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We'll deliver an introductory video + five concise high-quality tutorials (each 5-10 mins) with supporting text, images/animations, collaborative canvas tools, and where applicable - code. All videos will be published on Youtube, content will be published to our website, and code to our Github organisation. Our focus is to produce quality content to our website ( and make a complex topic clear and understandable. The videos will cover a range of topics which are outlined in the project milestones section below.
Note: Our intention is to start building a community around token engineering practice. As such we are currently developing a website, to be the central place to collect tutorials, code, and articles on EUTxO token engineering. The initial website will host this proposal and be available for community review. All proposal outputs will also be hosted on
Our aim with the tutorials is to increase Cardano's value. To do that we need a better understanding of how to use it as a tool to build digital economic systems. To do so, we need to create more advanced digital micro economies. Digital coordination systems that use tokens beyond the base Cryptocurrencies or NFTs. There is little experience in the Cardano ecosystem on how to design and engineer these digital micro economies so our tutorial is a first-step toward that and bootstrapping a token engineering community of practice.
Incentive systems generate network/community value: Token engineering provides the conceptual tools and understanding of software implementation to help design more advanced incentive systems. Blockchain technology regulates agents' behaviour through explicit rules and the immutable recording of interactions (transactions). Most tokens are simple, used as digital monies or unique digital property, but that’s like treating the automobile as a "horseless carriage." Both are very simple coordination systems, more advanced incentive systems (market mechanisms) create value and help solve more complex coordination and collaboration problems. By introducing the application of market mechanism in an approachable and open way, we can encourage more people, like us, to think differently, putting Cardano at the forefront of the emerging discipline of token engineering.
New forms of governance and collaboration: Our generation and those that follow us need more scalable governance systems and ways to develop sustainable ecosystems. Enabling people, companies, and DAOs to contribute to our communities. We need to bridge the gap between bureaucratic systems and free-market profit maximisation as our primary ways of organising.
If we keep relying on voting — plutocratic, approval, or one-person-one-vote — we are just reinventing a hierarchical bureaucracy, albeit in a digital form. We can show how using our collaborative canvas tools can lead to a shared understanding of other approaches.
Now is our opportunity to empower a whole generation of open-source, open-society contributors to design markets and incentive systems that do scale, are more decentralised and make designing and developing a better world for all really possible.
Education for software development: If DApp product managers and software developers don’t know about token economics or token engineering concepts, they will design sub-par solutions. Solutions that involve minimal use of Cardano's settlement and service (computational) layers. That means Cardano has sub-optimal utility. Designers and developers can only imagine solutions to problems using the conceptual tools at their disposal; because designing for blockchains, smart-contracts, and tokens is knowledge and labour intensive. Sharing our understanding of token engineering will give people the imagination, knowledge and power to solve local problems with robust incentives.
Align open-source effort: We will attract many new developers and entrepreneurs to Cardano who'll benefit from sharing the knowledge we've already acquired. Having a common language of core token engineering concepts means project teams will understand each other, work out how they can interoperate more easily, leading to collaboration. Ultimately a shared understanding improves interoperability. Our tutorials help build this common understanding of market mechanisms and token economics that help teams work together building better tools and communities.
Throughout the tutorial series we will use our story to illuminate the path for others! Starting with an introduction to how we, a mechanical engineer and a commercial music major, both in our 20's, ventured into the world of blockchain, token engineering, and started contributing to Cardano.
Cardano needs to attract more young talent. If others get inspired, up-skill and develop new insights from our story (why we do what we do and how we did it) and the concepts we share, Cardano will attract the quality creators we want to work alongside. They’ll join us and add to the community for years to come.
In essence, this project goes beyond funding a team; it fuels the future of Cardano by empowering its community with the knowledge of token engineering. With this Cardano's capabilities will be utilised, attracting new participants and making the ecosystem stronger and more resilient.