not approved
Small-Business Crypto Payments DApp
Current Project Status

We create DApp software solution that will give merchants access to tech that they need to adapt crypto currency payments into their business.

The DApp will approach adaptation of crypto in real life.


Small-business owners and vendors are not crypto-savvy they don’t know how to set-up alternative payments using crypto currency’s.

There is no an alternative payment method for small businesses.

Impact / Alignment


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Small-Business Crypto Payments DApp

Please describe your proposed solution.

The Problem

  • Small Business and Vendors must have bank account to process credit and debit cards transactions.

  • High Cost of the Credit Card transactions for small businesses transactions.

  • Difficulties to expand the business to international buyers, limited access to products and services.

Small-scale businesses and vendors are losing money on credit cards and debit cards transaction fees, between $10,000 and $250,000 in annual payments, from 2.87 % percent and 4.35 % percent per transaction.

With additional cost $ of hardware leases and software subscriptions.

Our ADpp solution

There are several benefits for small business, and vendors to collect payments in cryptocurrencies:

  • There is not bank account requirements, just the crypto wallet and internet access on the smart phone.

  • Very low transaction fees.

There are fewer fees associated with cryptocurrency in comparison to credit cards payments.

  • Cryptocurrency enables small businesses to expand and open their doors to international buyers who previously couldn’t access their products and services.

  • Increased security.

Because of its decentralized nature, cryptocurrency protects merchants against fraud.

  • There is No chargebacks.

The blockchain stops customers without appropriate funds to make a payment, reducing the likelihood of the chargeback.


Small Businesses and Vendors are the primary beneficiaries.

Cardano blockchain are the secondary beneficiary of our DApp project.

We choose Cardano because we believe the Cardano blockchain has huge long term potential, and has many advantages over the other blockchains.

Cardano ecosystem benefits

“Small-Business Crypto Payments DApp” will be execute on the computation layer of Cardano blockchain.

Our project will benefit Cardano blockchain, adapting the Cardano blockchain for every day use by small business and vendors.

Our DApp will spark awareness of the Cardano blockchain.

By the small businesses and vendors, around the world who willing to collect payment in cryptocurrencies.

Please describe how your proposed solution will address the Challenge that you have submitted it in.

The challenge description calls for a flourish ecosystem of DApps products, and integrations that are better alternatives to current payments systems.

Our proposal addresses this need by providing an DApp based products that specifically meet the call for solutions that help to solve small businesses and vendors payments and banking issues.

This proposal will expose the global vendors in developing countries community to the capability of the Cardano blockchain to solve the problems with payments, and increasing interaction with the Cardano community.

The resultant value to Cardano blockchain will be its exposure to the business community as a source of generating small business solutions.

What are the main risks that could prevent you from delivering the project successfully and please explain how you will mitigate each risk?

  • Risk of software development delays

Mitigation – Our team are implementing face to face communication with team members, during software development process, to address any delays.

  • Risk DApp implementation complications and errors.
  • Risk the DApp will not behave as planned.

Mitigation – Engage with the developer community, e.g. Catalyst Swarm Cardano. Our team really on the Cardano softwares documentation

  • Risk of delays of the final product.

Mitigation – We are implementing excessive testing to catch potentials bugs, as well dividing development process on stages.

Our project timeline already included extra time.

  • Risk of cryptocurrency adaptation by small business.

Mitigation - We will show the benefits of accepting cryptocurrency, and how it will increased sales.

Please provide a detailed plan, including timeline and key milestones for delivering your proposal.

DApp development timeline:

Phase 1

Identify the feasibility of the Cardano blockchain technology to provide the identified solution.

First month

Software Architecture and Design.

  • Software coding
  • Data Base development
  • Testing and fixing bugs and errors.

Phase 2

Development of the DApp on the blockchain.

Second & Third month

  • Coding, software development
  • Implementation DApp on the Cardano blockchain
  • Testing to ensure the accuracy, suitability, and effectiveness of smart contracts.

Phase 3

DApp integration and Implementation

Fourth month

DApp Testing and Debugging.

Testing the code structure and its suitability for execution terms.

Availability of resources for smart contract execution, error messages and notification

Fifth month

DApp Implementation and Documentation.

The our developer team have a clear pathway to the creation of commercial solutions that can be used in the comercial sectors.

Please provide a detailed budget breakdown.

Our DApp on the Cardano blockchain project will take about 4 to 5 months to develop.

And extra 2 months for excessive testing, bugs fixing and promotion.

Budget breakdown

1 month

User interface design including wireframes, high-fidelity design of the flow:

hours 45 x $70 = $3,150

Software Coding and Testing:

hours 90 x $70 = $6,300

Data Base Development, Coding, Testing and Implementation:

hours 65 x $80 = $5,200

Taking an extra time for testing and bugs fixing.

DApp development

2 - 3 months

DApp Development with Data Base.

Testing and Implementation on the blockchain:

hours 290 x $110 = $31,900

An extra time for testing and bugs fixing.

DApp implementation

1 month

DApp Testing and Debugging:

hours 19 x $100 = $1,900


Documentation and Tutorial:

hours 22 x $70 = $1,540

End to End development of DApp cost US$ 50,000

Total needed is US$ 50,000

for project development.

Our proposal will be executed once we receive funding.

If more information are needed, we will provide it on request.

Please provide details of the people who will work on the project.

Project Manager

Image File

Wlodek Sass

President & CEO of Eario Inc. Canadian Federal Incorporation

Toronto, Canada

Computer Programer and Webmaster Content Site Designer

George Brown College of Applied Arts and Technology, Canada.

Seneca College of Applied Arts and Technology, Canada.

Diploma With Honours

Has over 17 years’ of experience, website and mobile application developments.

An extensive experience in mobile apps design and developments, iOS and Android platforms, with multiple functionality.

Project Manager Experience

Wlodek Sass

Developed over 30 applications for iOS and Android phones.

  • Eario Inc.

All the apps are created and own by Wlodek Sass

  • App Store / iOS: <>

  • Google Play / Android: <>

Mobile websites and apps created and own by Wlodek Sass

CV page

Our team:

1 - Software Design and Development

Frank Antonio Rodriguez Diaz Senior Software Engineer.

Montevideo, Uruguay

Computer Sciences Master Degree Informatics Sciences Engineer, Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence.

Senior Software Developer, URUIT, Montevideo.

CV page

2 - Database Design and Development

Meralys Vilches Rodriguez

Data Base Developer and Software Analyst.

Montevideo, Uruguay

Computer Science Engineer

Developer and Software Analyst, ODOO, Python Empresa Datamatic,


Developer Analyst, SQL, Kettle Topaz Company, Montevideo.

CV page

3 - Mobile Application and dApp Development

Lokesh Patel

Master of Computer Application

Indore, India

Bachelor of Computer Science (Hons) DAVV, Indore

Master of Computer Application (M.C.A) Senior/Team Lead Mobile


Experience in Mobile app development with multiple functionality.

Mobile Technologies; creation and maintainability of mobile apps and

back-end app.

Teklead Software OPC Pvt. Ltd, Indore

Sr. Hybrid Application Developer/Team Leader.

Aplite Info Solution Pvt. Ltd, Indore

Sr. Mobile Application Developer

CV page

If you are funded, will you return to Catalyst in a later round for further funding? Please explain why / why not.

For our DApp development we will not seek repeat funding from the Catalyst.

The founds we are seeking are enough to develop and implementing DApp as a small business alternative crypto payments solution.

Please describe what you will measure to track your project's progress, and how will you measure these?

To track our project's progress:

  • We will mesure number of the app installation, that will indicate whether interest of our project is growing, or declining.
  1. Step 1: Enable app install tracking on the account.
  2. Step 2: Update the Analytics SDK.
  3. Step 3: Set up Custom Campaigns, an Analytics feature that add parameters to the URL:

of our marketplace page where users enter.

  • We will measure level of interest in our DApp by number of the subscribers in our Data Base, and comparing these metrics each month.

  • We will mesure number of the transactions each month, this will show adaptation of the Cryptocurrency payments by small businesses and vendors.

What does success for this project look like?

The DApp project will empower small business and vendors who are willing to participate, with easy to use mobile applications to receive payment for goods and services in cryptocurrency, as an alternative payment method, without an additional hardware or software.

Users of our DApp solution will have access to cryptocurrencies transactions.

It will make easy and affordable for small-scale businesses as: coffee shops, restaurants, food services, repair shops, bakeries, small stores, and vendors to receive payments from their customers in cryptocurrencies.

Out software solution DApp will initially approach adaptation of the cryptocurrency, while giving small-businesses and vendors from developing countries access to tech that they need.

Please provide information on whether this proposal is a continuation of a previously funded project in Catalyst or an entirely new one.

The DApp is an entirely new project, we never received funds from the Catalyst, Cardano Foundation.



  • EP2: epoch_length

    Authored by: Darlington Kofa

    3m 24s
    Darlington Kofa
  • EP1: 'd' parameter

    Authored by: Darlington Kofa

    4m 3s
    Darlington Kofa
  • EP3: key_deposit

    Authored by: Darlington Kofa

    3m 48s
    Darlington Kofa
  • EP4: epoch_no

    Authored by: Darlington Kofa

    2m 16s
    Darlington Kofa
  • EP5: max_block_size

    Authored by: Darlington Kofa

    3m 14s
    Darlington Kofa
  • EP6: pool_deposit

    Authored by: Darlington Kofa

    3m 19s
    Darlington Kofa
  • EP7: max_tx_size

    Authored by: Darlington Kofa

    4m 59s
    Darlington Kofa