Please describe your proposed solution is the ultimate open-source guide to the Cardano ecosystem. The goal is to be community-driven portal where we can map Cardano as it grows and highlight the wide variety of tools, resources, and decentralized applications (dApps).
Comprehensive Coverage: When complete, Adastack will feature 130+ pages of resources. Already, the site has 20+ live pages including the largest collection of Cardano YouTube Channels, Code Libraries, and development companies.
Intelligent Organization: The site's navigation is comprised of 14 categories that encompass the the entire Cardano landscape. It is designed with a flexible structure so it can adapt to future growth. See the categories here.
Open Source: At its core, embodies the spirit of open-source collaboration. Licensed under MIT, the platform actively encourages community contributions. Each page features an "Edit this page" button, allowing users to easily suggest improvements and shape the platform's evolution.
Lightning-Fast: The site is built with fast web frameworks (React, Next.js) and a popular documentation theme called Nextra that's used by top projects like GraphQL, and Cardano favorites including Aiken and Demeter. Search is pre-indexed to provide real-time results.
SEO-Optimized: Every page will have customized meta-titles, meta-descriptions, and open graph tags. This helps ensure optimal appearance in search results and on social media platforms.