In coordination with <https://gerolamo.org/> and <https://cardanocommunityhubs.com/> we will strive to introduce benefits of the Cardano Ecosystem to the project.
Create a Cardano Community Hub within the affected communities which is comprised of village elders, councillors and any knowledgeable persons This council will be responsible for:
Educating the community on conservation practices and their importance
Managing and establishment of an improved ecotourism sector by leveraging the available natural and cultural resources (ethnic cuisine, traditional clothing/dance and singing, game drives, lodge experiences etc the list is endless)
Equipping herders with the skills and inventory needed to protect their livestock from predators
Helping to decide how the land should be used in the respective region and conserving the lands natural state to keep a protect the ecosystem
Raising funds for the communities, conservancy, the establishment of an ecolodge.
Prevent the poaching of endangered wildlife by assembling a team of rangers to patrol designated areas of land and fencing off protected areas of land, as wildlife will be big part of marketing and in maintaining symbiosis in the environment
Map out an area of land in which wildlife would strive, this land will be recognised as a conservation area that is used by wildlife year-round and due to the lack of vegetation during the dry season, domestic animals will be allowed to make use of this land. This would free up more resources for the whole ecosystem.
The implementation of sustainable and replicable water source infrastructure would help with irrigation, hydration for people and animals, and to increase marketability for the lodges and tourist destinations.
The implementation of this proposal would be the start of a thriving micro-economy which has the ability to be replicated in numerous parts of Africa, such economies have the potential to grow at exponential rates and effect surrounding regions in the same way which would greatly improve the prospect of good ROI.
Increased economic activity will attract more people to the area, entrepreneurs, general businesses, and development within the surrounding areas increases the rate of transition into the 4th industrial revolution in African countries with would open a new market to work with thus helping with projected growth into Africa.
Increased GDP means that business and people have more and are able to invest in tech solutions for homes and businesses
Increased connectivity can increase the effectiveness of digital marketing
Since this would be an emerging market, it could generate good public relations with the community and local publications or broadcasters which would help with brand awareness and customer loyalty
Creating a direct link between Cardona and Africa/target market would serve as an advantage in refining marketing strategies, product development, gathering market data.
The is the possibility of partnering with local conservancies to provide computer literacy courses to help people get the skills needed to take advantage of the increased connectivity. Partnering with local content creators to increase the visibility of the conservancy and Cardona as supporters. Working with local government to help businesses go digital thus increasing the need for tech services.
Increased potential for Pollution from the increased foot traffic, this can be combated with trash bins at various parts of the park, reminder signs and having penalties should it happen
Increased demand for black market animal products from tourist. Educating the community members of the affects and dangers of poaching or any cruel animal practices. Receiving expertise from experienced rangers from around the work to better prepare the patrol ranges for encounters with poacher and lastly working closely with the local law enforcement to ensure law is maintained. Building of security infrastructure i.e watch towers, fences, paving patrol routes
Population increase resulting in congestion and greater propensity for pollution in and around accommodation areas. By replicating this proposal in surrounding regions would help distribute the influx of people. Working with local government and town planners on innovative solutions
Lack of necessary infrastructure means that. Contractors need to be hired to build roads, housing buildings, vet areas and amenities
Possible shortage of a skilled workers for complex work, this can be mitigated by running training camps which are overseen by well experienced people for different kinds of skills needed for the functioning of the conservancy before opening to test viability and competency of work force
The is strong likelihood of there some sort of language barrier. Provide tourists and employees with a book of basic phrases and words. having the most fluent employee working closest with the tourists
Residencies of the region may have had bad past experiences with wildlife which would affect their participation in the conservation efforts, this can be mitigated by working with local leaders when presenting the project to the public which could help reassure people of the positive effects of conservation. Providing herders with the knowledge and materials needed to protect their livestock from predators would also help ease any fears or worry.

Introducing Systems to decrease the strain on the farmers, herders, wildlife, the landscape and the people of the Maasai community
Population increase, wildlife habitat encroachment, permanent settlements, increased wildlife, land sale/division = a strained ecosystem
The Enkuseru Sampu conservancy was established in January 0f 2013.The conservancy has been present for the past decade at least, which indicates that there are skilled and experienced persons on the ground to share knowledge with other newly established conservancies. Some notable successes include: increased number of wildlife and livestock as a result of the reduced pressure on the land.
This proposal to create a Cardano Community Hub is to assist the organisation & facilitating of the community around providing a much needed dam.
Emparbal area is in utter need of a community Dam to be called Oloosidan Community Dam; this place is home to Giraffes, Zebras, and Elands and attracts so many other small Games. They struggle because of water shortage in the area.
The Community Area is approximately 300 acres and the community needs a dam of about 3 to 4 acres, Budget to be determined but it is between Ksh, 4000,000 to 5000,000
Beginning of project: 2021
End of project: 2025
You can follow the following link to see a breakdown of the requested budget:
1) Chairman- George Kariuki
2) Trust Co-ordinator - Paul Kilelu
Linkedin: <https://www.linkedin.com/in/kilelupaul/>
3) Treasurer- Sarinke Koitee
4) Chief of Intashat Region - Wilson Mpapaiyo
5) The Team from <https://gerolamo.org/> and <https://cardanocommunityhubs.com/>
Establish strong community partnership and goodwill for project success and sustainability through strategic meetings, mobilization, and involvement of community and relevant government ministries and departments and other resource partners.
Increase institutional and personnel capacity of the ESC, including 9 trustees and 13staff on; conservancy development and management, strategic planning and resource mobilization and CBETE development and management through training and exchange learning trips to at least three established conservancies in Kenya/ Tanzania.
Develop and provide alternative livelihood support system that fosters bio-diversity conservation to the pastoralist ESC community through creation of a conservation area and establishment of two pilot community-based eco-tourism enterprises (CBETEs).
Provide increased access to quality and adequate levels of education to deserving bright children from poor families in the ESC community through setting up an education fund
Provide adequate human and administrative resources to ensure success and sustainability of the integrated 3-year conservation, CBETE, and education development project through identification, placement, development, maintenance and support of 5 managerial/ technical and 8 support staff.
The amount of ecological improvement seen within the conservancies
Proportion of important sites for terrestrial and freshwater biodiversity that are covered by protected areas, by ecosystem type
(a) Official development assistance on conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity; and (b) revenue generated and finance mobilized from biodiversity-relevant economic instruments
This is a continuation of our funded F7: Scale-UP Cardano's Community Hubs Cardano Worldwide Community Hubs: <https://cardano.ideascale.com/c/idea/383417> although it is not dependent on it.
The objective is to attract and onboard people to create Cardano Community Hubs in Africa.
For updates and additional information: <https://gerolamo.org/our-projects/fund-8-proposals-and-data>