Given the growing number and adoption of distributed identity solutions, the importance of interoperability between them becomes evident. For that reason, we have designed our Open Source RootsWallet with the interoperability concept in mind. In that sense, we have implemented an architecture that allows different Decentralized Identity method handlers to be added seemesly, where an orchestration layer helps switch between different DID operations based on the user needs.
In this project we are proposing to add the sideree-cardano method handler that was part of the project Interoperability as Growth Driver funded in Catalyst F6, to the RootsWallet from project Open Source Credential Wallet funded in Catalyst F7. The synergy of these two projects will allow:
- add a wallet as an extra component to the sidetree-cardano ecosystem that is currently composed by the sidetree nodes, Hyperledger Cloud Agent, and Universal Resolver
- allow sidetree users to use RootsWallet
- provide a initial level of DID interoperability between Atala Prism and sidetree, in particular sidetree-cardano
- facilitate the addition of other sidetree platforms such as ion and element
We are aiming to reach the goal of the challenge by providing the first open source wallet for the Cardano ecosystem, supporting did:ada and did:prism methods, allowing interoperability and growing the number of tools available to implement Self-Sovereign Identity projects on top of Cardano.
I do not foresee a technical challenge since I’ve already developed and implemented a Universal Resolver Plugin for sidetree. However, the main challenge I may face is the ability to allocate enough time to commit the project in time. Since this is not the only project I’m planning to deliver during the same period of time, I’ve been carefully planning time allocation among all Catalyst projects and personal daily jobs. Besides that planing, and as the schedule is really tight, I have planned two options to mitigate that risk in case of necessity:
- As I’m part of RootsId, a team of four members, I will count the support from the rest in case we need it.
- I have identified a number of community members that I met at the Atala Prism Pioneer Program that are willing to collaborate and jump into the project in case we needed it.