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Spotlight on Cardano Impact: Impact Directory, Impact Reports, and Community Engagement through Webinars/Podcasts
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Cardano Impact projects struggle to get highlighted due to jargon, fragmented communication, siloes, limited promotion => missed opportunities for real world use, partnerships and impact investments.


Spotlight on Cardano Impact: Impact Directory, Impact Reports, and Community Engagement through Webinars/Podcasts

Please describe your proposed solution

To effectively spotlight and communicate impact projects within the Cardano community, a multi-faceted approach is proposed, integrating the creation of a Cardano Impact Project Directory within Project Catalyst, an Annual Cardano PC Impact Report, and a series of Podcasts/Webinars alongside educational content on impact business development.

1) PC Impact Project Directory

Establishing a centralized Cardano Impact Project Directory will serve as a dynamic hub for all impact projects within the Cardano ecosystem. By categorizing initiatives across various sectors (e.g., health, environment, education), the directory will significantly enhance project visibility and create opportunities for collaboration. This platform will evolve with the ecosystem, regularly updating projects and resources to remain relevant. The directory will be a critical tool for connecting projects with funders, partners, and volunteers. Impact projects will be selected using the Cardano PC Impact Measurement System (IMS), ensuring that only high-impact initiatives are showcased.

2) Annual Cardano PC Impact Report

The Annual Cardano PC Impact Report will formalize recognition of impact projects, presenting progress and achievements through case studies, project metrics, and impact stories. This report will be designed to appeal to both technical and non-technical audiences, offering a visually engaging, easily digestible format that serves as both a marketing tool and an educational resource. By highlighting measurable impact and community contributions to global challenges, this report will foster transparency and trust while driving engagement and further project support.

3) Podcasts/Webinars

Launching a series of Podcasts and Webinars focused on impact stories will create a platform for in-depth exploration of the challenges and successes faced by Cardano projects. These podcasts/webinars will engage project leaders, community members, and external experts, offering diverse perspectives on how Cardano technology drives social, environmental, and economic change. Additionally, educational content such as webinars and training will empower project teams with essential skills in areas like scaling, fundraising, and aligning with Cardano’s impact metric frameworks and SDGs. This creates a continuous learning ecosystem that supports both new and existing impact-driven projects to thrive within Cardano’s decentralized framework.

Please define the positive impact your project will have on the wider Cardano community

The positive impact of this project on the wider Cardano community will be multi-dimensional, addressing social, environmental, and economic aspects. First, by creating a Cardano Impact Project Directory, we will significantly enhance the visibility of initiatives within the ecosystem, fostering collaboration between project teams, funders, and volunteers. This directory will elevate social initiatives by promoting inclusivity and cross-community collaboration, environmental projects by highlighting sustainability efforts and green tech innovations, and economic initiatives by opening new avenues for funding and partnerships, enabling impact-driven projects to scale and create value within Cardano.

The Annual Cardano PC Impact Report will formalize recognition of these efforts, showcasing measurable achievements and real-world applications of Cardano technology, strengthening transparency and trust in the community. By focusing on social, environmental, and economic contributions, the report will provide a holistic overview of Cardano’s ecosystem impact. Additionally, the Podcasts/Webinars will serve as an accessible platform for sharing success stories and educating community members. These educational tools will empower project teams with the skills and knowledge necessary to scale their projects and manage contributions to broader global goals such as the SDGs.

To measure the project’s impact, we will leverage the Cardano IMS, currently under development by the same team. Quantitative measures will include the number of projects listed in the directory, web traffic, engagement metrics from podcasts/webinars (e.g., views, participation, feedback), and partnerships or funding opportunities created. Qualitative measures will focus on testimonials, case studies, and community feedback, offering insights into the effectiveness and accessibility of the directory, report, and educational content.

We will share the outputs through multiple channels within the Cardano community, including official forums, social media (Twitter, Discord), newsletters, and regular updates. The Impact Project Directory and Annual Report will be hosted on accessible platforms, ensuring the wider community stays informed about new opportunities and project milestones. By utilizing these communication channels, the project will create new avenues for collaboration and growth, delivering long-term value to the Cardano community.

What is your capability to deliver your project with high levels of trust and accountability? How do you intend to validate if your approach is feasible?

The Impact Web3 team, led by Razali Samsudin, Cole Bartlett and Teodor Petricevic, has extensive experience in impact measurement, blockchain innovation, and managing large-scale, multi-stakeholder projects. Our team has been active within the Cardano ecosystem since Fund 4 and has consistently delivered high-quality, impact-driven solutions through Sustainable ADA and Impact Web3. Our work includes producing the Cardano Impact Report 2023, integrating SDG frameworks into blockchain projects, and developing various impact measurement tools, including the IMS for Project Catalyst currently in development.

Teodor Petricevic brings over 20 years of experience in social business development and project management across Europe, MENA, and Asia. His leadership in impact business acceleration for the UNDP strengthens the project’s capacity to scale and mobilize resources effectively.

Razali Samsudin brings 17+ years of multidisciplinary academic and professional experience from the education, sustainability and social impact fields. Trained in Economics and Social Policy, Social Action Campaigning, and with a Masters in Sustainable Development from Dauphine University Paris, and a Masters in Environmental Technology from Imperial College. Since 2020, Razali has been conducting action research into web3 and blockchain for good use cases across the wider ecosystem. A key player in implementing SDG frameworks, he has been instrumental in driving sustainability within blockchain projects and synthesizing impact data into actionable insights.

Co-lead on the Catalyst Working Groups 2024 (First Cohort) alongside IOG, a first of its kind initiative to provide a framework for grassroot communities from across 6 continents to have their voices heard, and to enable and empower them to guide the direction of Catalyst.

Cole Bartlett, with a background in economics and sustainability, has co-founded key platforms like Sustainable ADA and driven the development of blockchain-based impact measurement tools. Co-lead on the Catalyst Working Groups 2024 (First Cohort) alongside IOG, a first of its kind initiative to provide a framework for grassroot communities from across 6 continents to have their voices heard, and to enable and empower them to guide the direction of Catalyst.

We have successfully executed multiple Project Catalyst initiatives, such as research in SDG alignment, impact measurement tool development, and cross-chain collaborations, showcasing our capability to handle complex projects with high levels of trust and accountability. Our established partnerships with leading organizations further strengthen our network and resource mobilization capabilities.

Feasibility validation: We validate our approach through iterative development, community feedback, and pilot testing. The IMS is already in progress, and we are committed to continuous improvement based on stakeholder input and operational data. Regular updates, open-source code releases, and transparent reporting will ensure that the system is both functional and scalable.

Funds management: We adhere to strict financial accountability standards, ensuring all funds are allocated transparently and efficiently. The use of milestone-based project management allows us to track progress and adjust as needed, ensuring accountability at every step. We maintain clear records of all expenditures and provide regular reports to stakeholders, ensuring trust and alignment with Cardano’s values of transparency and decentralization.

What are the key milestones you need to achieve in order to complete your project successfully?

Milestone 1: Milestone 1: Development and Launch of the Cardano PC Impact Project Directory

A: Milestone Outputs

  • Create a functional, user-friendly Cardano PC Impact Project Directory.
  • Populate the directory with an initial set of 50 impact projects, categorized by sector (e.g., health, environment, education).
  • Ensure the directory has filtering options to search for projects by type, region, or impact area.

B: Acceptance Criteria

  • The directory is live and accessible to the Cardano community.
  • At least 50 projects are listed with complete descriptions, links, and categorized appropriately.
  • Positive feedback from at least 100 community members confirming the directory’s usability and ease of navigation.
  • Integration of the directory with PC.

C: Evidence of Milestone Completion

  • Screenshots of the live directory and project listings.
  • User feedback surveys or testimonials from community members on the directory’s accessibility and usability.
  • Analytics showing initial directory traffic and usage metrics.
  • Confirmation from PC team of the directory’s integration.

Milestone 2: Milestone 2: Publication of the Annual Cardano PC Impact Report

A: Milestone Outputs

  • Draft and publish the first Annual Cardano PC Impact Report.
  • Include detailed metrics, case studies, and testimonials from at least 50 impact projects.
  • Ensure the report is visually engaging and easily accessible to technical and non-technical audiences.

B: Acceptance Criteria

  • The report is published and made publicly accessible on Cardano community platforms
  • The report includes quantitative and qualitative data on impact, with at least 50 project case studies.
  • Positive feedback from at least 300 key community stakeholders.

C: Evidence of Milestone Completion

  • The published report available on the official website, with a downloadable PDF.
  • Feedback or testimonials from community stakeholders and project leaders.
  • Analytics showing report downloads and engagement from community members.

Milestone 3: Milestone 3: Launch of Podcasts/Webinars Series

A: Milestone Outputs

  • Produce and release a series of 3 podcasts or webinars focusing on Cardano impact stories and educational content.
  • Feature project leaders, community members, and external experts.
  • Develop and release accompanying educational content, such as training sessions on impact business development.

B: Acceptance Criteria

  • All podcasts/webinars are recorded, edited, and published on community channels.
  • At least 100 community members attend or engage with the sessions (live or post-event).
  • Positive feedback from participants and viewers on the quality and relevance of the content.

C: Evidence of Milestone Completion

  • Recordings of the published podcasts/webinars with links shared across the Cardano community.
  • Engagement metrics (views, comments, feedback) from the community.
  • Testimonials from participants and featured guests confirming the value of the sessions.

Milestone 4: Milestone 4: Full Integration with Cardano IMS

A: Milestone Outputs

  • Full integration of the IMS into the Cardano Impact Project Directory and reporting processes.
  • Ensure all listed projects are evaluated and tracked through the IMS for both quantitative and qualitative impact metrics.

B: Acceptance Criteria

  • The IMS is fully functional and integrated, allowing project teams to measure and report their impact.
  • At least 10 projects have successfully used the IMS to report on their progress and results.
  • Feedback from project leaders on the effectiveness and usability of the IMS.

C: Evidence of Milestone Completion

  • Documentation and screenshots showing the integration of IMS into the directory and reporting processes.
  • Data reports generated by the IMS from at least 10 projects.
  • User feedback or testimonials confirming the utility of the IMS for tracking project impact.

Final Milestone: Final Milestone - Project Close-out Report and Summary Video

A: Milestone Output

  • Comprehensive final report covering research, stakeholder engagement, consultation, and white paper development.
  • Key findings, project achievements, lessons learned, and next steps for platform development.
  • Accompanying video summarizing the project and promoting the platform’s vision and future goals.

B: Acceptance Criteria

  • Completion of a detailed close-out report, including all milestones and actionable recommendations for the next phases.
  • Creation of a high-quality video communicating the project’s impact, vision, and future roadmap.
  • Successful dissemination of the report and video to stakeholders, potential partners, and the wider community.

C: Evidence of Completion

  • Submission of the final report and video, including documentation of key findings and next steps.
  • Proof of distribution to stakeholders, along with evidence of public sharing (e.g., social media, newsletters, or community channels).

Who is in the project team and what are their roles?

Our team brings together over 20 years of experience in social innovation, impact measurement, and blockchain technology. Having successfully collaborated on previous Cardano ecosystem projects, including the Cardano Impact Report 2023, we are confident in our ability to deliver this project. Our roles are clearly defined, ensuring accountability, and we have a proven track record of managing large-scale initiatives with high levels of transparency and engagement.

1/ Teodor Petricevic – Project Lead

Role: Teodor will oversee the entire project, managing strategic direction, partnerships, and overall execution. He will ensure that the project aligns with the goals of spotlighting impactful Cardano projects and fostering collaborations. Teodor has over 20 years of experience in community building, social innovation, and impact entrepreneurship, which makes him well-suited to lead this initiative and drive impactful outcomes.

  • LinkedIn: <>

2. Razali Samsudin – Impact Content and Reporting Lead

Role: Razali will lead the creation of the Annual Impact Report, gathering data, project insights, and success stories to highlight the achievements of Cardano impact projects. He will ensure the report is comprehensive and engaging for both technical and non-technical audiences. Razali’s background in education, sustainable development and impact reporting will be critical in delivering a high-quality, informative report that resonates with the Cardano community and external stakeholders.

3. Cole Bartlett – Technology and Media Lead

Role: Cole will manage the technical development of the Cardano Impact Project Directory and oversee the production of Podcasts/Webinars that highlight impactful projects. He will ensure that the technology platform is user-friendly and supports the community’s needs. Cole’s experience in blockchain technology and sustainability makes him the ideal lead for the technical aspects of the project, ensuring seamless integration of the directory and high-quality content production.

Experience: Project Manager Unbox, Founder Sustainable ADA &amp; Impact Web3, KOL Rejuve AI, 0KPR Cardano Ring Community Manager, Positive Blockchain Contributor

Helping build innovative Web3 products and communities that redefine value creation through blockchain technology. Co-author of “Recalibrating Value, Identity &amp; Impact Through the Blockchain," expertise in designing impactful, user-focused solutions that bridge sustainability, social entrepreneurship, and blockchain. A strong foundation in economics and sustainability, collaborated with a variety of projects in the sustainability, blockchain, and AI space helping implement forward-thinking strategies that foster lasting, positive change.

  • Linkedin [<>]

We may recruit additional team members with specific expertise in:

  • Event management - to coordinate logistics, speakers, and execution of live and virtual components of the podcasts/webinars.
  • Marketing and communications - to increase visibility and ensure broad outreach and engagement with the Cardano community and external stakeholders.
  • UX/UI Designers - to enhance the user experience of the Impact Project Directory and make it accessible to a wide audience.

Please provide a cost breakdown of the proposed work and resources

Milestone 1: Development and Launch of Directory

Development Costs: Building the directory and user interface - 15,000 ADA

Project Curation: Researching and listing 50 impact projects - 5,000 ADA

Testing and Feedback: Usability testing and feedback collection - 2,000 ADA

Marketing/Promotion: Announcing the launch within the Cardano community - 3,000 ADA

Subtotal Milestone 1 = 25,000 ADA

Milestone 2: Annual Impact Report

Content Creation: Drafting, designing, and publishing the report - 15,000 ADA

Case Study Development: Writing case studies and gathering testimonials - 15,000 ADA

Marketing/Distribution: Promoting the report on community platforms - 5,000 ADA

Subtotal Milestone 2 = 35,000 ADA

Milestone 3: Podcasts/Webinars Series

Production Costs: Recording and editing podcasts/webinars - 5,000 ADA

Promotion: Marketing the series to attract community members - 5,000 ADA

Guest Speaker Fees: Compensation for external experts and project leaders - 5,000 ADA

Subtotal Milestone 3 = 15,000 ADA

Milestone 4: Full Integration with IMS

Development Costs: Integration of IMS into the directory and reporting - 8,000 ADA

Testing and Feedback: Collecting feedback from project leaders - 2,000 ADA

Subtotal Milestone 4 = 10,000 ADA

Final Milestone: Close-out Report and Summary Video

Report Creation: Writing the final report and summarizing findings - 5,000 ADA

Subtotal Final Milestone = 5,000 ADA

Project Management and Catalyst Administration = 5,000 ADA

Total Budget = 95,000 ADA

No dependencies.

How does the cost of the project represent value for money for the Cardano ecosystem?

By developing sustainable tools such as the Impact Project Directory, Annual Report, and Podcasts/Webinars, this project will establish long-term infrastructure that significantly enhances visibility, fosters collaboration, and attracts impact investments within the Cardano ecosystem.

The budget is meticulously calculated based on industry-standard rates for web development, content creation, and video production, ensuring a cost-effective investment.

This project will deliver lasting value to the Cardano community by creating clear pathways for impact-driven projects to scale, gain recognition, and access critical funding opportunities, ultimately supporting ecosystem growth and innovation.



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