Please describe your proposed solution.
The SPO-Scripts were created almost 4 years ago, and updated since to be cutting edge with the blockchain development. They provide essential tooling for SPOs, Users, Individuals who are operating on the CLI and interacting with the Cardano Blockchain. They have been updated on a regular base, frontrunning updates to support hardforks, introducing new blockchain features. Providing snippets that are used by other devs to inspire/update there codebase. This challenge now gives the opportunity to fund new features and required updates for those features.
How does your proposed solution address the challenge and what benefits will this bring to the Cardano ecosystem?
The SPO-Scripts have and will always be 100% open-source. Many StakePoolOperators are using them right now and expressed there will to continue using them in the future. The SPO-Scripts provide a method to interact with the blockchain on the CLI. A similar project is CN-Tools. Developments on the SPO-Scripts and CN-Tools often interact with each other providing better and new tools for the SPOs and all CLI-Users. The SPO-Scripts were used since the ITN-Testnet and by many SPOs since the launch of Shelley. Providing new features / updates guarantees that SPOs are not left out on new developments and can focus on there daily work with the Stakepool.
How do you intend to measure the success of your project?
Hard to measure the impact in numbers for the SPO-Scripts, you can look at the github numbers. But most of the time the feedback comes directly from SPOs via various channels like Telegram, Github, Twitter, Discord.
Please describe your plans to share the outputs and results of your project?
SPO-Scripts is an open-source project for Stakepool Operators and CLI-Users, the progress and output is instantly accessable via Github.