Please describe your proposed solution.
As our ecosystem grows and amazing businesses are built on it, these protocols will launch the next generation of crypto assets: governance tokens and utility tokens will come of age. Unfortunately, free data on the current top Cardano native tokens like AGIX, INDY, JPG, WMT, MIN, SUNDAE, GENS, WRT, MILK, EMP, C3, FACT, COPI or IAG is of very poor quality. The problem comes in two typical flavors:
- established data APIs like Binance’s, Coinmarketcap or Coinpaprika that have subpar quality for trading or risk use, and are USD-denominated end-of-day data, or
- fragmented DEX data that is hard to download for relevant periods, and even more difficult to integrate into your own dataframe, spreadsheet or trading tool.
In this Concept-stage proposal for a working MVP, we will launch a native asset data portal for the top 10 native tokens. This data will be ADA-denominated and cleaned, meaning it can be used for back-testing and distinguishes between bid, ask or theoretical AMM quotes.
The team (supported by the company's in-house and freelance developers) will collect, contribute, own, use and distribute high-quality, cleaned and aggregated market data. APIs, algorithms and Python convenience programs will be provided as part of the launch product. The proposal’s Github repository will be free to use for everyone, and we will set up a community support around Issues and contributions to benefit from the collective brain trust of our great community. All Milestone reporting will make use of Github to receive early feedback from the community and future users and ensure maximum transparency and relevance.
This data from CoinGecko and Minswap DEX show: established external data APIs have bad, USD denominated data while the Cardano community does have the data, but it is not usable in a trading and risk management context.