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Scientific, Financial & Blockchain Education in children colouring books, with public readings and Cardano onboarding to parents.
Current Project Status

We will create children’s colouring books (physical and digital) that provide scientific, financial, and blockchain education, accompanied by public readings and Cardano onboarding for parents.


Lack of early scientific, financial, and blockchain education for children limits their future opportunities and inhibits the growth of the Cardano ecosystem.

Impact / Alignment
Value for money


2 members

Scientific, Financial & Blockchain Education in children colouring books, with public readings and Cardano onboarding to parents.

Please describe your proposed solution.

Our proposed solution aims to address the lack of early scientific, financial, and blockchain education for children, benefiting both the Cardano ecosystem and the broader community.

We recognize the problem of limited educational resources in these areas, which can hinder children's future opportunities and impede the growth of Cardano. Our solution combines engaging children's colouring books with public readings and Cardano onboarding for parents.

What sets our solution apart is its unique approach to introducing complex concepts in a simple and accessible format. By leveraging the creativity and interactivity of colouring books, we can make scientific, financial, and blockchain education engaging and fun for children. Public readings of these books further promote learning and parental involvement, fostering a sense of community.

Our project will engage children, parents, and educators, providing them with educational materials and resources that bridge the gap in early education. Through Cardano onboarding for parents, we ensure that the benefits and opportunities of blockchain technology are understood and embraced within the community.

To demonstrate impact, we will track the distribution and utilization of our colouring books, conduct surveys and assessments to measure knowledge acquisition, and gather feedback from parents and educators. We will showcase the impact through litepapers, whitepapers, and publicly-accessible documentation, allowing the wider community to assess the effectiveness of our solution.

This solution is important to Cardano as it aligns with its goals of empowering individuals, promoting education, and fostering innovation within the ecosystem. By providing early exposure to scientific, financial, and blockchain concepts, we are nurturing a generation that is well-equipped to contribute to the Cardano community's growth and drive the adoption of decentralized solutions.

In summary, our solution offers a unique and engaging way to educate children, involve parents, and promote the Cardano ecosystem's long-term sustainability and success.

How does your proposed solution address the challenge and what benefits will this bring to the Cardano ecosystem?

Our proposed solution directly addresses the Catalyst Open Challenge by providing a small, low-budget idea that falls outside the mainstream of other challenges. It meets the criteria of being a self-contained project aimed at exploring the gaps where Catalyst innovation funding hasn't reached yet.

The impact of our project goes beyond funding the project team. By introducing scientific, financial, and blockchain education in children's colouring books, along with public readings and Cardano onboarding for parents, we anticipate several benefits for the Cardano ecosystem:

  1. Education and Awareness: Our project will contribute to raising awareness and understanding of blockchain technology, financial literacy, and scientific concepts among children and parents. This will foster a greater understanding of the Cardano ecosystem and its potential, creating a knowledge base for future adoption and innovation.
  2. Community Engagement: Public readings of our colouring books will actively engage the community, encouraging participation and dialogue. Parents will have the opportunity to learn about Cardano and its benefits, fostering a sense of community and connection.
  3. Long-Term Adoption: By introducing Cardano to parents and caregivers through onboarding initiatives, we aim to establish a strong foundation for long-term adoption. Parents who gain knowledge and understanding of blockchain technology are more likely to support its integration into their lives and encourage its adoption within their social circles.
  4. Growing the ADA Economy: The project has the potential to attract new users to the Cardano ecosystem, as well as foster an environment of curiosity and interest in blockchain technology. This can lead to increased usage, transactions, and adoption of ADA, contributing to the growth of the ADA economy.

While it is challenging to quantify the exact impact within a specific timeframe, we anticipate measurable outcomes such as a significant number of distributed colouring books, active participation in public readings, and increased Cardano onboarding of parents. These metrics will serve as indicators of our project's success in achieving its goals.

Overall, our project aims to bring value to the Cardano ecosystem by fostering education, community engagement, and long-term adoption. It aligns with the goals of the Catalyst Open Challenge in exploring new ideas, bridging educational gaps, and driving the growth of the ADA economy.

How do you intend to measure the success of your project?

To measure the success of our project, we will employ a combination of quantitative and qualitative metrics to assess the benefits to the Cardano ecosystem. Here's how we intend to measure and evaluate the impact of our project:

  1. Distribution and Engagement Metrics:
  • Measure the number of distributed colouring books to children and families.
  • Track the engagement levels through public readings, including attendance and feedback from participants.
  • Monitor the usage and interaction with educational materials, such as downloads, views, and shares of related resources.

2. Knowledge and Awareness Assessment:

  • Conduct pre- and post-project surveys to evaluate the level of knowledge and awareness about scientific concepts, financial literacy, and blockchain technology among children and parents.
  • Assess the effectiveness of the educational materials in conveying key concepts and promoting understanding.

3. Feedback and Testimonials:

  • Gather qualitative feedback from parents, caregivers, and educators regarding the perceived impact of the project on children's learning, community engagement, and Cardano onboarding.
  • Collect testimonials and success stories from participants, highlighting their experiences and the value they see in the project.

In the short term, our project will contribute to immediate engagement, education, and awareness within the community. We expect to see increased attendance at public readings, positive feedback from participants, and initial steps toward Cardano onboarding.

In the long term, our project has the potential to foster a generation of individuals who are well-versed in scientific concepts, financial literacy, and blockchain technology. This can lead to increased productivity and growth within the Cardano ecosystem as these individuals become active contributors, adopters, and innovators.

While exact numerical projections can be challenging, we believe that the measures mentioned above are realistic and aligned with the nature of our project. They provide valuable insights into the reach, effectiveness, and impact of our educational materials, community engagement efforts, and Cardano onboarding initiatives.

By combining quantitative metrics with qualitative feedback and testimonials, we can assess the multifaceted impact of our project on knowledge acquisition, community growth, and the perception of Cardano within the broader ecosystem.

Please describe your plans to share the outputs and results of your project?

To share the outputs and results of our project, we have planned a comprehensive dissemination strategy that encompasses various channels and target audiences. Here are our plans to spread the project's outputs over a reasonable timescale:

  1. Public Distribution: We will make the scientific, financial, and blockchain colouring books available for public distribution through multiple channels. These include educational institutions, libraries, community centers, and online platforms. We will work with partners to ensure wide accessibility and reach. An NFT version of the digital books in spanish, english and interlingua will be uploaded to the Cardano blockchain as NFTs and copies will be distributed to the ADATOMS and Alexandria Project libraries, for public view and consumption.
  2. Public Readings and Events: We will organize public readings and events where children and parents can actively engage with the colouring books. These events will serve as opportunities to share the project's impact and generate awareness among the attendees. We will leverage social media, local press, and community networks to promote and attract participation.
  3. Digital Resources: We will create digital versions of the colouring books and related educational materials. These resources will be shared on our website, social media platforms, and other relevant online channels. They will be easily accessible for download, allowing a broader audience to benefit from the project's outputs.
  4. Collaborations with Educators: We will collaborate with educators, schools, and educational organizations to integrate the colouring books into their curricula or extracurricular activities. This will ensure that the project's outputs have a lasting impact on children's learning and continue to be utilized in educational settings beyond the project's completion.
  5. Documentation and Reports: We will prepare comprehensive documentation and reports that highlight the project's outcomes, impact, and lessons learned. These documents will be shared with the Cardano community, relevant stakeholders, and the wider public. They will provide insights into the effectiveness of the educational approach and serve as a resource for further research and development activities.
  6. Further Research and Development: The results generated from the project will inform future research and development activities in the field of scientific, financial, and blockchain education. We will analyze the feedback, assessment data, and testimonials gathered during the project to identify areas for improvement and expansion. This will help us refine the educational materials, explore new topics, and potentially create additional resources to continue advancing scientific and financial literacy within the Cardano ecosystem.

Overall, our plans for sharing the outputs and results of the project involve a combination of physical and digital distribution, collaborations with educators, public events, and comprehensive documentation. By utilizing multiple channels and engaging various stakeholders, we aim to maximize the project's impact, create opportunities for further engagement, and contribute to the long-term growth of scientific, financial, and blockchain education within the Cardano ecosystem.

What is your capability to deliver your project with high levels of trust and accountability?

ADATOMS brings a wealth of educational experience and a proven track record in delivering successful projects within the Cardano ecosystem. Our existing capabilities and demonstrated trustworthiness make us best suited to deliver this project with high levels of trust and accountability. Here are the key factors that showcase our capability:

  1. Educational Expertise: With extensive experience in educational content creation and dissemination, we have a deep understanding of effective pedagogical approaches. Our prior successful Catalyst proposal in educational podcasts demonstrates our ability to create engaging and informative educational materials.
  2. Track Record: We have already uploaded over 40+ hours of public educational podcasts to the Cardano blockchain, showcasing our commitment to providing accessible and quality educational resources to the community. This demonstrates our capability to deliver projects that contribute to the Cardano ecosystem's growth and education.
  3. Transparent Financial Management: We have a proven track record of managing funds responsibly and transparently. In our previous Catalyst proposal, we adhered to the guidelines and processes for fund management, ensuring accountability and proper utilization of the allocated resources. We will continue to maintain the same level of financial integrity for this project.
  4. Established Partnerships: Over the course of our educational initiatives, we have forged collaborations with educators, experts, and community leaders within the Cardano ecosystem. These partnerships provide us with a network of trusted individuals who can contribute their expertise and ensure the quality and impact of our project.
  5. Compliance with Cardano Principles: We are committed to upholding the principles of the Cardano ecosystem, including transparency, decentralization, and community-driven initiatives. Our past projects have aligned with these principles, and we will continue to adhere to them in the delivery of this project.
  6. Clear Communication and Reporting: We recognize the importance of transparent communication and reporting to build trust and accountability. We will provide regular updates, progress reports, and financial statements to the community and stakeholders, ensuring transparency in the project's management and outcomes.

Through our educational expertise, track record, financial management practices, established partnerships, adherence to Cardano principles, and commitment to transparent communication, we demonstrate our capability to deliver this project with the highest levels of trust and accountability. Our past successes and experience serve as strong indicators of our ability to effectively manage funds and deliver impactful educational initiatives within the Cardano ecosystem.

What are the main goals for the project and how will you validate if your approach is feasible?

The main goals for the ADATOMS colouring books project are as follows:

  1. Goal: Enhance Scientific Understanding
  • Objective: Provide children with an engaging and accessible medium to learn scientific concepts.
  • Validation: Measure the level of scientific knowledge gained by children through pre- and post-project assessments and feedback from parents and educators.

2. Goal: Foster Financial Literacy

  • Objective: Introduce financial concepts and principles to children in an age-appropriate and interactive manner.
  • Validation: Assess the understanding of financial concepts among children through targeted assessments and feedback from parents and educators.

3. Goal: Promote Blockchain Awareness

  • Objective: Introduce the concept of blockchain technology to children and parents, creating awareness and understanding of its potential applications.
  • Validation: Evaluate the level of comprehension and awareness about blockchain technology through pre- and post-project surveys and feedback from participants.

4. Goal: Engage and Educate Parents

  • Objective: Facilitate Cardano onboarding for parents through educational materials accompanying the colouring books, events or others.
  • Validation: Track the number of parents who actively participate in Cardano onboarding activities and gather feedback on their experience and understanding of Cardano.

To validate the feasibility of our approach, we will employ the following methods:

  1. User Feedback and Assessments: We will gather feedback from children, parents, and educators through surveys, interviews, and focus groups. This feedback will help evaluate the effectiveness of the colouring books in achieving the stated objectives.
  2. Pre- and Post-Assessments: We will conduct assessments to measure the level of knowledge and understanding before and after engaging with the colouring books. This will provide quantitative data to evaluate the impact of the project.
  3. Review of Engagement Metrics: We will track the distribution and engagement metrics of the colouring books, such as the number of downloads, views, and shares. This data will indicate the reach and popularity of the educational materials.
  4. Collaboration with Educators: We will engage with educators and educational institutions to gather insights on the relevance and effectiveness of the colouring books in supporting scientific, financial, and blockchain education. Their feedback will contribute to validating the project's approach.

In implementing our approach, we will leverage our educational expertise and collaborate with illustrators, subject matter experts, and Cardano community members. We will ensure that the content aligns with the targeted age group and follows best practices in educational material development. Regular feedback loops and iterative improvements will be incorporated to refine the approach and enhance its feasibility throughout the project timeline.

Please provide a detailed breakdown of your project’s milestones and each of the main tasks or activities to reach the milestone plus the expected timeline for the delivery.

  1. Milestone: Content Development
  • Activities: Write the content for all three colouring books in Spanish, English, and Interlingua. Also a general book layout in terms of design should be decided upon.
  • Timeline: 2 months
  • Success Criteria: Completion of written content for all three books in all three languages.
  • Projected Cost: ADA 20.000

2. Milestone: Art and Design Completion

  • Activities: Create illustrations and design the layout for all three colouring books.
  • Timeline: 2 months
  • Success Criteria: Artwork and design finalized for all three books.
  • Projected Cost: ADA 20.000

3. Milestone: Printing and eBook Finalization

  • Activities: Print physical books in Spanish. Finalize the eBook versions in all three languages. Confirm organization and booking of readings in proposed locations.
  • Timeline: 1 month
  • Success Criteria: Physical books printed in Spanish. eBook versions completed in all three languages. Readings organized and confirmed in most proposed locations.
  • Projected Cost: ADA 20.000

4. Milestone: Public Readings and Documentation

  • Activities: Conduct public readings in various locations. Capture photos and recordings of the events. Upload event materials and documentation to the blockchain as proof of accomplishment.
  • Timeline: 1 month
  • Success Criteria: Successful public readings in multiple locations. Documentation and media uploaded to the blockchain.
  • Projected Cost: ADA 15.000

<u>Project Implementation Plan:</u>

1. Project Initiation:

  • Define project scope, objectives, and milestones.
  • Set up project management tools and communication channels.
  • Formulate a detailed project plan.

2. Execution:

  • Write the content for all three books in Spanish, English, and Interlingua.

3. Art and Design:

  • Create illustrations and design the layout for all three books.

4. Printing and eBook Finalization:

  • Print physical books in Spanish.
  • Finalize eBook versions in all three languages.
  • Confirm organization and booking of readings in proposed locations.

5. Public Readings and Documentation:

  • Conduct public readings in various locations.
  • Capture photos and recordings of the events.
  • Upload event materials and documentation to the blockchain.

6. Project Closure:

  • Conduct a final review and evaluation of the project.
  • Wrap up financial and administrative tasks.

Regular project monitoring and communication will ensure timely progress and address any challenges or adjustments needed. The project management approach will emphasize collaboration, iterative improvements, and transparent communication with stakeholders and the Cardano community.

Please describe the deliverables, outputs and intended outcomes of each milestone.

Milestone 1: Content Development

  • Deliverables: Completed written content for all three colouring books in Spanish, English, and Interlingua.
  • Documentation: Digital copies of the written content for each book in all three languages.
  • Outputs: Ready-to-use text for the colouring books, including scientific, financial, and blockchain-related educational content.
  • Intended Outcome: Availability of comprehensive and engaging educational material for children that introduces scientific concepts, financial literacy, and blockchain technology.
  • Measurement: Progress will be measured by the completion of the written content for all three books in the specified languages. The output will be assessed based on the quality and relevance of the educational content.

Milestone 2: Art and Design Completion

  • Deliverables: Illustrated artwork and designed layout for all three colouring books.
  • Documentation: Digital copies of the illustrations and design files.
  • Outputs: Professionally designed colouring books with visually appealing illustrations.
  • Intended Outcome: Creation of visually captivating educational materials that attract and engage children while reinforcing the scientific, financial, and blockchain concepts introduced in the content.
  • Measurement: Progress will be measured by the completion of the artwork and design for all three books. The output will be assessed based on the quality, creativity, and alignment with the educational content.

Milestone 3: Printing and eBook Finalization

  • Deliverables: Printed physical books in Spanish, finalized eBook versions in all three languages.
  • Documentation: Digital copies of the eBook files and proof of physical book printing.
  • Outputs: Physical copies of the colouring book in Spanish and digital versions accessible in Spanish, English, and Interlingua.
  • Intended Outcome: Availability of tangible and digital resources for children to engage with the educational content through colouring activities, promoting learning and understanding of scientific, financial, and blockchain topics.
  • Measurement: Progress will be measured by the completion of printing the physical books in Spanish and finalizing the eBook versions. The output will be assessed based on the quality of the printed books and the functionality and accessibility of the eBook versions.

Milestone 4: Public Readings and Documentation

  • Deliverables: Conducted public readings, documentation of the events, photos, recordings, and blockchain uploads.
  • Documentation: Media files (photos, recordings) and blockchain transaction records.
  • Outputs: Evidence of successful public readings and documentation showcasing community engagement and participation.
  • Intended Outcome: Increased awareness and interest in scientific, financial, and blockchain education for children and parents through interactive public readings. Demonstrating the impact and reach of the project through blockchain uploads.
  • Measurement: Progress will be measured by the successful organization and execution of public readings in multiple locations. The output will be assessed based on the documentation of the events, including photos, recordings, and blockchain uploads, demonstrating the project's reach and engagement with the community.

The project's progress will be tracked by monitoring the completion of each milestone and the quality of the deliverables. Key performance indicators (KPIs) can include the timely completion of tasks, stakeholder feedback and engagement, number of books printed and distributed, number of eBook downloads, and the reception of public readings. These measurements will help assess the project's impact, outreach, and effectiveness in achieving its intended educational outcomes.

Please provide a detailed budget breakdown of the proposed work and resources.

<u>The budget of this project will be distributed in the following activities:</u>

1. Project Initiation -> ₳5,000 :

  • Define project scope, objectives, and milestones.
  • Define educational content to be covered in all 3 areas (science, finances, blockchain)
  • Set up project management tools and communication channels.
  • Formulate a detailed project plan.

2. Execution: -> ₳15,000

  • Write the content for all three books in Spanish, English, and Interlingua.

3. Art and Design: -> ₳15,000

  • Create illustrations and design the layout for all three books.

4. Printing and eBook Finalization -> ₳20,000

  • Finalize eBook versions in all three languages.
  • Print physical books in Spanish.
  • Organization and booking of readings in proposed locations.

5. Public Readings, Distribution and Documentation -> ₳15,000

  • Conduct public readings in various locations, with coffee breaks and periodistic coverage.
  • Capture photos and recordings of the events.
  • Upload event materials and documentation to the blockchain as proof.
  • Upload and distribute copies of the eBook in all 3 languages to the Cardano blockchain as tokens, with copies in various public Cardano libraries and distribution partners (like stakepools)

6. Project Closure -> ₳5,000:

  • Conduct a final review and evaluation of the project.
  • Wrap up financial and administrative tasks.

Who is in the project team and what are their roles?

Our project team for the "Scientific, Financial & Blockchain Education in children colouring books, with public readings and Cardano onboarding to parents." initiative consists of highly qualified individuals with expertise in various areas relevant to the project's objectives. Here are the team members and their respective roles:

  1. Andres Halabi Díaz (CEO & CTO) - LinkedIn: Andres Halabi Díaz Andres is a highly skilled chemist with extensive experience in scientific, financial and blockchain education, currently pursuing a Ph.D. in Molecular Physical Chemistry. He specializes in artificial intelligence, predictive models, green chemistry, and blockchain technology. As the CEO and CTO, he is responsible for the overall development of the ADATOMS innitiative and related projects, as well as all technological aspects involved.
  2. Ignacia Muñoz (CMO & CDO) - LinkedIn: Ignacia Muñoz Ignacia holds a degree in business engineering and administrarion, and possesses strong experience in digital marketing and blockchain technology. As the CDO, she focuses on maintaining an engaging online presence, leveraging digital media platforms to redirect attention to Cardano and Project Catalyst. She ensures that the project's activities are presented in an entertaining and captivating manner.

We have engaged with our team members and have direct lines of communication established to facilitate collaboration and coordination. We have also reached out to the relevant organizations and resources, such as possible partnering schools and town halls. The necessary steps have been taken to ensure their willingness and capacity to contribute to the project's success.

At the same time, we have also contacted some external artists that will be in charge of that part of the project, whom we will make sure to pay a fair share for their work.

How does the cost of the project represent value for money for the Cardano ecosystem?

The cost of the project represents value for money for the Cardano ecosystem in several ways. Firstly, the project aims to provide educational resources to children, introducing them to scientific concepts, financial literacy, and blockchain technology. These resources will contribute to the development of knowledge and skills in these important areas, fostering early education and awareness among the younger generation.

The costs associated with content development, art and design, printing, eBook finalization, public readings, and documentation are based on reasonable estimations. They take into account factors such as the expertise and time required to create high-quality educational materials, engage in professional design work, produce physical books, organize public readings, and capture documentation for proof of accomplishment.

The budget also considers the distribution and dissemination of the eBooks through the Cardano blockchain, making them accessible to a wider audience. By leveraging the blockchain technology, the project ensures transparency, immutability, and the ability to reach Cardano community members across different regions.

Furthermore, the cost breakdown aligns with industry standards and takes into account the average rates for freelance services, content creation, design work, and event organization. While the costs may vary depending on the specific region, the allocated budget is designed to cover the necessary expenses to deliver a high-quality project.

Overall, the cost of the project represents value for money by providing educational resources, engaging the community through public readings, leveraging blockchain technology for distribution, and delivering a comprehensive and impactful initiative within a reasonable budget.



  • EP2: epoch_length

    Authored by: Darlington Kofa

    3m 24s
    Darlington Kofa
  • EP1: 'd' parameter

    Authored by: Darlington Kofa

    4m 3s
    Darlington Kofa
  • EP3: key_deposit

    Authored by: Darlington Kofa

    3m 48s
    Darlington Kofa
  • EP4: epoch_no

    Authored by: Darlington Kofa

    2m 16s
    Darlington Kofa
  • EP5: max_block_size

    Authored by: Darlington Kofa

    3m 14s
    Darlington Kofa
  • EP6: pool_deposit

    Authored by: Darlington Kofa

    3m 19s
    Darlington Kofa
  • EP7: max_tx_size

    Authored by: Darlington Kofa

    4m 59s
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