Please describe your proposed solution.
In this solution, we will create a website where the university/training center will issue certificates to eligible students as NFTs. Students need a digital wallet to receive and store certificates. Students can choose which certificates they want to share for others to see to generate QR codes. With this QR code, employers can easily validate the certificate.
Target users:
- Schools/training centers need to issue certificates to students quickly.
- Students who need to store their certificates securely and export them for easy attachment to their CV.
- Employers who need quick and accurate certificate validation and weed out candidates using fake certificates.
Benefits from the project:
- Preventing counterfeiting.
- Cut down on time and cost of creating and certifying processes.
- Avoid damage and loss like paper certificates.
- Candidates can easily attach certificates to their CVs and employers validate them quickly.
Demonstrating Impact:
- Attract more people to know and use blockchain both directly and indirectly.
- Evaluate growth by the number of users and their feedback.
Beneficiaries and Importance to Cardano:
- Beneficiaries: Prevent counterfeiting, avoid damage, and loss due to bad storage. Reduce the time and cost of creating certificates. Easily export and validate certificates.
- Importance to Cardano: Cardano blockchain application to solve real-world problems. Increase the number of people who know and use the Cardano network.
By increasing awareness and adoption of Cardano, the goal is to expand the user base, resulting in a higher number of wallets and transactions on the platform.