UNDP x Cardano: Blockchain initiative for city and industry networks
Current Project Status
In Progress

Undertake research and stakeholder consultation to close the information gap. Organize an online event to showcase industry usecases. Enable collaboration of Cardano and UNDP communities.



An information gap exists on blockchain opportunities and implementations for the UNDP city and industry network and on the challenges and needs of potential blockchain projects to build on Cardano.

Impact Alignment
Value for Money


3 members

UNDP x Cardano: Blockchain initiative for city and industry networks

Please describe your proposed solution


The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) is committed to advancing sustainable development and innovation across its network. This proposal outlines a structured digital event designed to explore and potentially integrate blockchain technology into our projects, particularly focusing on its applications in urban and business development.

<u>Event Structure</u>

Phase 1: Scanning and Needs Assessment

The event will kick off with a comprehensive scanning, mapping, and needs assessment involving the UNDP BOOST Alumni and City networks. This initial phase will:

  • Identify current initiatives and gauge the integration opportunities for blockchain technology.

  • Establish a foundational understanding tailored to the specific needs and contexts of the participants.

  • Set the stage for targeted educational content and interventions.

Phase 2: Online Educational Event

A one-day (two-day) online event will be organized to:

  • Facilitate dialogue among UNDP-supported impact ventures, social businesses, urban development actors, representatives from blockchain communities like Cardano, industry experts, and impact investors.

  • Showcase blockchain use cases, with an emphasis on their potential to innovate processes and products within the targeted contexts.

  • Include interactive workshops that guide participants through the conceptualization of blockchain-based projects, using a shared digital board for collaboration.

  • Present the UNDP the Cardano Catalyst Program as a potential resource for project funding and implementation support.

Phase 3: Research Synthesis and Strategic Recommendations

Following the event, we will:

  • Compile and synthesize research and feedback from the previous phases.

  • Produce a comprehensive report detailing how blockchain can address challenges specific to UNDP-supported ventures, with practical applications aimed at enhancing governance, transparency, and efficiency.

  • Offer strategic recommendations and key takeaways that could inform the development of a tailored blockchain accelerator program.


The objective of this multi-phase event is to empower the UNDP community by providing a deep dive into blockchain technology, fostering innovative thinking, and exploring practical applications for sustainable development. This initiative aims to not only enhance the technological capabilities of our network but also develop a concrete understanding of how blockchain can be effectively utilized to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

The event will also provide extensive insights into the needs of the UNDP network, enabling the Cardano Community to cater to these needs and thereby promote implementation on the Cardano blockchain.


By participating in this event, members of the UNDP network will gain essential insights and develop the necessary skills to evaluate and possibly adopt blockchain technology in their projects. The collaborative and educational environment of the event will also serve as a springboard for future blockchain-based initiatives and a potential accelerator program. The event will offer the Cardano community insights into industry sectors and potential use cases, helping to analyze, adapt, and enhance the network and offerings within the Cardano ecosystem according to the needs.

Please define the positive impact your project will have on the wider Cardano community

The proposed event involving the Cardano blockchain and the Cardano Foundation could have several positive impacts on both these entities and the wider community. Here are some potential benefits:

Feedback and Market Insights:

The feedback and insights gathered during the event provide the Cardano Foundation with valuable information about user needs and challenges as well as new market opportunities. This can help tailor the development of Cardano technology more closely to user requirements.

Increased Visibility and Recognition:

Participation in a UNDP project could enhance the visibility of the Cardano blockchain and the Cardano Foundation within a global and influential community. This could lead to further recognition of their technological advancements and contributions to sustainable development goals.

New Partnerships and Collaborations:

By collaborating with various actors, including UNDP-supported impact ventures, social businesses, and urban development stakeholders, new partnerships could emerge. These could promote future collaborations and projects based on Cardano technology.

Promotion of Innovation and Use Cases:

The event offers a platform to showcase specific use cases of the Cardano blockchain in areas like governance, transparency, and efficiency improvements in urban development projects. This can demonstrate the innovative capabilities of the Cardano community and highlight new application possibilities.

Expansion of Community and User Base:

Interacting with a broad spectrum of participants at a global event can expand the Cardano community's base. New members and interested parties could be attracted, leading to growth in the community and increased adoption of the blockchain.

Knowledge Sharing and Education:

The Cardano Foundation can share its knowledge and expertise, contributing not only to the education of others but also enhancing understanding and correct application of blockchain technology. This strengthens the Foundation’s role as an educational and informational source within the blockchain industry.

Strengthening Position in SDG-related Projects:

The ability to make concrete contributions to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) can bolster Cardano's position as the preferred technology platform for sustainable projects. This underscores the social and environmental responsibility of the Cardano Foundation.

Overall, the active participation in this event could promote both the blockchain technology and its specific use cases, laying the foundation for future sustainable and technological initiatives.

What is your capability to deliver your project with high levels of trust and accountability? How do you intend to validate if your approach is feasible?

<u>Involved Parties</u>

This project is being carried out in cooperation. UNDP and Disruptive Elements GmbH aim to leverage synergies to apply innovative solutions across the entire UNDP network.

The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) is the United Nations' global development network aimed at promoting change and helping countries achieve sustainable development. Active in approximately 170 countries and territories, it assists them in developing strategies to combat poverty, promote democratic governance, protect the environment, prepare for disasters, and build inclusive and sustainable societies. UNDP plays a leading role in supporting countries in the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

<u>Experience and Capatability</u>


Global Reach and Network:

UNDP has an extensive global network providing access to governments, private sectors, and civil societies in almost every country in the world. This reach is crucial for scaling and implementing blockchain solutions across various social and economic contexts.

Experience in Technology and Innovation:

UNDP has supported and implemented numerous projects in digital technology and innovation. Through initiatives such as the UNDP Innovation Facility and the Accelerator Lab Network, UNDP has demonstrated its ability to effectively promote and integrate new technologies into its programs.

Commitment to Sustainable Development:

Blockchain technology offers unique opportunities to enhance transparency, efficiency, and sustainability in various areas of development. UNDP is firmly committed to developing solutions that are not only technologically advanced but also sustainable and aligned with the SDGs.

Promotion of Partnerships:

UNDP is experienced in forming multi-stakeholder partnerships crucial for the successful adoption and scaling of blockchain projects. It regularly works with international organizations, local governments, the private sector, and civil society to foster innovative solutions across geographical and sectoral boundaries.

Proven Infrastructure and Resources:

UNDP possesses the necessary infrastructure and resources to lead and manage complex projects, making it ideal for implementing challenging and technologically advanced projects such as those involving blockchain.

Disruptive Elements GmbH

Disruptive Elements GmbH is a digital agency and venture builder at the forefront of AI, ED-TECH, Web 3 and blockchain technologies. We thrive on collaborating with NGOs, leveraging our expertise to drive impactful initiatives in this realm.

Composed of visionaries, developers, and project implementers, we empower decision-makers and businesses to navigate the digital landscape by providing comprehensive (IT) methodologies and implementation expertise, leading to market-ready solutions.

Here is a selection of projects that Disruptive Elements GmbH has successfully implemented in the field of innovation:

Stahlo Stahlservice GmbH &amp; Co.KG:

Development of a CO2-tracking system for green steel supply chains. The blockchain-based application ensures traceability and authenticity of green steel throughout the entire steel supply chain, from the steel mill to the end product.

Dibooq: The Network for Vacation Rentals:

Development of a blockchain-based notarial layer for the DiBooq platform. This is the first real-time occupancy calendar for vacation rentals, providing agencies and owners with access to current calendar and booking data at any time.


Strategic consulting and whitepaper development for the startup Smart Places. Smart Places incentivizes real social interactions. By introducing "Connect2Earn," users are rewarded for interacting with others in the ecosystem. Through the use of blockchain technology, data can be monetized in a decentralized zero-knowledge environment.


We were proud to have supported #innolab2023TechEdition by Welthungerhilfe (WHH) as a tech partner, with a focus on Blockchain Technologies. Last year's #innolab2023 explored cutting-edge tech like AI, robotics, VR, Blockchain, and classic apps. In collaboration with an excellent team from Bangladesh (one out of five), we developed innovative solutions for Zero Hunger. Teams worked tirelessly online and in the field to refine their ideas. Following this, they came to Berlin to work with us for a 3-day innovation sprint. Afterwards, all five teams met in Bonn for the Welthungerhilfe #Innolab2023 #SharkTankEvent. We express our gratitude to our exceptional team from Bangladesh. With their support, we showcased an impressive prototype, leaving a significant impact with our peer-to-peer #priceOracle for Bangladesh. Our team was immensely proud of everyone's contribution, and we extended special thanks to the Cardano Foundation for their unwavering support. Together, we could turn dreams into reality and work towards a brighter, hunger-free future.

In addition to the aforementioned clients, our portfolio includes esteemed companies such as:

Volkswagen AG, HERE Technologies, ADAC, Continental in the field of mobility and autonomous driving

Roland Berger in the area of agile project development and prototyping (Bank of the Future LBB / ADAC,)

Condé Nast, Funke Mediengruppe, and RTV media solutions GmbH in the areas of digital publishing and digital product development

United Soft Media (USM) in the field of entertainment / game development

Sparwelt AG, remind me GmbH in the areas of e-commerce and FinTech

Teletax GmbH, UBS AG, Sparkassenstiftung, and LearnIO in the area of learning portal, blended learning

Sparwelt, Stahlo, L | EARN, in the area of blockchain and AI

Hamburger Volksbank, in the area of Data Unios

<u>Assurance in Managing Funding:</u>

Disruptive Elements has amassed valuable and extensive experience over many years in collaborating with NGOs, government-funded, and non-profit projects. The transparent and responsible handling of funds is of utmost importance for the implementation of projects. This level of financial integrity not only enhances the confidence of donors and stakeholders but also ensures the successful implementation of funded projects with minimal risk of financial mismanagement.


This combination of global presence, technological expertise, commitment to sustainability, ability to form partnerships, and robust organizational infrastructure makes UNDP an ideal candidate for leading and successfully executing innovative blockchain projects. Additionally, Disruptive Elements, as a strong implementation partner, brings exactly the resources and network necessary to provide the right agility and execution strength together with UNDP.

What are the key milestones you need to achieve in order to complete your project successfully?

Milestone 1: <u>Onboarding the Team to Cardano Catalyst</u>


This milestone focuses on bringing together project participants from both UNDP and Disruptive Elements GmbH and providing them with a detailed orientation on the Cardano Catalyst system. This includes training on how to utilize the Catalyst system for blockchain-based project proposals and funding mechanisms within the Cardano ecosystem.

Milestone Output:

  • All team members educated on the outlines of the Cardano Catalyst and Community.

  • Team onboarding workshop and project outline.

Acceptance Criteria:

  • Successful completion of the onboarding workshop.

  • Onboarding document approved by project management, confirming team readiness to engage with the Cardano Community effectively.

Milestone 2: <u>Needs Analysis and Strategic Planning</u>


This phase involves a detailed analysis of the current initiatives within the UNDP network to identify challenges and opportunities where blockchain technology could be applied. It will focus on leveraging insights from UNDP BOOST Alumni and networks, mapping out potential blockchain integration opportunities.

Milestone Output:

  • Comprehensive needs analysis report that identifies potential blockchain applications and outlines strategic opportunities.

  • Communication strategy for the event.

Acceptance Criteria:

  • Approval of the needs analysis report and communication strategy document.

  • Identification of at least three key areas within the UNDP network where blockchain could enhance efficiency, transparency, or accountability.

Milestone 3: <u>Online Event</u>


Organize a two-day online event aimed at fostering dialogue among UNDP-supported impact ventures, social businesses, urban development actors, blockchain experts, and representatives from the Cardano community. The event will showcase blockchain use cases and facilitate workshops to explore their application in urban and business development contexts.

Milestone Output:

  • Successful hosting of the online event with participation from key stakeholders.

  • Compilation of event proceedings and feedback that will inform further project development.

Acceptance Criteria:

  • High engagement rates from participants, with positive feedback collected post-event.

  • Concrete outcomes from workshops, including initial sketches of blockchain applications tailored to the needs identified in previous milestones.

Final Milestone: <u>Documentation of Potential Use Cases Inside UNDP Network and First Concepts for Solutions</u>


This final milestone involves documenting the potential use cases for blockchain identified during the event and earlier phases. The team will develop initial concepts for blockchain solutions that address the specific needs of the UNDP network, laying the groundwork for future blockchain projects.

Milestone Output:

  • A detailed report documenting identified use cases for blockchain within the UNDP network.

  • Development of first concept outlines for blockchain solutions that could be implemented in future projects.

Acceptance Criteria:

  • Comprehensive documentation that is approved by project stakeholders, providing a clear basis for the potential implementation of blockchain solutions


  • Concept outlines that are deemed feasible and innovative, ready for further development and potential scaling within the UNDP framework. Additionally, the report can be used to identify technical and other requirements necessary for the successful implementation of use cases on the Cardano blockchain, in order to further open up the ecosystem for projects and facilitate their implementation.

Who is in the project team and what are their roles?

<u>From UNDP:</u>


Teodore will co-manage the coordination and onboarding of the UNDP network. His responsibilities include developing a communication strategy that effectively identifies, targets, and engages potentially interested members of the network. His role is crucial for ensuring that the right stakeholders are involved and informed throughout the project.


Working alongside Teodore, Louise will also focus on the coordination and onboarding aspects. She will assist in the execution of the communication strategy and play a key role in integrating network members into the project’s activities, ensuring their active participation and contribution to the project’s success.

<u>From Disruptive Elements:</u>


As the Project Leader from Disruptive Elements, Jürgen will oversee the overall processes and integration with UNDP. He will be responsible for activating industry contacts to bring exciting blockchain use cases to the project, enhancing the content and relevance of the project outcomes. His leadership will be pivotal in aligning the project’s objectives with industry standards and expectations.


As the Project Manager, Robin will supervise the structure of the entire project. His duties include managing the reporting and conceptualization of the event. Robin’s role ensures that the project adheres to its timelines, deliverables are met, and the project’s framework is robustly maintained. He will also facilitate the coordination between different components of the project, ensuring seamless operations and communication.

These roles are designed to leverage the unique strengths and expertise of each team member, ensuring a collaborative and effective approach to exploring and implementing blockchain solutions within the UNDP network.

Jürgen Kleeberger / Founder Disruptive Elements GmbH


As a strategic thinker and digital product developer, Jürgen Kleeberger successfully digital enhanced industry sectors in different areas, e.g. logistics, media publishing, mobility services etc. Focusing on emerging technologies and having a deep understanding for the companies needs, he was in charge of digitizing communication processes and developing digital product strategies. His ongoing passion for current technology trends and management methods enables him to help companies implement solutions at the pulse of time and to meet the challenges of digital transformation that they face. In short, he supports decision-makers to lead digital initiatives with agile methods and implementation expertise to provide market-ready solutions.

Robin Hellmann / Project Manager


Robin brings the solution-oriented thinking of his engineering degree, the experience of working in an innovation environment and the enthusiasm of someone who wants to change the world for the better. As Associate Director of SmartPlaces, he gained experience in the Cardano ecosystem. As a project manager, he supervised large blockchain projects such as the "Non-Fungible Animals - NFA" NFT campaign of WWF Germany, but also DeFi projects such as OneRing. Sustainable business is one of the core topics of his work.

Teodor Petricevic / Accelerator Lead


Teodor Petricevic is an expert in impact business development with over 20 years of experience. He excels at creating innovation ecosystems and managing impact ventures. At UNDP, he leads business acceleration and forms strategic partnerships, promoting blockchain education to tackle challenges in developing regions, focusing on digital identity and finance innovations. His work in designing sustainable enterprise models and enhancing operational sustainability has made a notable impact globally

Louise Skärvall / Accelerator Lead


Louise Skärvall combines the analytical prowess of her economics background with extensive experience in innovation ecosystems, driven by a passion for impactful change. As the Accelerator Lead at UNDP Europe and Central Asia, she spearheads the BOOST programme, which focuses on developing, testing, and scaling high-impact solutions to address pressing development challenges. Louise also supports the UNDP City Experiment Fund, concentrating on innovative financing solutions to enhance urban resilience. Her work reflects a deep commitment to sustainable development, leveraging strategic partnerships and systems thinking to foster inclusive and collaborative innovation.

Please provide a cost breakdown of the proposed work and resources

<u>Onboarding the Team to Cardano Catalyst</u>


2-4 weeks

Requested funds:

9302 ADA

Milestone output:

  • All team members educated on the outlines of the Cardano Catalyst and Community.
  • Team onboarding workshop and project outline.


<u>Needs Analysis and Strategic Planning</u>


4-6 weeks

Requested Funds:

18604 ADA

Milestone Output:

  • Comprehensive needs analysis report that identifies potential blockchain applications and outlines strategic opportunities.
  • Communication strategy for the event.


<u>Online Event</u>


6-8 weeks

Requested Funds:

51162 ADA

Milestone Output:

  • Successful hosting of the online event with participation from key stakeholders.
  • Compilation of event proceedings and feedback that will inform further project development.


<u>Documentation of Potential Use Cases Inside UNDP Network and First Concepts for Solutions</u>


6-8 weeks

Requested Funds:

20930 ADA

Milestone Output:

  • A detailed report documenting identified use cases for blockchain within the UNDP network.
  • Development of first concept outlines for blockchain solutions that could be implemented in future projects.

No dependencies

How does the cost of the project represent value for money for the Cardano ecosystem?

The cost of the proposed project represents value for money for the Cardano ecosystem in several critical ways:

Strategic Alignment and Groundwork Preparation:

The investment in the project is not merely about immediate blockchain deployment but about setting the stage for effective future integrations. By focusing on comprehensive research and stakeholder engagement, the project ensures that the future Developments of the Cardano technology takes the needs of partners like UNDP into perspective. This groundwork minimizes the risk of mismatched technology applications and prepares the environment for smoother, more successful blockchain integration.

Expertise and Influence:

Leveraging Disruptive Elements' expertise in blockchain use cases ensures that the Cardano blockchain is not just presented as a technical solution but as a strategically applicable tool within the context of development goals. This positions Cardano as a thought leader in blockchain for sustainable and urban development, extending its influence and credibility within these important sectors.

Community and Network Engagement:

The project taps into an established network of UNDP alumni and cities, which could act as a multiplier for the visibility and adoption of Cardano. Engaging this network effectively means that Cardano’s capabilities are demonstrated in a context that matters to decision-makers and influencers within these communities, potentially leading to broader adoption and advocacy.

Enhanced Visibility and Trust:

By preparing for blockchain integration responsibly and transparently, the project increases the trust in Cardano technology across various sectors. It counters the narrative of blockchain as merely a buzzword by showcasing its practical benefits and alignment with sustainable development goals. This increased trust can enhance the reputation of Cardano, leading to greater market penetration and user base expansion.

Foundation for Future Projects:

The initial cost outlay for research and engagement serves as a foundational investment. This foundational work is critical because it maximizes the impact of each Ada spent by ensuring that future projects are more likely to succeed. This approach avoids the pitfalls of poorly planned deployments that can lead to wasted resources and skepticism about blockchain's utility.

Potential for New Solutions and Markets:

By identifying new use cases and applications for blockchain technology, particularly in governance, transparency, and urban development, the project could open up new markets for Cardano. These new markets represent future streams of revenue and innovation opportunities, directly benefiting from the initial project outlay.

In summary, the value for money for the Cardano ecosystem stems from a strategic, informed approach to blockchain integration that not only enhances the immediate capabilities and reputation of Cardano but also sets the stage for future growth and success. The cost associated with the project is an investment in building a robust, credible platform that can attract more substantial, impactful projects in the future, contributing to a sustainable increase in the value and utility of the Cardano blockchain.



  • EP2: epoch_length

    Authored by: Darlington Kofa

    3m 24s
    Darlington Kofa
  • EP1: 'd' parameter

    Authored by: Darlington Kofa

    4m 3s
    Darlington Kofa
  • EP3: key_deposit

    Authored by: Darlington Kofa

    3m 48s
    Darlington Kofa
  • EP4: epoch_no

    Authored by: Darlington Kofa

    2m 16s
    Darlington Kofa
  • EP5: max_block_size

    Authored by: Darlington Kofa

    3m 14s
    Darlington Kofa
  • EP6: pool_deposit

    Authored by: Darlington Kofa

    3m 19s
    Darlington Kofa
  • EP7: max_tx_size

    Authored by: Darlington Kofa

    4m 59s
    Darlington Kofa