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The Grand Tour Meets Cardano Center: In Partnership with ByBit, Oli, Cur8 & several others to Onboard, Expand, and Market Across Africa
Current Project Status

Capitalize on major partnerships for dynamic Cardano events that boost community engagement, provide Web3 education and onboard users


Cardano’s market penetration in Africa is inadequate despite a network of strategic partnerships and local operations.


Impact Alignment
Value for Money


1 member

The Grand Tour Meets Cardano Center: In Partnership with ByBit, Oli, Cur8 & several others to Onboard, Expand, and Market Across Africa

Please describe your proposed solution

The Cardano Center Cape Town’s Grand Tour initiative is committed to improving the collaboration within the Cardano ecosystem, which currently falls short of everyone's expectations. We will bring real-world engagement into the Cardano blockchain sphere from South Africa and the Cardano Center by showcasing, growing and bolstering our presence in education, onboarding and events, making Cardano more accessible and impactful to the broader community. Onboard more users, educate more people and foster more relationships. We will do this by hosting and taking part in physical events and meetups as well as hosting our own regular events at the Cardano Center.

We don’t do this alone! We’ve already partnered with ByBit, Oli Education, Splash, Cur8, Anywall and Offchain Global to facilitate this expansion and run with our Grand Tour initiative. All our strategic partners are onboard and official affiliates. On top of this, the Cardano Center will be hosting the community-led Cardano Summit in South Africa this year.

ByBit is already offering trading courses in the Cardano Center and has made the Center an official affiliate. We have several more events we can plan out in collaboration with ByBit which they are also going to be part sponsoring. Oli is providing a platform for education with an innovative “earn to learn” app built on Cardano.

Cardano Center has taken over the Offchain Global events in South Africa and is now hosting the Offchain meet-up regularly in the Cardano Center and has inherited all of the social channels and data that come with that. We will leverage all these networks to host and participate in events each month.


Bolster Events

We will organize a series of meaningful events once a month, on top of already existing events and training, to engage, onboard and expand the Cardano community. These will include but are not limited to:

  • Sessions with Blockchain Experts: Host regular sessions featuring renowned blockchain specialists, industry leaders, and innovators who will share their insights, latest research, and trends in the blockchain space. These sessions will cover a broad spectrum of topics, from emerging technologies to regulatory landscapes, offering attendees a comprehensive understanding of the global blockchain ecosystem.

  • Workshops on Blockchain and Cardano Fundamentals: Conduct in-depth workshops that cater to various skill levels, from beginners to advanced participants. These workshops will cover topics such as the basics of blockchain technology, the principles and mechanics of Cardano, smart contract development, and the application of blockchain in various industries. The aim is to provide hands-on experience and enhance technical skills within the Cardano ecosystem.

  • Art and Blockchain Integration Showcases: Create a platform for artists to exhibit how blockchain, particularly NFTs, can revolutionize the art world. These showcases can include live art creation and minting, discussions on the intersection of art and technology, and exhibitions of blockchain-inspired art. This initiative will not only support artists but also educate the community on the value and utility of blockchain in creative industries.

  • Networking Events to Encourage Collaboration and Community Growth: Organize diverse networking events designed to foster meaningful connections among blockchain enthusiasts, developers, entrepreneurs, and investors. These events could range from casual meetups to structured networking sessions, encouraging collaboration, sharing of ideas, and the initiation of partnerships within the Cardano community and beyond.

These events will build a more robust and interconnected blockchain community, onboard new users, foster learning, innovation, and collaboration at the Cardano Center Cape Town and pave the way for the ecosystem to replicate this globally.


Marketing and Engagement

We are already producing world-class content and visuals. The visuals from the events and “tours” will play into our comprehensive visual marketing plan to increase visibility and attract a diverse audience to the Center, events and Cardano as a whole. This includes leveraging our existing network as well as that of our partners and their reach. We have been published several times in print media and online, and have had numerous radio interviews around Cardano and Cardano events in South Africa.

We will expand the current loyalty program to reward active community members with the help of our strategic partners and implement a robust marketing campaign that includes but is not limited to:

1. Community-Driven Marketing Initiatives

  • Ambassador Program: Launch a Cardano Center Ambassador Program, encouraging community members to promote Cardano and the Center in their networks. Provide them with tools and incentives to spread the word, both online and offline. No promotion quite matches that of word of mouth.
  • User-Generated Content: Encourage the community to share their experiences, stories, and creations related to Cardano on social media. This has already proven effective with our current Peer To Beer event, of which the broadcast group has now surpassed 500 local and active community members. Highlight and reward the best contributions to foster a sense of ownership and involvement in the space and the ecosystem.

2. Enhanced Loyalty Program:

  • Tiered Rewards: We’ve developed a tiered system within the loyalty program to offer escalating rewards based on engagement and contribution levels. This includes exclusive event access, special discounts, and unique digital assets we create at each event and outside events. For this, we’re partnering with Splash. We will get to test this out and utilise it as a tool for onboarding.
  • Community Challenges: Introduce challenges and competitions that encourage community participation and reward engagement with Cardano tokens or other benefits. This has also been proving very effective and the community in Cape Town has very well received the real-world “gamification” of these challenges.

3. Digital Marketing Campaigns:

  • Targeted Ads: Yes, we’re Web3. But we need to attract Web2, we know where they live and breathe and need to play into it. Luckily we have extremely talented marketing folks on our team to execute targeted advertising campaigns on social media platforms, search engines, and relevant websites to reach a broader audience interested in blockchain and technology. Including SEO best practices, basic sitemap indexing, and the like.
  • Content Marketing: Distribute informative and engaging content that highlights the unique aspects of Cardano and the center's activities, including blog posts, videos, podcasts, and infographics. We have a treasure trove of content already, but we need to expand and channel this using real-world feedback. We are not referring to snarky Twitter comments in the Cardano Community but feedback from the outside world we want to attract.

4. Strategic Partnerships and Collaborations

  • Local Partnerships: Collaborate with local businesses, educational institutions, and tech communities to co-host events, workshops, and seminars. We have several successful partnerships in place already and welcome many more. This is extremely effective and we need to drive this further at an increased pace.
  • Industry Alliances: Form alliances with other blockchain projects and platforms to cross-promote activities, share knowledge, and drive mutual growth. We’re not alone in this, and we need to play well with others and expand. Saying we’re “ok” with other chains isn’t enough; actions speak louder than words.

5. Event-Driven Marketing

  • Signature Events: Promote our flagship events and our “Grand Tour” events that draw attention and attendance from beyond the local community, positioning the Center as a key player in the global blockchain ecosystem. Cape Town is an international goldmine. What we do here is easily replicable in any major city worldwide.
  • Live Streaming: Broadcast events, workshops, and discussions online to reach a global audience and encourage virtual participation. Live streaming events can be a great way to showcase what we’re doing in real time. Nothing beats social proof.

6. Public Relations and Media Outreach

  • Media Relations: Foster current relationships with journalists, bloggers, and influencers within the tech and blockchain spheres to secure coverage for the Center's activities and milestones and build new ones as well.

7. Education and Onboarding:

  • A significant focus will be on educational programs to welcome new users to Cardano and enhance the expertise of current users, with initiatives like trading courses and creative events. We already have several strategic partnerships in place to expand on this, including trading courses with Bybit and educational content from the Monet Society and Oli.
  • The Oli platform will provide Cardano Foundation-certified courses, further enhancing our educational outreach.
  • We will set a standard that can inspire and be replicated across the Cardano ecosystem globally, adapting to local needs and fostering global community growth.

Please define the positive impact your project will have on the wider Cardano community

The Cardano Center Grand Tour initiative is designed to have a multifaceted positive impact on the wider Cardano community, fostering growth, innovation, collaboration and more importantly onboarding. With everything open source, anyone can replicate the successes or learn from any failures. Many people and projects are now reaching out to us a year and a half later after launching the Cardano Center, giving input and comments on what they’ve tried and what won’t work in their opinion. This does NOT help! Facts beat opinion any day, and withholding information is both selfish and stints growth. We are here to change the narrative.

Here’s how we plan to positively contribute to the Cardano Ecosystem using the Cardano Center Grand Tour Initiative:

  • Learning from Successes and Failures: In our commitment to transparency and collective growth, we emphasize the importance of learning from both our successes and failures. By sharing our experiences openly, we provide valuable insights that can guide the wider Cardano community. Our approach ensures that our achievements serve as a blueprint for others while our challenges offer crucial lessons, fostering a culture of continuous learning and improvement across the Cardano ecosystem. This practice of shared learning accelerates our progress and strengthens the resilience and adaptability of the entire community.

  • Innovation and Development Support: Our incubators, hackathons, and support for creators and developers catalyse new projects and innovations within the Cardano blockchain. With our existing network contributors and newbies don’t have to start from scratch either. This not only contributes to the growth of the ecosystem but also demonstrates Cardano's versatility and potential in real-world applications.

  • Enhanced Knowledge and Education: By offering workshops and educational programs on blockchain and Cardano fundamentals with the help of Oli and the Monet Society (potentially also the Cardano Foundation), we shine a light on the community's overall understanding and expertise. This education empowers individuals to contribute more effectively to the ecosystem and encourages innovation.

  • Increased Adoption and Engagement: Through our comprehensive marketing strategies and community engagement initiatives, we will significantly boost Cardano's adoption in Africa, starting in South Africa as a guiding beacon for the rest of the continent. You need small sparks to start a big fire! By introducing more individuals and businesses to the ecosystem, we're expanding the user base and increasing the diversity of participants and use cases.

  • Community Building and Collaboration: Our networking events and collaborative spaces are already forging strong connections within the community, business and otherwise. This facilitates knowledge exchange, partnership formation, and a cohesive community that can collectively drive the Cardano ecosystem forward.

  • Showcasing Real-World Applications: Through our events and showcases, we integrate art, music, and other creative fields with blockchain, demonstrating Cardano's practical and diverse applications while onboarding and educating. This inspires current community members and attracts new ones from various sectors.

  • Feedback Loop for Continuous Improvement: Regularly collecting and analyzing feedback allows us to adapt and refine our strategies, ensuring that our initiatives remain effective and aligned with the community's needs. This continuous improvement cycle fosters a dynamic and responsive Cardano ecosystem.

  • Global Model and Inspiration: The success and impact of our project can serve as a blueprint for other communities worldwide. By sharing our strategies, successes, and learnings, we can inspire similar initiatives globally, contributing to the overall growth and vibrancy of the Cardano ecosystem. This is apparent in the amount of Cardano Center proposals we’re supporting in Fund12 from a technical and advisory perspective. We wrote the business plans and outlined the proposals ourselves and distributed them to the applicants. If that isn’t community and dedication to Cardano I don’t know what is.

In essence, our project aims to create a thriving, knowledgeable, and collaborative Cardano community in Cape Town as a launchpad for major cities worldwide, which will have a ripple effect in Africa, enhancing the global Cardano ecosystem's strength, innovation, and adoption.

What is your capability to deliver your project with high levels of trust and accountability? How do you intend to validate if your approach is feasible?

To rigorously assess the impact of our initiatives at the Cardano Center Cape Town, we will deploy a comprehensive and transparent impact measurement strategy expanding on our current feedback and reporting initiatives. This strategy will enable us to quantify our success, refine our approaches, and clearly communicate our achievements to the world outside of milestone submissions to Catalyst directly. If you look at our history and our transparency you will see that this has been our modus operandi from day one. On top of that, we’ve already partnered with ByBit, Oli Education, Splash, Cur8, Anywall and Offchain Global to facilitate this expansion and run with our Grand Tour initiative.

Detailed Impact Measurement Framework:

  • Quantitative Metrics:

  • Attendance Figures: Monitor the number of attendees at each event, workshop, and session, comparing these numbers over time to gauge growth in engagement and interest.

  • Engagement Metrics: Utilize digital tools to track interaction with our online content, including views, shares, likes, comments, and time spent on pages.

  • Educational Advancements: Measure the completion rates of educational programs and the progression of participants' understanding and skills in blockchain and Cardano.

  • Qualitative Assessments:

  • Community Feedback: Regularly solicit and compile feedback from community members through surveys, forums, and direct interactions to understand their perceptions, suggestions, and satisfaction levels. We’re doing this at the moment, but with expansion, we’ll bolster this activity.

  • Success Stories: Collect and share testimonials, case studies, and success stories from community members who have benefited from the Center's resources, aiming to inspire and attract others.

  • Transparency and Reporting:

  • Regular Reporting: Produce and share regular monthly, detailed reports on the Grand Tour Initiative impact metrics, offering transparency and insights into our progress and the value we’re adding to the Cardano community. Similar to what we suggest in the Positive Impact section above.

  • Global Sharing: Present our findings and success stories at global conferences, in blockchain publications, and through online platforms to showcase the Center's impact on a wider scale. We attend the Cardano Summit each year and were present and in full force at the Dubai Summit in 2023. We’d love to showcase our progress on stage this year on top of hosting the local summit in South Africa already.

By implementing this detailed impact measurement approach, we will not only track our progress and success in a methodical way but also showcase the tangible benefits and contributions of the Cardano Center Grand Tour Initiative Cape Town to the Cardano ecosystem and the broader blockchain community. This data-driven approach will enable us to continuously improve our strategies, celebrate our successes, and inspire other regions to replicate our model, thereby contributing to the global growth and vibrancy of the Cardano community.

What are the key milestones you need to achieve in order to complete your project successfully?

Milestone 1: Month 1-2: Strategic Agreements, Marketing & Social, and Grand Tour Launch (25,000 ADA)

Strategic Agreements: Finalize partnerships with strategic entities and events.

Marketing & Social: Launch marketing campaign and advertising.

Grand Tour Launch Event: Plan and execute the initial launch event, including a videographer and marketing campaign.

Acceptance Criteria

  • Successful launch event and documented engagement metrics of attendance and an event video with accompanying marketing metrics of online reach.

Evidence of Milestone Completion

  • Video submission of the launch event.
  • Breakdown of social media campaigns and engagement metrics.
  • Documentation of strategic agreements.

Milestone 2: Months 2-4: Hosting Events and Representation Events (25,000 ADA)

Hosting Events: Host one major Cardano event each month, accompanied by professional videography and video output.

Representation Events: Represent at one external event. Ideally as guest speakers or on a panel.

Content Output: Generate and share content from each event, including video summaries and regular updates on social media.

Acceptance Criteria: Documentation of event execution with specific engagement metrics (attendance and online engagement rates) and content deliverables for each event.

Milestone 3: Months 5-7: Ongoing Hosted Events and Representation Events (25,000 ADA)

Ongoing Hosted Events: Continue to host one significant Cardano event monthly, with videography.

Ongoing Representation Events: Maintain representation at one external event per month, with marketing support.

Content Output: Produce content for each event including videography and consistent social media engagement which can be used as marketing fodder and engagement tools for Cardano.

Acceptance Criteria

  • Successful hosting and representation are documented by attendee numbers and engagement metrics from content outputs.

Evidence of Milestone Completion

  • Video submissions of ongoing hosted and representation events.
  • Breakdown of social media campaigns and engagement metrics.
  • Reports generated from advanced analytics tools.

Milestone 4: Months 8-10: Final Series of Hosted and Represented Events (25,000ADA)

Final Hosted Events: Execute one hosted event per month, documenting each with videography.

Final Representation Events: Continue to represent at one external event per month, supported by marketing initiatives.

Content Output: Create comprehensive event summaries and distribute them through multiple media channels including a video recap.

Acceptance Criteria: Execution of all planned events with comprehensive analytics on engagement and content reach.

Final Milestone: Impact Assessment Report: Compile and publish a comprehensive report detailing the impacts of all events.

Summary Video: Produce a summary video featuring key milestones and community testimonials.

Acceptance Criteria: Publication of a detailed impact assessment report and a professional summary video demonstrating clear evidence of project success and community benefits.

Who is in the project team and what are their roles?

John-Patrick van Rensburg - <>

Built the Cardano Center in Cape Town. Web3/2 Marketing Expert

Chantelle De Vries - [](< >)

Runs Peer To Beer, Offchain Global &amp; Cur8 Cafe from within the Cardano Center in Cape Town

Aaron Arfman - <>

Cardano expert with a finance background.

Dee Boshoff - <>

Web3 marketing guru.

Please provide a cost breakdown of the proposed work and resources

The budget outlined below is meticulously crafted to ensure the successful implementation and operation of the Cardano Center Cape Town expansion. Given the volatile nature of cryptocurrency, particularly ADA, we acknowledge the potential for fluctuations in its value. This budget is prepared with a conservative approach, aiming for fiscal prudence while ensuring project objectives are met without compromise. Should ADA's value vary significantly, we are committed to managing resources wisely to fulfil our project commitments without compromising quality or objectives.

Total Budget: 100,000 ADA (~$45,300 USD)

  1. Event Execution and Representation:
  • Web3 Event Participation and Hosting: 60,000 ADA (~$27,180 USD)
  • This budget covers all costs for hosting and participating in Web3 events. Each event's set fee includes logistical setup, staffing, marketing campaigns, and venue arrangements. This allocation supports ten events over the project duration.

2. Videography and Content Production:

  • Content Production: 15,000 ADA (~$6,795 USD)
  • Professional videography and editing services to create high-quality video content for each event, ensuring impactful documentation and outreach.

3. Project Management and Operations:

  • Project Management and Staffing: 15,000 ADA (~$6,795 USD)
  • Comprehensive management of the project’s timeline and resources, including salaries for event coordinators, marketing personnel, and administrative staff.

4. Monitoring, Evaluation, and Reporting:

  • Impact Assessment and Reporting: 10,000 ADA (~$4,530 USD)
  • Tools and resources for detailed monitoring and evaluation of the project’s impact, including data analysis, report generation, and dissemination of findings. This includes the final publication of the detailed impact assessment report and professional summary video.

Note: This budget strategically allocates resources to maximize the impact and long-term viability of the Cardano Center Cape Town. Recognizing the fluctuating value of ADA, we have carefully planned to mitigate financial risks and ensure project resilience. Our financial strategy reflects a deep commitment to delivering substantial value to the Cardano community. Every ADA spent is an investment in our shared vision for the future of blockchain. We value transparency and meticulous resource management, and we appreciate your support and understanding as we review this budget together.

No dependencies

How does the cost of the project represent value for money for the Cardano ecosystem?

We understand that this part of the proposal is often met with scrutiny. Budget considerations are critical, and it's easy to miss the dedication that goes into fostering Cardano’s growth—a mission we are deeply committed to. We strategically reinvest every ADA to drive initiatives that propel the Cardano ecosystem forward. As you review our financial plans, remember the hard work and strategic thought behind each allocation.

The budget of 100,000 ADA for the Cardano Center Cape Town has been carefully calculated to ensure exceptional value, closely aligned with the strategic objectives of the Catalyst ethos. This investment is designed to amplify our impact on community engagement, education, and user onboarding through our diverse event series and strong partnership collaborations.

Informed Resource Utilization:

Our seasoned experience with the Cardano Center informs our precise allocation of resources, ensuring every ADA spent maximizes benefits to both the community and the broader ecosystem. Our budget reflects a sophisticated understanding of operational needs and strategic investment opportunities.

Strategic Enhancements for Broader Impact:

We have pivoted from physical infrastructure investments to focusing on high-impact activities such as hosting and representing at major Web3 events. These activities are not just enhancements; they multiply our ability to generate tangible value, serving as dynamic platforms for education, community engagement, and widespread Cardano adoption.

Holistic Community and Ecosystem Advantages:

  • Education and Engagement: We intensify efforts to educate and engage, crucial for nurturing a well-informed and active community within the Cardano ecosystem.
  • Innovation and Outreach: By leveraging our strategic partnerships and existing platforms, we catalyze innovation and expand outreach, fostering a culture of creativity and problem-solving.
  • Global and Local Synergy: Our activities are designed to impact beyond Cape Town, enhancing Cardano’s visibility globally while strengthening local blockchain communities.

Value-Centric Allocation:

  • Personnel and Community Initiatives: Investment in skilled personnel and community initiatives ensures high-quality delivery and robust community engagement, essential for the project’s success and ecosystem growth.
  • Event and Program Diversification: By hosting and participating in a variety of events, we expand the ways the community can engage with and contribute to the Cardano ecosystem, significantly enhancing overall value and impact.

Long-Term Ecosystem Growth:

This project, fueled by a carefully crafted budget, is poised to be a replicable model for global ecosystem expansion, demonstrating how strategic investments can cultivate vibrant, educated, and innovative Cardano communities.

This budget isn’t just a financial plan; it’s a blueprint for sustainable growth and lasting impact in the Cardano ecosystem.



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