not approved
Raise Vietnam awareness on Cardano
Current Project Status

We’ll build a sustainable community through supporting documents/materials, online - offline training courses/ counseling programs and motivating members to support others actively & effectively.


Just 6.1% of Vietnam’s population know about blockchain & Cardano. 94% left don’t understand, misunderstand, even averse because of being scammed. There’s not many public events on the issues.

Impact / Alignment


1 member

Raise Vietnam awareness on Cardano

Please describe your proposed solution.

After many years of training, raising community and awareness about development issues for people (such as personal development, the right to speak, the right to access information,..), we realize that the most sustainable way to raise awareness about a development issue should come from people themselves.

It's the reason why we decided to raise awareness about Cardano by developing a community with common interests (Cardano, Catalyst in separate and blockchain in general); then we will encourage them to support others by themselves.

When people realize the benefit of Cardano, Catalyst in separately and blockchain in general, they will use their creativity and collective power to spread the sustainability of Cardano more effectively than any single action which comes from any individual or organization.

Activities of the Catalyst Community will include online, offline events, mini events, gifts, polls, consulting, accompanying and supporting persons write Catalys proposals,… in different types to connect members, raise their knowledge and their awareness on Cardano, Catalyst and blockchain as well.

Please describe how your proposed solution will address the Challenge that you have submitted it in.

After the project, there'll be:

  • A community with over 30,000 members with 5% of them are Daily active users. In particular, the members of this community will be very diverse from age, gender, job,… including those who do not have a background in technology or finance such as house-wife, faculty students. painters, freelancers,…
  • 20-30 projects from the members of the community will be submitted in the next rounds of Catalyst.
  • At least 6-10 projects from members of the community will be funded in the next rounds of Catalyst.
  • At least 20 members of the community access Catalyst Proposal Analyst as a paid PA.
  • At least 2.000 people attend online events and 2.000 people attend offline events within framework of the project.

What are the main risks that could prevent you from delivering the project successfully and please explain how you will mitigate each risk?

Risk: People are not interested, not attracted to the activities of the project. The community is not developed successfully.

There are many reasons why people are not interested, not attracted to project activities such as: Project activities are not attractive, not in focus, not in line with the needs and wants of people; The content and form of expression is boring, long and unattractive.

Risk management: With a group of 15-20 years of training experienced experts with a community of more than 100,000 trainees in many countries 10-15 PR & Marketing Experts, Community managers, Non-government Organization,…. and worked in development parts, we are experienced and know how to organize attractive activities for everyone to let them participate in the most active and effective way.

In particular, we understand the power of the community and will try to promote the strength in order to push community members support themselves.

Risk: Legal risk

Blockchain isn't a legal issue in Vietnam, many people fear and worry about it.

Risk management: Within the framework of the project, we'll only share the information about the blockchain technology, Cardano and Catalyst mechanism, not call to invest or ask for investment in anything.

Please provide a detailed plan, including timeline and key milestones for delivering your proposal.

1st month of the project:

  • Do research and develop documents of the project:
  • Output: 1 set of project documents including:

. 1 general introduction about Cardano, Catalyst and Catalyst Community;

. Highlight documents about Cardano, Catalyst and Catalyst Community, guide lines;

. 10 tutorials video about Catalyst and how to be active in the Catalyst Community.

From the 2nd month - 5th month of the project:

  • Build and develop the Catalyst Community;
  • Conduct 2 online and 2 offline events each month to raise the awareness of the Vietnam Community about blockchain, Cardano and Catalyst as well. Total: 8 online events, 8 offline events.
  • The events could be conducted separately or in common with other related events to get the highest impact, depending on each situation.
  • Minigames, mini events, polls, online debates, gifts and other activities such as daily consulting, accompanying and supporting persons write Catalys proposals to raise the attention of the community.

Please provide a detailed budget breakdown.


  • Research and develop documents of the project: $3,700

Output: 1 set of project documents including:

. 1 general introduction about Cardano, Catalyst and Catalyst Community;

. Highlight documents about Cardano, Catalyst and Catalyst Community, guide lines;

. tutorials video about Catalyst and how to be active in the Catalyst Community.

  • Online event x 2 event/month x 4 months = 8 events x $460/event = $3,840

Each event will have at least 200 participants x 8 events = 1.600 participants.


. Speakers: $120/speaker x 2 speakers/event

. Host: 1 expert = $120/person

. Advertising: $100/event

  • Offline event x 2 event/month x 4 months = 8 events x $1,240/event = $9,920

Each event will have at least 200 participants x 8 events = 1.600 participants.


. Speakers: $120/speaker x 2 speakers/event

. Host: 1 expert = $120/person

. Venue: 500$/event

. Other expenses to organize the event (supporters, tea-break, printing cost, gift for participants, backdrop,….)

. Advertising: $100/event

  • Project management

. Project Coordinator (Coordinate project, members, consultants, speakers, make plan,..: $1,600/month x 5 month = $8,000

. Project staff (Content/marketing planner to raise the community, support Catalyst Community members, conduct online

. Materials and other expenditure of the project (gift, mini event,…. for the community): $300/month x 5 month = $1,500


Please provide details of the people who will work on the project.

We're a group of 15-20 years of training experienced experts with a community of more than 100,000 trainees in Vietnam, 10-15 PR & Marketing Experts, Community managers, Development Expert,..

Here is the core team:

Mr. Pham Ngoc Anh, Founder, CEO of LAMO Education Platform

Mr. Ngoc Anh has over 20 years of experience in training, sales, marketing, risk management in investment, and business strategies counseling,… with over 150.000 trainees in Vietnam, Singapore, Taiwan, Japan, the US,…

Mr. Ngoc Anh currently is the CEO of ASK Training JSC., also the founder, and chairman of many significant businesses such as Viet Future, Jun Dental, MSE Supporting Ecosystem (Micro & Small Enterprise),…

Website: <>

Ms Do Thi Thu Ha, CMO of LAMO Education Platform

Mrs. Do Ha was a journalist and has over 12 years of experience in Journalism and Communications - Marketing. She is also the founder of the Young Journalists' Forum since 2011 and played the role of a project coordinator in the Center for Media in Educating Community (MEC) - NGO in the journalism and media field in Vietnam, from 2011-2017.

Mrs. Do Ha currently engages actively in activities within the Gaming and Blockchain field. She is also an administrator in the Blockchain Education Forum and a member of the Vietnam Blockchain Association (VBA).


Facebook: <>

Mr. Louis Truong, Founder of, Co-Head of Cyber Security Technology Village at Techfest.

Mr. Luong has over 15 years of experience in Audit and Security. His company, VSEC, is responsible for over 70% of listed bank stock codes on the Vietnam Stock Exchange. He's also the founder of, Co-Head of Cyber Security Technology Village at Techfest.

Linkedin: <>

Mr. Giang Cong The

Former IT Manager of World Bank in Washington D.C, the USA, in charge of 14 developing countries in the East Asia and Pacific (EAP) region.

Media and Development Expert.

[blog]: <>

If you are funded, will you return to Catalyst in a later round for further funding? Please explain why / why not.

If we are funded, we might return to Catalyst in a later round for further funding because "Grow Cardano" is a big challenge which could need a very long time to perform, not only in Fun 9 or Fun 10. It could last for many other rounds.

Please describe what you will measure to track your project's progress, and how will you measure these?

The project's progress will be report once a month, with recorded images and videos, detailed information and evaluation on LAMO community - an education Platform or a social learning at the address: and on our communities as mentioned below:

🖌 Fanpage:

🖌 Group:

🖌 Tiktok:

🖌 Youtube:🖌 Twitter: 🖌 Telegram channel:

🖌 Telegram chat:

What does success for this project look like?

After the project, Catalyst Community is an open community for all those who are interested in learning about Catalyst, Cardano in particular and blockchain in general.

Anyone who joins the Catalyst Community can receive useful knowledge related to Catalyst, Cardano in particular and blockchain in general so that they can fully and accurately understand these issues.

Anyone with a deeper interest in Catalyst and Cardano can be fully informed, fastly and professionally, so that they, from someone who doesn't know about Catalyst and Cardano, can become a Catalyst lover and support other members of the Catalyst Community.

Anyone who wants to write a Catalyst project can find a mentor or co-writer on the Catalyst Community to submit the proposal.

Please provide information on whether this proposal is a continuation of a previously funded project in Catalyst or an entirely new one.

It's a new proposal.



  • EP2: epoch_length

    Authored by: Darlington Kofa

    3m 24s
    Darlington Kofa
  • EP1: 'd' parameter

    Authored by: Darlington Kofa

    4m 3s
    Darlington Kofa
  • EP3: key_deposit

    Authored by: Darlington Kofa

    3m 48s
    Darlington Kofa
  • EP4: epoch_no

    Authored by: Darlington Kofa

    2m 16s
    Darlington Kofa
  • EP5: max_block_size

    Authored by: Darlington Kofa

    3m 14s
    Darlington Kofa
  • EP6: pool_deposit

    Authored by: Darlington Kofa

    3m 19s
    Darlington Kofa
  • EP7: max_tx_size

    Authored by: Darlington Kofa

    4m 59s
    Darlington Kofa