vote pending
Swarm Treasury Manager
Current Project Status
vote pending



Decentralised organisations lack a transparent, automated way to verify, validate, and reward contributions, resulting in inefficiencies and inconsistent recognition of contributor efforts.

Swarm Treasury Manager

Please describe your proposed solution

We propose a highly configurable Treasury Guild Manager tool that automates and streamlines the end-to-end process of contribution tracking, validation, and reward distribution for decentralised organisations operating within the Cardano ecosystem. This tool leverages the Treasury Guild’s standardised operating procedures to facilitate data import, contribution management, and transaction generation.

The solution is built around a structured workflow that automates every critical step of the process:

By automating contribution management and on-chain verification, the solution enhances operational efficiency, transparency, and trust within decentralised organisations.

Treasury Manager supports multiple input data configurations, making it adaptable for various teams and DAOs that use different tools and methods for project management.

  1. Data Import & Standardization:
  2. Options for importing data from project management tools like Dework or GitHub
  3. Options using local files like Excel, CSV or JSON files
  4. API to feed data into the Treasury Manager import loader
  5. The manager has various features to organise and standardise data in predefined formats, ensuring consistency across all contributions.
  6. Verification & Validation:
  7. With an automated process, the Treasury Manager identifies duplications and provides both suggestions and direct edits and updates to data based on configurations.
  8. The tool includes automated scripts and error handling mechanisms to tackle common issues such as incorrect task names, missing labels, and invalid wallet addresses.
  9. User Experience
  10. Data can be filtered to make custom views
  11. There will be custom filters for data labelling and configuration work flows.
  12. Colour-coded data visualisation helps users focus on the information they may need to check
  13. On-Chain Validation & Reward Distribution:
  14. Once contributions are validated and organised on different work view you can manage bundle transactions, verify token exchange rates and ensure budget compliance for each group.
  15. Bundle Transactions of contributions are processed and recorded on-chain.
  16. You can create reverse transactions to invalidate public metadata

Please define the positive impact your project will have on the wider Cardano community

The Swarm Treasury Manager will impact Cardano's organisation and teams who want to use the Cardano blockchain as their source of truth for the value they want to recognise and distribute.

Manager Database can be used for testing different funding and voting models by using the on-chain metadata and tokens allocated as custom parameters and weights

Value to the Cardano Community:

  1. Blockchain Transactions: Usually, the use of these tools makes the output of work more transparent and detailed, which also sometimes consumes more metadata that does not fit into a single transaction. To increase the quality of on-chain information, users pay for multiple transactions to recognise hundreds of contributions.
  2. Increased Participation & Engagement: By automating contribution tracking and reward distribution, contributors will be more motivated to participate in various projects and working groups, knowing their efforts will be accurately recognised and rewarded.
  3. Enhanced Transparency & Accountability: On-chain validation of contributions provides a transparent and auditable record for stakeholders. This will show Cardano’s metadata use case as a public database for researchers and dashboards.
  4. Operational Efficiency for DAOs: Decentralized organisations that find transparency important will have a tool to reduce the administrative overhead of recognising and rewarding contributions
  5. Improved Decision-Making: The organised and verified data provided by the tool will serve as a valuable resource for data-driven decision-making, enabling organisations to allocate resources and rewards effectively.

We will utilize both quantitative and qualitative metrics to measure the success of our project

  1. Quantitative Metrics:
  • Track the volume of contributions processed and validated using the tool.
  • Measure the number of DAOs and projects leveraging the tool within the Cardano ecosystem.
  • Monitor the volume of on-chain transactions generated through the tool to track adoption and usage.
  1. Qualitative Metrics:
  • Retrospectives and associated documentation from live sessions

We are committed to sharing our progress and opportunities that result from this project through the following channels:

  1. Swarm YouTube Videos:
  2. Regular updates on the development process, new features, and dashboard demonstrations in a public and transparent manner.
  3. Recorded sessions of public events, where we will present development status, showcase new features, and discuss future roadmap plans.
  4. Showcase dashboard implementations and share lessons learned
  5. Open-Source Code Repository:
  6. The codebase for the dashboard will be shared as an open-source project, allowing the wider Cardano community to review, contribute to, and adapt it for their projects.
  7. Additional documentation will be provided to guide other developers and projects on integrating and utilizing the dashboard effectively.

Through these channels, we aim to ensure that the broader Cardano community is kept informed and engaged while also providing opportunities for collaboration and knowledge sharing.

What is your capability to deliver your project with high levels of trust and accountability? How do you intend to validate if your approach is feasible?

Our team has extensive experience in managing decentralized projects and has established a strong track record of delivering reliable and transparent tools that add value to the community. Over the past years, we have been actively engaged in managing reward distribution for the SingularityNET Ambassador program. Through this process, we have developed and maintained multiple tools that are now fundamental components of the program’s operations. These include token distribution systems and performance dashboards that provide real-time insights into contributor engagement and reward allocations.

We have successfully built and implemented the current treasury system for the SingularityNET Ambassador program, which is actively used by the community to recognise contributions.

We offer Treasury Management services and help integrate and standardise value recognition products the communities already use.

Our team comprises experienced developers and data analysts proficient in building blockchain-integrated solutions and data visualisation tools.

We have already built an MVP for the manager, which has been tested and iteratively improved based on feedback from early adopters.

We are building on our previous experience.

Learn more about the Treasury System here: F9 Close Out - Swarm DAO Tools

What are the key milestones you need to achieve in order to complete your project successfully?

Milestone 1: Milestone 1: Project Set-Up and Requirements Gathering (12 weeks)

A: Milestone outputs

  • Create a public GitHub repository with a project board to track milestones, issues, and feature development.
  • Develop and share a public project event calendar for all planning and community engagement sessions.
  • Publicity and outreach to engage the community in the project’s stages.
  • Develop technical requirements documentation, including
  • Visual representation of the system components, modules, and their interactions
  • Explanation of how data moves through the system and interacts with different components
  • Guidelines on configuring and managing the tool’s settings, with considerations for security, compliance, and compatibility with existing solutions.
  • Documented workflows for using the Treasury Manager’s various features, with a focus on demonstrating automated processes
  • Description of data models, relationships, and constraints.
  • Identification of external and internal data sources.
  • Methods for accessing data from different sources.
  • Detailed documentation of each API endpoint, including paths, methods, request/response formats, and error codes.
  • Explanation of user authentication mechanisms and access controls.
  • Details on how data is processed, validated, and stored.
  • Overview of the React component hierarchy and design patterns.
  • Information about compatibility with other software or platforms.
  • Information about how user data is protected and compliance with regulations (e.g., GDPR).
  • Guidelines to ensure the manager is secure from vulnerabilities.

B: Acceptance criteria

  • Share Technical Requirements documentation and collect feedback in a public session

C: Evidence of milestone completion

  • The link to videos where we discussed technical requirements.
  • Link to Technical Requirement Document

Milestone 2: Milestone 2: (10 weeks)

A: Milestone outputs

  • Set Up Database and Server
  • Design and develop a Home page
  • Design and develop the Settings page
  • Wallet Log In
  • Wallet Assigning
  • Draft Recognition Manager page
  • Draft Distribution page
  • Draft Dashboard of current bundle transaction status
  • Integrate Treasury Dapp for transaction building
  • Integrate Discord for Transaction Update Messages
  • Data import component

- Handle auth for different platforms to import

- import via API or files

- validate imported data

B: Acceptance criteria

  • Database and server set up
  • the component that imports contributor data is working
  • All draft pages are accessible
  • Wallet login and assignment are working
  • Different platform logins are working
  • Discord msg integration is working

C: Evidence of milestone completion

  • Screenshots/recordings of the working components/ pages
  • Code repository with commit history

Milestone 3: Milestone 3: (8 weeks)

A: Milestone outputs

  • Contribution management component

- Filters data

- validate and organise contributions

- manage contributor wallets

  • Conf component

- User can edit automation

B: Acceptance criteria

  • Working Contribution management and Conf component

C: Evidence of milestone completion

  • Screenshots/recordings of the working components
  • Code repository with commit history

Milestone 4: Milestone 4: (4 weeks)

A: Milestone outputs

  • Bundle tx component

- Filter Community to be paid

- Filter out contributions for workgroups that went over their quarterly budget

- Calculate to not go over metadata character limit and create tx bundles

- Get exchange rates

- Make bundled txs available to tx builder

B: Acceptance criteria

  • Working Bundle Tx component

C: Evidence of milestone completion

  • Screenshots/recordings of the working component
  • Code repository with commit history

Milestone 5: Milestone 5: (6 weeks)

A: Milestone outputs

  • Transaction Builder Component

- selects the bundled tx to pay

- adds tx hash to bundle on successful payment

  • Reverse Tx Builder Component

- Create reverse transactions to invalidate public metadata

B: Acceptance criteria

  • Working TX Builder components

C: Evidence of milestone completion

  • Screenshots/recordings of the working component
  • Code repository with commit history

Final Milestone: Final Milestone: Close out report (4 weeks)

A: Milestone outputs

  • Website application to recognise, organise and reward contributions

B: Acceptance criteria

  • Functional Manager

C: Evidence of milestone completion

  • Proposal Close-Out and Product Demo Video
  • Code repository with commit history

Who is in the project team and what are their roles?

Andre Diamond, Full Stack Developer

Experienced in Javascript frontend and backend development. Joined the Catalyst Circle Admin team in November 2021 as Treasurer and later co-founded the Treasury Guild with Miroslav, Felix, and Tevo to amplify support for projects in the Catalyst community. Currently responsible for developing the Treasury Guild treasury dashboard and other tools in the ecosystem. LinkedIn:é-diamond-45871242/

Tevo, Project Manager

Connecting Decentralised Open Source Services and Contributing to Community Governance Documentation. <>

Please provide a cost breakdown of the proposed work and resources

Project Management and Community Engagement: 28600 ADA

Documentation: 25911 ADA

Development: 34467 ADA

Check Budget Sheet for more details: Swarm Treasury Proposal Budget Sheets

No dependencies

How does the cost of the project represent value for money for the Cardano ecosystem?

The cost of this project represents excellent value for money for the Cardano ecosystem for the following reasons:

Our proposal includes project management, community engagement, and the production of user documentation, tutorials, and support materials. Our team members have extensive experience in managing decentralised projects and ensuring community alignment, making the proposed cost proportional to their expertise and contributions.

We have already developed an MVP of the tool, demonstrating our ability to deliver value efficiently. This reduces risk and increases confidence that the proposed budget will be effectively utilised to expand the tool’s functionality.

The project has been designed with input from the Cardano community and directly addresses pain points faced by decentralised organisations. This alignment ensures that the value delivered is not only theoretical but grounded in actual needs and demands.

We have developed a metadata standard that now contains over 12000 recognitions over 200 transactions with a total distribution of over 150000 USD (converted to token in the distribution day), 250000 AGIX and 40000 ADA

We have already built most of the blockchain functions and save time by only having to integrate the manager with our existing dapps.

The rates we used are self-employed rates that take into account the employment overheads of the resources contracted. The rates are based on the low end of US and European averages. The amounts are calculated for each milestone based on the hours to complete.

In addition all the resources working on this project are taking on the currency risk of being paid in ADA. This means that a fall in the ADA price will result in being paid less or delivering less in each milestone. Any rise in the ADA price will represent a reward for investing in the Cardano ecosystem.

Consequently, given these factors, we believe this proposal offers excellent value for money in a volatile cryptocurrency environment.



  • EP2: epoch_length

    Authored by: Darlington Kofa

    3m 24s
    Darlington Kofa
  • EP1: 'd' parameter

    Authored by: Darlington Kofa

    4m 3s
    Darlington Kofa
  • EP3: key_deposit

    Authored by: Darlington Kofa

    3m 48s
    Darlington Kofa
  • EP4: epoch_no

    Authored by: Darlington Kofa

    2m 16s
    Darlington Kofa
  • EP5: max_block_size

    Authored by: Darlington Kofa

    3m 14s
    Darlington Kofa
  • EP6: pool_deposit

    Authored by: Darlington Kofa

    3m 19s
    Darlington Kofa
  • EP7: max_tx_size

    Authored by: Darlington Kofa

    4m 59s
    Darlington Kofa