Time issue: Cardano Townhall weekly is at (18:00 UTC) and 01:00 AM Vietnam time equivalent.
Communication protocol issue: Each live session often lasts 2 hours or more, and the meetings are mainly in the English language.
These are the main barriers that are slowing or holding back Townhall's information to reach Cardano and its enthusiastic ecosystem members in Vietnam, particularly and less feedback from South East Asia in general in meetings overall.
Please refer to the following URL for the record of the last 13 consecutive weeks of Eastern Townhall (ETH) for Zoom live attendance: <https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1uqFfwXreDkPMd5LIIcUE4nWjiAL6aECuDB7eLC3EYdc/edit?usp=sharing>
The purpose of this project is to summarise the critical contents of the Cardano weekly Townhall meetings in Vietnamese in the form of the podcast format within 2 and 6 hours from the main Townhall.
Post summary podcast on the website with the timestamp video link.
The synopsis is also converted to podcasts for those who prefer listening rather than reading.
By implementing this solution, we believe the project would add the following outcomes:
- Saving time - Vietnamese Cardano enthusiasts to capture strategic information from Townhall from a reliable source regularly and possibly save time jumping through various social network outlets such as Telegram announcements, Twitter, Discord, Reddit, Facebook et
- Further source - Supporting people interested in details has comprehensive information and links to specific information for each item when needed
- Target audience - Vietnamese Cardano enthusiasts could listen to a short of podcasts instead of finding info source, to read in Vietnamese by making a Google translate and repeating the cycle. Commuters whether on trains, buses, cars, or a quick gathering to have a coffee early in the mornings with the low-end smartphone-like devices equipping with the internet connection etc. would able to obtain the update-to-day Cardano information from our platform.
As a result, more people in the local community have the opportunity to access Townhall information in an easier and faster way.
As we are focusing on quality information and on-time translation, a $60-hour rate may not cover enough the cost for this weekly task. We reserve $100 per week to cover unforeseen risks. We may use this to reward any extra effort.
We are committed to delivering transparency internally and with the community. We will keep track of all project activities and expenses in "https://github.com/cardano2vn" when the project is funded.