Please describe your proposed solution
The process of creating content isn't easy. It is time-consuming, and the financial gains are fairly small, which makes it hard to scale the creation of such content over the long term. We've seen many great Cardano content creators come and go over the years, with only a handful staying the course.
The platform we propose will help create a sustainable content creation ecosystem by creating a marketplace where projects can request specific content to be made and receive bounties in the form of tokens or ADA in return. By participating in the marketplace, content creators can find a source of content ideas and revenue. Creators can submit content to the various bounties, and projects can allocate funds to creators according to their requirements.
Furthermore, in the future (stage 2), content creators can submit their content to the website and have the community tip them for it. This will supplement any other revenue sources, such as YouTube Ads, the creator may already receive. We plan to investigate using Hydra heads for the tipping payments, as this will allow users to tip creators in Lovelaces quickly and cheaply.
This proposal will cover building the prototype platform that will allow users to submit content bounties and fulfil them by submitting content to them. The content can then be reviewed for quality and acceptance based on the rules of the content creator and may payments to the creators. Community engagement with accounts and voting will be a part of the platform to curate submissions.
Example scenario:
A new Fireball Finance project is launching and requires onboarding content and tutorials covering all its features. Fireball Finance submits a bounty of 10,000 ADA and 100,000 FBALL tokens for the top 10 pieces of high-quality content that are over 1000 words and include screenshots and videos before a certain due date. Community votes will determine the best submissions that meet the requirements.
Content creators will submit content that meets the criteria before the due date.
The Fireball Finance team reviews content, which is then opened to the community for review to determine the top 10 pieces of content.
Payments are allocated and distributed to the content creators.