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TRISTOPIA - Climate Clash
Current Project Status

With an experienced team from classic game development(Web2), we offer a 100% casual experience for everyone. Digital ownership remains optional. Cardano will not be ignored in the process!


Tristopia Logo

The current casual games on Cardano focus on earning and speculating. Casual Gamers are not interested in this! With TRISTOPIA, we bring the fun of the game. Everything else will be purely optional.

Impact / Alignment
Value for money


2 members

TRISTOPIA - Climate Clash

Please describe your proposed solution.

After almost 3 years in the Cardano Ecosystem, we as Red Potion Studio have had the great opportunity to follow many different gaming titles and developments in Web3 with AdaQuest (

All these games have one thing in common –> difficult onboarding for new users from the Web2 environment.

With <u>Tristopia</u> we want to change this!

And these are the main features of the game:

  • Casual game
  • Match3, building + crafting mixer mechanic
  • Small strategic resource management
  • Climate change is the main theme (tonality)
  • Digital property as a pure option!

<u>Our go-to reference is the typical Match3 mechanic.</u> Only this one is more about building new colonies in a dystopian world.


--- First raw concept of the UI and settlement on a 6x6 grid with different buildings —

The system includes base building, the use of special abilities, and <u>crafting elements from Minecraft.</u>

The goal is to build small colonies on a 6x6 grid by combining at least 3 of the same tiles to create other buildings or areas. (e.g.: 3 wheat fields -> farm)

The graphical style will be something like a<u> simplified Fallout design</u>. With destroyed landscapes that need to be farmed. You colonize from a dystopia to a kind of utopia!

As soon as no more moves are possible, the colony is considered finished and will generate resources. The special TWIST here is that as technology advances, you can always return to the colony <u>to improve </u>it or to fight <u>environmental disasters</u> in an emergency.

In addition, the colonies and their individual buildings produce certain resources. Thus, strategic resource management is part of the game mechanics.

Each additional colony also requires new resources. So the player has to be careful with his available resources in order to expand his sphere of influence.

In addition, the "Mixer Mode" allows you to build special fields on a grid, which can upgrade individual buildings and can be dragged onto the playing field during base building. This provides a variety of upgrade options. <u>We use the popular mechanic of the crafting table from Minecraft.</u>


Since climate change has already occurred in this world, the player will often be faced with special tasks. These will require the player to make a decision:

> For example, you will be asked to provide energy in the most efficient way possible and to place buildings in a way that maximizes their efficiency, rather than simply pursuing quantitative goals without regard for the environment. This will sometimes be unavoidable, but the player will have to feel the consequences and react to them –> nuclear power == a possible meltdown


Since <u>the social aspect is always involved in our games,</u> players can choose different guilds that house different special buildings or combinations of starting buildings/fields. For example, members of the Agro guild get extra grain fields at the start of the game, or need fewer resources to upgrade. On the other hand, they suffer certain losses in energy production.

Players from different guilds may want to team up to trade resources.

At the end of each month, all colonies of a player and/or his clan will be evaluated. There will be several criteria that will influence the final score that players will be able to track.


Ranking points will be distributed based on the evaluation and displayed in a global ranking list. All players will be rewarded. <u>The top 10 players will receive special rewards.</u>

With the rewards, players can finally choose to have their rewards, achievements, cosmetics, etc. mined as NFT on the Cardano blockchain. To actually receive the earned progress as digital property!

How does your proposed solution address the challenge and what benefits will this bring to the Cardano ecosystem?

<u>Onboarding has been a huge topic since the launch of the Cardano mainnet.</u>

The Red Potion Studio team has been doing exactly this for more than 2 years. With this project, we are onboarding a classic indie developer from Web2 –> and showing them what the advantages of our blockchain community are. So Cardano and our community benefit twice.

  • we deliver a fun game for everyone
  • we have gained another team of game developers for our ecosystem

As mentioned in the description, we see the best way to do this with a casual game. Easy to understand, accessible for everyone, and the <u>technology of Cardano runs in the background</u>. So that the player is not overwhelmed with transactions, seed phrases, wallets, and NFTs right at the beginning!

How do you intend to measure the success of your project?

As with all games publications, success is of course measured by the 5 most important KPIs:

  1. Number of downloads
  2. Registered users
  3. Daily active users
  4. Monthly active users
  5. Monthly paying users

In addition, <u>there is the factor of onboarding.</u> For us, it is already a success if we can win Senam Games as a game developer for our ecosystem in the long term!

Please describe your plans to share the outputs and results of your project?

Since our<u> two teams are publicly known</u> and don't hide behind any weird pictures ;) We will communicate news via Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn or Facebook. We also like to be present at the Catalyst Town Halls and tell about the progress.

In addition, we plan to use YouTube and Twitch or Kick streams to inform the community about the progress of the project and the final result.

Of course, we will continue to attend various <u>Indie Developer events</u> to continue preaching the benefits of game development on Cardano!

Additionally, we will create this to share, track & communicate the outputs and results:

  • Discord Server for communication
  • Weekly Updates on additional social media channels
  • Dedicate full Website with news, blogs, updates & hints

The received feedback out of this community engagement will flow into our development process and game building!

What is your capability to deliver your project with high levels of trust and accountability?

The team of Senam Games Studios has already produced games in the past and delivered them within a given budget. See the current upcoming release of Hauma:

Red Potion Studios has already brought AdaQuest to the people as a mobile alpha with their first team.

In this project, we are taking over the integration part of blockchain technology. We design the user interface, provide all graphics and assets and advise on game design and story.

As you will see further in the proposal, all team members have made their LinkedIn profiles public. The companies are registered entities. These are the founders of each studio:

Senad Hrnjadovic - Founder SenAm Games - <>

Marcin Kugla - Founder - Red Potion Studios - <>

What are the main goals for the project and how will you validate if your approach is feasible?

Besides <u>onboarding a new studio into our ecosystem</u>, Tristopia's main goal remains to attract more users to the Cardano Blockchain through gameplay.

We make use of the following mechanics:

  • Casual gaming (match3, puzzle, crafting
  • Interaction with other players
  • Challenge and competition
  • Digital Ownership
  • Current topic climate change

Through our several years of experience, we can estimate very well how much budget we need for the project to deliver it in a state that will monetize!

Therefore, the focus is to create a game experience within 6 months that is easily accessible and then economically self-sustaining. So that we can deliver new and additional content to the community bit by bit.

In addition, our already existing network comes to our advantage, so that we can proudly claim to be able to deliver solid work that will run on its own!


For us, feasibility also includes monetization.

Here we would rely on tried and tested means. The following methods will be used:

  • Battle Pass –> Monthly subscription
  • Cosmetics & Show-off premium content
  • Asset advertising –> Maps, buildings, or characters will be advertised by smaller or bigger brands from the Cardano ecosystem and outside.
  • Seasonal special editions and collections
  • NFT-based trading cards

Please provide a detailed breakdown of your project’s milestones and each of the main tasks or activities to reach the milestone plus the expected timeline for the delivery.

This is a quick breakdown of Tritopias milestone elements. The output will be shown in detail down below. We aim to deliver each month a milestone with 2-3 elements. Having a development time of 7 months to release the final candidate!

  • Game Design Document creation
  • Art Assets drawing
  • UI design and development
  • Game Mechanics (Match3/Base-building, Overview Map, Crafting, Resource Management)
  • Narration and Climate Change Setting
  • Multiplayer / Challenges / Guild System
  • Progression System (unlock buildings, areas, abilities)
  • NFT integration / backend
  • sound and music
  • testing and bug fixing
  • localization

Please describe the deliverables, outputs and intended outcomes of each milestone.

October 2023:

  • Game Design Document: Finalize the game concept, mechanics, visuals, and other design elements.
  • Art Assets: Begin creating the necessary art assets, such as building designs, environment art, and UI elements.

November 2023:

  • Art Assets: Focusing on building sprites, animations, icons, and background art.
  • UI Design and Development: Design the user interface and implement the UI elements.
  • Narration and Climate Change Setting: Work on developing the narrative elements and climate change setting within the game.

December 2023:

  • Art Assets: Focusing on building sprites, animations, icons, and background art.
  • Game Mechanics: Implement the core Match3 and base-building mechanics.
  • Overview Map: Develop the overview map functionality to provide an interactive view of the game world.

January 2024:

  • Crafting and Resource Management: Integrate the crafting system and implement resource management mechanics.
  • NFT Integration/Backend: Integrate the Cardano blockchain for NFT creation and ownership. Set up the backend infrastructure to support NFT mining and storage.

February 2024:

  • Multiplayer/Challenges/Guild System: Design and implement the multiplayer functionality, challenges, and guild system. Enable player collaboration and resource trading.
  • Sound and Music: Implement sound effects and background music to enhance the gameplay experience.

March 2024:

  • Progression System: Implement the progression system, allowing players to unlock new buildings, areas, and abilities as they advance in the game.
  • Testing and Bug Fixing: Conduct initial testing and address any bugs, glitches, or gameplay issues.
  • UI/UX Refinement: Iterate the user interface and user experience based on feedback and playtesting. Improve usability, clarity, and overall visual appeal.

April 2024:

  • Final Testing and Bug Fixing: Conduct comprehensive testing of the entire game, including all implemented features. Fix any remaining bugs or issues.
  • Marketing and Launch Preparation: Develop a marketing strategy and prepare for the game's launch on relevant platforms.

Please provide a detailed budget breakdown of the proposed work and resources.


Who is in the project team and what are their roles?

Project Management, Finance

Senad Hrnjadovic - Founder SenAm Games - <>

Game Design, 3D Art, Frontend Development(unity), Narrative Design by <>

Game Mechanics & Cardano Advisor/Ambassador

Marcin Kugla - Founder - Red Potion Studios - <>

2D Illustration, UI&UX Design, Assets Concepts

Christian Hayungs - Art Direction - Red Potion Studios - <>

Backend Coding & Cardano Integration

Kevin Unger - Coding - Red Potion Studios - <>

How does the cost of the project represent value for money for the Cardano ecosystem?

<u>First of all, I think we're all aware that game development nowadays can't be done with $10K!</u>

"Yeah I know there's that one student under 7 billion out there, somewhere - who developed/released Stardew Valley after 8 years!"

Meanwhile, everything under 100K$ is called casual, indie, or small!

So now here we are with the current risk of ADA volatility and the bear market makes it all the harder to assess. But we like challenges and have made our assessment to the best of our knowledge & belief.

So deal with it! :D


The awareness Cardano and IOG gets from our project in the classic game developer scene alone + our mission as ambassadors at every gaming event + onboarding of a new studio –> is worth more than the requested 300K ADA –> Yeah mass adoption comes not cheap



  • EP2: epoch_length

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    3m 24s
    Darlington Kofa
  • EP1: 'd' parameter

    Authored by: Darlington Kofa

    4m 3s
    Darlington Kofa
  • EP3: key_deposit

    Authored by: Darlington Kofa

    3m 48s
    Darlington Kofa
  • EP4: epoch_no

    Authored by: Darlington Kofa

    2m 16s
    Darlington Kofa
  • EP5: max_block_size

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    3m 14s
    Darlington Kofa
  • EP6: pool_deposit

    Authored by: Darlington Kofa

    3m 19s
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  • EP7: max_tx_size

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    4m 59s
    Darlington Kofa