vote pending
Reputation-Driven Influence for Cardano DAOs and Projects
Current Project Status
vote pending



Influence in decentralized governance, like Catalyst, is dominated by token holdings, undervaluing community engagement and contributions, leading to imbalanced decisions and reduced fairness.


2 members

Reputation-Driven Influence for Cardano DAOs and Projects

Please describe your proposed solution

Our solution enhances governance mechanisms for any DAO or project operating within the Cardano ecosystem by integrating reputation scores into voting systems. This ensures that voting power is not solely based on token holdings but also reflects the quality and impact of a participant's contributions. The system can be easily integrated with Ideascale, Catalyst, and other governance platforms, making it highly adaptable to various use cases within Cardano.

The reputation system consists of three key components:

  • Data Collection Layer: This layer collects data from platforms like Ideascale and Catalyst voting platform, tracking proposal submissions, voting patterns, community discussions, and engagement across social platforms.
  • Reputation Algorithms: These algorithms calculate scores based on the frequency, quality, and impact of user contributions. They reward sustained engagement, ensuring that active and meaningful participation is incentivized.
  • **User Interface (UI):**The UI will allow administrators and users to easily configure reputation scores, manage connected data sources, and monitor the services used in the reputation system. It will provide an intuitive interface for selecting and adjusting the data sources and algorithms used to calculate scores. Additionally, the UI will offer insights into the underlying data contributing to reputation scores, allowing users to verify, tweak, and optimize the system for different voting scenarios. This flexible, configurable interface ensures transparency and control over how reputation influences voting power.

Our existing product has been successfully deployed in SingularityNET’s Deep Funding program, where it processes engagement scores and voting results. We now aim to make this solution available to Cardano-based projects, including Ideascale and Catalyst, to enhance governance across the ecosystem.

Please define the positive impact your project will have on the wider Cardano community

This project will have the following impacts on Cardano-based DAOs and governance platforms:

  • Fairer Voting Mechanisms: By incorporating engagement data and reputation scores, projects using this system will benefit from governance mechanisms that better reflect the contributions of community members.
  • Broader Community Participation: The system incentivizes more active and meaningful participation in governance, as contributors can increase their voting influence through non-financial contributions.
  • Enhanced Decentralization: By rewarding community engagement, this solution promotes the long-term decentralization of governance within the Cardano ecosystem, making decision-making more inclusive and transparent.

What is your capability to deliver your project with high levels of trust and accountability? How do you intend to validate if your approach is feasible?

Photrek is an international leader in the research and development of voting mechanisms. Photrek introduced the quadratic voting mechanism to the Cardano community in 2021 with its F4 Catalyst project Diversify Voting Influence. Most recently, its F11 Socicratic DREP project published the paper, “Sociocratic Pluralism governance for blockchain ecosystems”. The team is currently partnered with IOG Research on the F12 Alternative Voting project, where we are advancing the capabilities of the Catalyst program.

Photrek’s product development team, led by Juana Attieh, has partnered with Trustlevel to deliver the Contribution Engagement Score platform used by SingularityNET to process the voting results for the Deep Funding program and is currently working on their entire reputation system design. This software was prototyped in DF3 and fully utilized in DF4. Maciej Nowosielski has recently joined the Photrek team to lead our blockchain development efforts.

We will validate our approach through functional testing within Catalyst's environment, ensuring engagement metrics are accurately calculated and reflected in voting results. User feedback and pilot testing will be crucial in refining the algorithms.

What are the key milestones you need to achieve in order to complete your project successfully?

Milestone 1: Project Kick-off & Architecture Definition (2 months)

Milestone Output:

  • Detailed system architecture design, including microservices for data collection, reputation algorithms, and APIs.
  • Initial meetings with project teams for data integration planning.
  • Community workshop to gather feedback on the proposed system and ensure alignment with governance needs of diverse platforms.

Acceptance Criteria:

  • Completed architecture document.
  • Feedback and insights from community workshops documented.

Evidence of Completion:

  • Published system architecture document with feedback incorporated.
  • Meeting minutes and plan for data integration.
  • Workshop summary with community feedback.

Budget: ₳40,000

Milestone 2: Data Integration with projects (3 months)

Milestone Output:

  • Initial version of the database for storing and contextualizing collected data from different platforms.
  • Development of data extraction from governance platforms.
  • API endpoints for seamless data flow between platforms and the reputation system.

Acceptance Criteria:

  • Successful testing of data pipelines and score generation in the test environment.

Evidence of Completion:

  • Data pipelines established and tested.
  • API endpoints functional in the test environment.

Budget: ₳60,000

Milestone 3: Algorithm Refinement & Pilot Testing (3 months)

Milestone Output**:**

  • Development of core algorithms for calculating reputation scores based on engagement data from sources.
  • Refinement of algorithms using feedback from data analysis and testing.
  • Pilot testing of reputation scores integrated with voting mechanisms (testnet).

Acceptance Criteria:

  • Algorithms deployed on testnet and used to calculate voting power for a set of test proposals.
  • Successful pilot test showing integration of reputation scores with voting platforms.

Evidence of Completion:

  • Fully functional algorithms for calculating and adjusting reputation scores.
  • Report on pilot test results and adjustments based on community feedback.

Budget: ₳80,000

Milestone 4: System Refinement, User Interface Development, and Beta Deployment (3 months)

Milestone Output**:**

  • Development of a user interface (UI) for interacting with reputation scores, enabling users to configure data sources and view how reputation influences governance.
  • Refinement of reputation algorithms based on pilot test feedback and community input.
  • Beta deployment of the reputation system with a subset of users on various platforms.

Acceptance Criteria:

  • Beta test results showing stable system performance and positive user feedback.
  • UI integrated and accessible, allowing administrators to manage reputation scores and connected services.

Evidence of Completion:

  • Completed UI that allows interaction with reputation scores.
  • Comprehensive user feedback report.

Budget: ₳90,000

Milestone 5: Full System Deployment & Documentation (1 month)

Milestone Output:

  • Full deployment of the reputation system integrated into governance platforms.
  • Creation of public-facing documentation and educational materials, including a user guide, video tutorials, and technical documentation.

Acceptance Criteria:

  • Successful deployment of the system with full functionality on different platforms.
  • Educational materials published and accessible to users.

Evidence of Completion:

  • Live system fully integrated, operational for upcoming governance rounds.
  • Public release of user documentation and tutorials.

Budget: ₳60,000

Final Milestone: Project Close-out, Reporting, and Community Presentation (1 month)

Milestone Output:

  • Final project report summarizing all milestones, outcomes, and the impact of the reputation system on governance processes.
  • Video presentation summarizing the project and demonstrating the final system.
  • Close-out report with key learnings, challenges, and recommendations for future improvements.

Acceptance Criteria:

  • Final report and video published and reviewed by platform stakeholders.
  • Positive feedback from stakeholders on system performance and project outcomes.

Evidence of Completion:

  • Comprehensive final project report and presentation video.
  • Community presentation(s) at relevant forums.

Budget: ₳50,000

Who is in the project team and what are their roles?


Juana Attieh, Project Lead


Maciej Nowosielski, Senior Developer

Igor Oliviera, Junior Developer

Raymond Mata, Systems Administrator

Barry Varys, Project Manager

Juana Attieh, Product Lead at Photrek. She plays an active role in decentralized governance, contributing as a member of the Membership and Community Committee, and providing her expertise as an advisory board member and board observer for Intersect. Juana is a co-founder of the Cardano MENA community and Off-chain Toronto, she also serves as CSO at She leads the Applications Circle for the LALKUL dRep, focusing on advancing decentralized decision-making. Her work reflects a passion for community-led infrastructures and governance, aimed at creating sustainable, decentralized societies.

Igor Oliveira serves as an algorithm developer and collaborative partner at Photrek while concurrently conducting research in Socioeconophysics, quantum computing, and evolutionary dynamics at the Center and Laboratory of Complex Systems.

His research investigates the dynamics and underlying mathematical mechanisms governing interacting complex systems within complex networks and collective phenomena.

Maciej Nowosielski is an experienced full stack developer with a diverse skill set in hardware and software development, including proficiency in front and back-end languages, responsive frameworks, databases, and IT support. Committed to delivering high-quality solutions and contributing to company growth in a rapidly changing tech landscape, he continuously refines his skills to meet evolving organizational needs. Drawing on his disciplined problem-solving approach developed as a United States Army Veteran, Maciej excels in Web Development, Mobile Application Development, and emerging technologies such as WEB3 Blockchain development. His expertise also extends to IT support, where he focuses on maintaining seamless operations and resolving technical issues efficiently.

Please provide a cost breakdown of the proposed work and resources

<u>Budget Breakdown</u>

Milestone 1: ₳40,000

  • (System design, architecture, and community workshop)

Milestone 2: ₳60,000

  • (Data integration and microservice development)

Milestone 3: ₳80,000

  • (Algorithm development and pilot testing)

Milestone 4: ₳90,000

  • (UI development and beta deployment)

Milestone 5: ₳60,000

  • (Full deployment and documentation)

Final Milestone: ₳50,000

  • (Project close-out and reporting)

Total Budget Request: ₳380,000

While the project aims to integrate real data from platforms like Ideascale to retrieve engagement and contribution metrics, we can generate dummy data during development to simulate interactions and test the system. This flexibility ensures that the project can proceed without delays while real data integration is finalized, ensuring accurate reputation score calculations for governance mechanisms.

How does the cost of the project represent value for money for the Cardano ecosystem?

Photrek has been delivering high-quality projects for the Cardano ecosystem, from fund 4 to 12, with a strong commitment to fair compensation and efficient resource management. Our estimated Day-Person cost is approximately $1,000, reflecting the value we place on skilled team members and our dedication to meeting the highest standards. Our rates are based on self-employment in the US &amp; Canada. The rates take into account the employment overheads of the resources contracted. Furthermore, for collaborators who commit to multiple projects over a year, we provide a working partner contract that includes portable benefits. This has strengthened our sociocratic commitment to building a strong, capable team. The amounts are calculated for each milestone based on the hours to complete. For example the chart for engineering and scientific salaries in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts is provided here.

The proposed system will enhance Cardano DAO voting by ensuring voting power reflects meaningful community engagement, not just token holdings. By integrating reputation metrics, it fosters more transparent, inclusive, and equitable governance, aligning with the long-term decentralization goals of the Cardano ecosystem. This creates lasting value by improving decision-making and increasing participation.



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