technology and specifically highlight the benefits and potential of Cardano. By offering these courses, we aim to empower individuals with the knowledge and skills necessary to participate in the Cardano ecosystem. Eventually inviting them to participate in Governance, Developing or building Projects on Cardano.

How does your proposed solution address the challenge and what benefits will this bring to the Cardano ecosystem?

Our proposal directly aligns with the purpose of the challenge category, which is to support student blockchain startups and facilitate their onboarding to the Cardano community.

By organizing Introduction to Blockchain and Cardano courses specifically designed for students, we address the need for blockchain education and awareness of Cardano.

These targeted courses will be an excelente onboarding opportunity for curious students allowing us to give attendant students a basic grasp of what Cardano and blockchain technology can achieve and how they can actively participate in the ecosystem.

How do you intend to measure the success of your project?

The success of our project will be measured through various metrics:

  • Number of attendes for all 12 courses, we expect a combined attendance of +200 Students, with an average of 17 Students per course.

  • Cardano Wallets created, all clases will conclude with the creation of a Cardano Wallet for each student

  • Number of students who started actively participating in the Cardano community / started their own projects. We expect at least 5% of Attendees to do this.

  • Increased awareness and understanding of Cardano in the targeted countries, as observed through social media engagement, online discussions, and event participation.

Please describe your plans to share the outputs and results of your project?

We will be publishing educational materials and resources from the courses on all of our social media and community groups (Discord and Telegram). As well as completing the necessary reports for the community to audit.

Once published, the Cardano community will be able to use this material for organizing their own courses, creating a bigger impact long term.

What is your capability to deliver your project with high levels of trust and accountability?

LATAM Cardano Community

Our team consists of experienced Cardano community members who have a deep understanding of blockchain technology and Cardano's ecosystem. For the past year and a half, we have successfully organized similar educational initiatives, demonstrating our commitment to delivering high-quality projects. Thanks to our work so far, we have established relationships with universities in the target countries, which will facilitate the coordination of the courses

LATAM Townhalls & Events:

After more than 60 TownHalls produced, with more than 50 speakers, we have proven that we can deliver on our promises. With 3 LATAM Ideafest (F7, F8, and F9) highlighting more than 90 proposals in Spanish and Portuguese and recorded for their promotion. We have also held more than 12 Twitter Spaces.

LATAM CIP1694 Workshops:

We also had a huge participation in CIP 1694 workshops, having organized 13 Workshops in LATAM. With 137 people who participated in those workshops. We have also attended the Edinburgh CIP1694 Workshops, where we received a lot of praise from other participants for the process we have followed and the contributions that we made.

What are the main goals for the project and how will you validate if your approach is feasible?

  • Host all 12 courses in 4 different countries

  • Act as a kickstarting point for Local Cardano Communities in each City hosting

  • Creation of new Cardano Wallets

  • Bring new members to the Cardano Ecosystem

  • Increased awareness and understanding of Cardano in the targeted countries

  • Bring more builders to the Cardano Ecosystem

Please provide a detailed breakdown of your project’s milestones and each of the main tasks or activities to reach the milestone plus the expected timeline for the delivery.

Milestone 1: Curriculum Development and Material Preparation

  • Task 1: Develop the detailed curriculum for, including presentations, exercises, and supplementary materials.

  • Task 2: Review and refine the curriculum based on feedback from pilot sessions.

  • Expected Timeline: Weeks 1-4

Milestone 2: Project Preparation and University Partnerships

  • Task 3: Identify and establish partnerships with the universities in each country

  • Task 4: Secure venues, dates and necessary resources for the courses.

  • Expected Timeline: Weeks 1-8

Milestone 3: Course Delivery and Participant Engagement

  • Task 5: Course Promotion

  • Task 6: Host courses in each country

  • Task 7: Collect participant feedback for final conclusions.

  • Expected Timeline: Weeks 9-16

Please describe the deliverables, outputs and intended outcomes of each milestone.

Milestone 1


  • Detailed curriculum outline for each course, including topics, learning objectives, and resources.
  • Creation of course materials such as slides, handouts, and reference materials.


  • Quality education material for the Cardano community.

Milestone 2:


  • List of Universities onboard and courses dates

Milestone 3


  • Promotion material
  • Course photos and recorded videos
  • Final report and feedback from courses


  • Successful delivery of 12 courses

Please provide a detailed budget breakdown of the proposed work and resources.

3 Courses * 4 Countries = 12 Courses in total

  • Venue = 1.000 ADA * 12 courses = 12.000 ADA

  • Educational materials and handouts: 300 ADA * 12 courses = 3600 ADA

  • Social Media Manager / Promotion Creator : 1000 ADA * 5 Months = 5.000 ADA

  • Speaker honorariums and travel expenses: 500 ADA * 12 courses = 6000 ADA

  • Material Creation = 7000 ADA

  • Volatility margin: 10%

Total Budget for al 12 courses: 36.960 ADA

Who is in the project team and what are their roles?

LATAM Cardano Community core team will execute this propossal, consisting of key Cardano builders like:

Alex Pestchanker (Mentor, Host and Speaker, Funded Proposer and PA in F6, 7, 8 and 9, vPA in F7, F8 and F9, Challenge Team member for F7 Grow Latam, Grow Cardano, Funded Proposer subcircle member)

Rodolfo Miranda (Funded Proposer and PA in F6, 7, 8 and 9, vPA in F7, F8 and F9, Challenge Team member for F7 Grow Latam, Grow Cardano and F8 Self Sovereign Identity)

Lucas Macchiavelli (Funded Proposer in F7, F8 and F9, PA in F8 and F9, Cardano Ambassador, Swarm contributor)

Jaime Martinez: (Funded Proposer in F7 and F8, CA in F6 and F7, member of the Catalyst community since F4, Advocate and builder of educational initiatives for LatAm Cardano Communities)

Mauro Andreoli: Cardano Ambassador and Cofounder of the European Cardano Community

Juanita Jaramillo R: Cofounder of CardanoFem

Jose Miguel de Gamboa, Colombia, University Professor of “Blockchain for Business” at CESA. Hosted CIP1694 workshop in Bogota, Colombia ( Attended the Pan-Latam in Uruguay workshop that consolidated the results of more than 15 Latin-American workshops. Co-authored the Latina American regional conclusions document ( Attended Global CIP1694 workshop in Edinburgh, Scotland.

Otavio Lima, Founder of Cardano Feed


How does the cost of the project represent value for money for the Cardano ecosystem?

The cost of the project represents value for the Cardano ecosystem in several ways:

-Education and Awareness: Our proposal will increase awareness and understanding of Cardano, providing exposure to the Cardano Blockchain to hundreths of students.

-Skill Development: The Courses provide an opportunity for participants to acquire valuable knowledge and skills related to Cardano and blockchain technology. Potentially leading to the emergence of a skilled workforce in the ecosystem, fostering innovation, entrepreneurship, and the creation of Cardano-based projects and solutions. As well as being a great way for Cardano educators to develop their skills.

-Community creation: The courses serve as a platform for building a strong and engaged communities around Cardano. Participants can connect with like-minded individuals, share ideas, collaborate on projects, and contribute to the overall development of new communities in the ecosystem.

Community Impact is usually hard to measure with concrete numbers, but we can certainly say the LATAM community is creating a very high impact for the value we have received and are requesting on this proposal.



  • EP2: epoch_length

    Authored by: Darlington Kofa

    3m 24s
    Darlington Kofa
  • EP1: 'd' parameter

    Authored by: Darlington Kofa

    4m 3s
    Darlington Kofa
  • EP3: key_deposit

    Authored by: Darlington Kofa

    3m 48s
    Darlington Kofa
  • EP4: epoch_no

    Authored by: Darlington Kofa

    2m 16s
    Darlington Kofa
  • EP5: max_block_size

    Authored by: Darlington Kofa

    3m 14s
    Darlington Kofa
  • EP6: pool_deposit

    Authored by: Darlington Kofa

    3m 19s
    Darlington Kofa
  • EP7: max_tx_size

    Authored by: Darlington Kofa

    4m 59s
    Darlington Kofa