Please describe your proposed solution.
In this solution, we will create a website where the university/training center will issue certificates to eligible students as NFTs. Students need a digital wallet to receive and store certificates. Students can choose which certificates they want to share for others to see to generate QR codes. With this QR code, employers can easily validate the certificate.
Target users:
- Schools/training centers need to issue certificates to students quickly.
- Students who need to store their certificates securely and export them for easy attachment to their CV.
- Employers who need quick and accurate certificate validation and weed out candidates using fake certificates.
Benefits from the project:
- Preventing counterfeiting.
- Cut down on time and cost of creating and certifying processes.
- Avoid damage and loss like paper certificates.
- Candidates can easily attach certificates to their CVs and employers validate them quickly.
Demonstrating Impact:
- Attract more people to know and use blockchain both directly and indirectly.
- Evaluate growth by the number of users and their feedback.
Beneficiaries and Importance to Cardano:
- Beneficiaries: Prevent counterfeiting, avoid damage, and loss due to bad storage. Reduce the time and cost of creating certificates. Easily export and validate certificates.
- Importance to Cardano: Cardano blockchain application to solve real-world problems. Increase the number of people who know and use the Cardano network.
By increasing awareness and adoption of Cardano, the goal is to expand the user base, resulting in a higher number of wallets and transactions on the platform.
How does your proposed solution address the challenge and what benefits will this bring to the Cardano ecosystem?
We have developed a startup project based on leveraging blockchain technology to combat the issue of fake certificates. Our innovative idea aims to create a business that effectively deals with this problem by implementing secure and decentralized verification processes. With our solution, we strive to provide reliable and trustworthy credentials, ensuring the integrity of educational qualifications.
Benefits for Cardano:
- Optimal for all parties to use: By issuing certificates as NFTs and storing them on the blockchain.
- Promote the development of the Cardano ecosystem: Users will know the Cardano blockchain as a diverse and attractive ecosystem. Attract schools, students, and employers to use the Cardano blockchain system and trust.
Besides building a website, building a community is also our big goal. Most of the people we target don't really understand blockchain or the Cardano network. Our project both solves a real-world problem and acts as a bridge for users to access and learn more about blockchain.
How do you intend to measure the success of your project?
To measure the success of the project, we will rely on:
- Number of users: By tracking the number of individuals actively using our system and the growth in registered accounts.
- Number of certificates: We track the number of qualifications created, submitted, and banned.
- User Feedback: We will regularly conduct surveys and evaluations with users of the information system, based on their activities within the system.
- System functions: Our system will include key functions such as login, registration, certificate creation, certificate issuance, certificate validation, attaching QR codes to CVs, and verifying the authenticity of certificates.
Please describe your plans to share the outputs and results of your project?
We have a clear plan to share the outputs and results of our project:
- Online presence: We will consistently update our project website, social media channels, and the Cardano community forum to provide regular updates, address inquiries, and engage with everyone.
- Active Engagement: We will actively participate in relevant meetups, conferences, and events to showcase our project, discuss its impact, and establish connections with users and potential investors.
- Industry Collaboration: We will proactively pursue partnerships with established blockchain developers to leverage their expertise, improve our projects, and foster broader adoption.
- Collaboration with Education Institutions: We will actively seek partnerships with small and medium-sized educational organizations to implement our project in practical operations. This real-world implementation will contribute to the development of the Cardano ecosystem and facilitate easier management of credentials for educational institutions.
- Contribution to Research: We will actively share our findings with the Cardano research community, present at blockchain conferences, and publish in academic journals, thereby advancing the knowledge and understanding of blockchain and certificate systems.