Please describe your proposed solution.
- The solution proposes that the marketplace for verification will contain jobs/tasks created and published from the reitcircles platform when new assets are requested for verification.
- Different players such as notary, legal verifiers, real estate agents and other players in the ecosystem, can register on the platform and request jobs to be allocated to them.
- The job allocations will be done on the basis of different parameters such as region, city, province , country, qualifications, age and reviews.
- Smart contract driven workflow will determine the lifecycle of tasks published on the marketplace.
- The automation of tasks for verification will allow neutrality of different participants as far as verifying an asset. More than one verifier per task can be an option so that oracle based solution can be implemented.
How does your proposed solution address the challenge and what benefits will this bring to the Cardano ecosystem?
- The proposed marketplace will now enable anyone to have their assets verified and NFT issued on the blockchain. This service can be used by different centralized providers such as title deed issuers, non financial banking institutions (who currently do not have any technology platform or the ability to create one themselves).
- For other realfi projects this can enable collaboration in the open marketplace that can be shared for other projects as well.
How do you intend to measure the success of your project?
- An initial working version of the product that can be integrated into the Reitcircles platform and provide real world usage, no matter how rudimentary.
- Now real estate managers can just host their assets on reitcircles
- Individuals can host their assets on the platform, get the assets verified and banking/non-banking financial institutions are able to tap into this data for financial transactions.
Please describe your plans to share the outputs and results of your project?
- We work on the principle of sharing what we use
- Hence the tools that will be used for decentralizing the core features of the project will be open sourced.
- That will include for example, integrating with different open source projects such as wordpress, by creating plugins that will help the increase of utility of the modules being developed.
- APIs that will help other developers build on the platform will be kept open.
- Also we will open source tools that helps us decentralize the platform using the SPOs