not approved
Tertiary Blockchain Education and Onboarding
Current Project Status

This project seeks to organize blockchain events in various tertiary institutions in Ghana to educate them about blockchain technology leveraging on the Cardano blockchain and onboard them.


The knowledge of blockchain technology among students is minimal as most students think blockchain is only about crypto currencies and investments.


2 members

Tertiary Blockchain Education and Onboarding

Please describe your proposed solution

This project will be organizing blockchain events in selected tertiary schools in Ghana and educate them about blockchain technology, its uses, the opportunities, and how they can leverage on the numerous opportunities in the blockchain space.

Mostly when students here of blockchain, what comes into their mind is the investment platforms (ponzi schemes) that operate for just a short period of time and they cannot be traced once they shutdown their platforms and they go away with their funds.

Most of these students have been victims of the ponzi schemes due to the lack of knowledge about ponzi schemes and how they operate.

We therefore, will be organizing blockchain education among students to educate them about blockchain technologies leveraging on the Cardano blockchain and onboard into the Cardano ecosystem.

Our Approach

  • Blockchain Summits: We will collaborate with colleges in various tertiary institutions to organize the blockchain events for students. During the summit, participants will be educated on the following:
  1. Blockchain technology
  2. Importance of blockchain
  3. Uses of blockchain
  4. Introduction to the Cardano blockchain
  5. Cardano use cases of blockchain technology
  • Onboarding of Participants: Participants would be guided to create accounts on ideascale and also guide them to create Yoroi wallets for their onboarding.
  • Online Engagements: All participants of our summits will be added on telegram chat page where we will be engaging them from time to time after the main event.

Please define the positive impact your project will have on the wider Cardano community

Our project will impact the wider Cardano community by;

  • Awareness Creation: As we intend to educate students about blockchain technology, we will be creating the awareness of the Cardano community among students as the education will be leveraging on the Cardano blockchain. By so doing the knowledge of Cardano and Project Catalyst will be made known among students thereby expanding the Cardano Community.
  • Increasing the number of Community Members: The onboarding aspect of this project will add up to the current members in the community.
  • Increase the Number of Community Reviewers: Onboarded students will be thought how to review proposals in Project catalyst

We intend to measure the success of this project by;

  • Students Attendance: The number of students at our summits will help us determine the success of this project.
  • Number of Onboarded Students: The number of participants at each of our events onboarded onto the Cardano community will help us determine if the participants really understood the education delivered.
  • Feedback from Participants: Details of participants will be take during the summits after which feedback survey forms will be rolled out to pick students feedback.

We intend to share the outputs of our project with the Cardano community through the following means;

  • Townhall Presentations: we will leverage on townhall meetings to share updates of our project with the Community.
  • Social Media Platforms: We will be sharing updates on our project also through social media platforms such as; discord, twitter, and telegram.
  • Project Progress Report: We will be documenting our activities right from start to finish to provide the community with a comprehensive report on our project.

What is your capability to deliver your project with high levels of trust and accountability? How do you intend to validate if your approach is feasible?

I have experience in events organization and management. I also volunteered to be the secretary for the YAFO Campus Hive, KNUST chapter where I helped my President being my co-proposer to organize an opportunity summit for students to educate them about entrepreneurship and connected to global opportunities.

Joshua, my co-proposer who is currently the Programs Manager for YAFO Institute has organized various dialogues on blockchain solutions to engage stakeholders on how to apply blockchain solutions in various aspects of the economy. He has also organized student events on various campuses to connect students to global opportunities.

We have already started an onboarding on our telegram page where we educate people about Cardano blockchain and guide them create accounts on Cardano ideascale and register them as Community Reviewers (

The team on this project has the relevant skills with high levels of trust and accountability which make us capable of delivering this project.

Our team is made up of individuals with expertise in project management, blockchain technology, data analysis, events planning and management to ensure the success of this project.

We also have individuals who have organized and participated in blockchain events at the local and international level

What are the key milestones you need to achieve in order to complete your project successfully?

Milestone 1: Project Planning and Setup

We shall be performing the following activities in order to complete this milestone;

  • Design of project objectives - 1 week
  • Stakeholders engagement - 1 week
  • Building of partnerships with colleges - 1 week


  • Well documented project plan

Acceptance criteria:

  • Well defined roadmap for project completion
  • Stakeholders contacted and onboarded for project
  • Partnerships built with colleges of selected tertiary institutions

Milestone 2: Blockchain Summit

The following activities will be done to complete this milestone;

  • Identify and invite industry experts, blockchain entrepreneurs and local Cardano ambassadors as speakers for the summit - 2 weeks
  • Booking of venue and coordination of logistics for the summit - 2 weeks
  • Advertisements/publicity to create awareness about the summit - 2 weeks
  • Conduct of Blockchain summit in selected tertiary schools - 4 weeks


  • Blockchain summit organized in selected tertiary schools

Acceptance Criteria:

  • Active participation of students in the summit
  • Participants get to have the knowledge of Blockchain Technology
  • Increased awareness of the Cardano blockchain among students

Final Milestone: Project Wrap-up and Closing Reports

We envision to complete our final milestone by performing the following task;

  • Collect and analyze data on students satisfactory and feedback - 2 weeks
  • Writing of comprehensive report covering the project's impact, challenges and the way forward - 4 weeks
  • Compilation of videos from our summits - 2 weeks
  • Sharing of project report with the community and on our social media channels


  • Feedback surveys and data gathering conducted
  • Data analyzed and interpreted
  • Completed project report

Acceptance Criteria:

  • Clear understanding of the project's impact
  • Insights and recommendations for future improvements
  • Transparent documentation and reporting of project outcomes and achievements

Who is in the project team and what are their roles?

Anita Eshun - Project Data Analyst

Anita as a Data Scientist by profession will be responsible for collecting and analyzing of data for the project.


Joshua Larweh Tetteh - Project Manager

Joshua's experience as the Programs Manager for YAFO Institute deems him fit to manage this project successfully as he has successfully managed and completed various projects for the Institute.


Priscilla Awuyor - Promotion/Marketing Manager

Priscilla will develop marketing strategies to advertise and promote the blockchain summit to create awareness among the students populace.


Esther Kumi: Finance Controller

Esther's experience in Accounting is valuable for this project as she will be responsible for managing the treasury and report on expenditures for the project.


Please provide a cost breakdown of the proposed work and resources

Budget Breakdowns:

Project planning and Setup

  • Development of project plan - 500 ADA
  • Stakeholder consultations - 300 ADA
  • Identifying of key partners - 350 ADA
  • Total: 1,150 ADA

Blockchain Summit

The costings here are for 3 summits at 3 tertiary institutions

  • Venue rentals and logistics - 1500 x 3 = 4,500 ADA
  • Resource persons (3) fees - 3 x 700 x 3 = 6,300 ADA
  • Printing of Souvenir (Cardano branded T-shirt) - 5,000 ADA
  • Advertisement/publicity (social media, flyers and radio) - 2,500 ADA
  • Launch/incentives for participants - 2,000 ADA
  • Transportation costs - 3 x 1200 = 3,600 ADA
  • Media (photography and videography) - 3 x 1000 =3,000
  • Total: 26,900 ADA

Project Wrap-up and Reporting

  • Data collection and analysis - 1,000 ADA
  • Compilation of project report (write ups and videos) - 1,000 ADA
  • Total: 2,000 ADA

Contingency Fund

  • Unexpected expenses - 1,000 ADA
  • Team allowance - 2,000 ADA
  • Total: 3,000 ADA

No dependencies

How does the cost of the project represent value for money for the Cardano ecosystem?

The Tertiary Blockchain Education and Onboarding will be presenting blockchain knowledge to students particularly about the Cardano blockchain as we will be leveraging our education about the Cardano blockchain. This will expand the scope of the Cardano blockchain among students which create the awareness of the Cardano blockchain among students.

Also, the onboarding aspect onto the Cardano ideascale will unveil Project Catalyst to students thereby increasing the number of community reviewers, proposers and eligible voters for future funds.

Giving out incentives to participants Yoroi wallets will increase the volume of ADA holders.

Overall, the project seeks to create the awareness of the Cardano blockchain and the various opportunities in the ecosystem among students.



  • EP2: epoch_length

    Authored by: Darlington Kofa

    3m 24s
    Darlington Kofa
  • EP1: 'd' parameter

    Authored by: Darlington Kofa

    4m 3s
    Darlington Kofa
  • EP3: key_deposit

    Authored by: Darlington Kofa

    3m 48s
    Darlington Kofa
  • EP4: epoch_no

    Authored by: Darlington Kofa

    2m 16s
    Darlington Kofa
  • EP5: max_block_size

    Authored by: Darlington Kofa

    3m 14s
    Darlington Kofa
  • EP6: pool_deposit

    Authored by: Darlington Kofa

    3m 19s
    Darlington Kofa
  • EP7: max_tx_size

    Authored by: Darlington Kofa

    4m 59s
    Darlington Kofa