Please describe your proposed solution.
The research will focus first on the problem description, namely how the digital creator economy (including (blockchain) educators) is hampered by copyright and proper recognition of effort. Additionally, although Re-Mixing and Re-Using educational materials (in the form of Open Educational Resources) are highly encouraged and seemingly made easy through digital technologies - there is a huge lack of Re-Mixed and Re-Used educational material circulating on the web. This issue has somewhat raised alarms from Open Education enthusiasts about the utility of openly licensing educational materials and sharing them.
Another part of the problem description is the investigation of the general question of the necessity of sharing educational materials openly, is it altruistic? Does it improve quality? Or does it bring reputational gains?
The main theoretical part of the research investigates the vision and aims of the Open Education community, the issues regarding the missing uptick in Re-Mix and Re-Using of material and how copyright, or more precisely, reputational management and tracking of material can alleviate these issues. Then, the central aspects of Co-Creation and the democratization of educational processes will be discussed, and a connection to the decentralization of education will be investigated.
Finally, as a technical blockchain-based solution, Proof-of-Co-Creation (POCRE) will be discussed. Here not only a detailed technical description and analysis will be given regarding the possible solutions, but additionally the use-cases for Open Educational Resources, as well as any other type of educational material will be put forward.