not approved
Project Catalyst Onboarding Trail
Current Project Status

We will create a framework to onboard new participants to Project Catalyst and to inform + qualify participants already onboarded to the project.


Lack of up-to-date information and educational content about the Project Catalyst in languages other than English.


2 members

Project Catalyst Onboarding Trail

Please describe your proposed solution

In order to ensure the participation of different communities across the world in Project Catalyst, we intend to create a flexible framework that allows the creation of educational and informative content about Project Catalyst in different languages. We will use AI to facilitate the creation of content in different languages in a fast and cost-effective way.

For this proposal, we will carry out a pilot program, creating content in Portuguese and Japanese, but if there is demand from the community, we may expand to other languages in future stages.


We will create a series of lessons and tutorials to onboard new members on Project Catalyst and qualify already onboarded members. This series of lessons and tutorials will be organized into different modules, according to the interest and knowledge of the participants. Each module will contain details of roles and tutorials to teach how to participate. The modules will be:

  1. Project Catalyst
  2. Voter
  3. Proposer
  4. Community Reviewer
  5. Moderator
  6. Milestone Reviewer


  • Module 1 - Project Catalyst
  1. What is Project Catalyst?
  2. Where to find information about Project Catalyst?
  3. How to navigate IdeaScale(or Catalyst Voices upcoming interface);
  4. CATegories within Project Catalyst;
  5. How to register on IdeaScale(or Catalyst Voices upcoming interface);
  6. How to participate in Project Catalyst?

Onboarding Trails and Different Roles

  • Module 2 - Voter
  1. The importance of voting on the Cardano blockchain to keep decision-making distributed;
  2. Votine on proposals;
  3. What are Catalyst dReps?
  4. How to delegate to a Catalyst dRep?
  5. Where can I check the voting results?
  • Module 3 - Proposer
  1. How to submit a proposal?
  2. Finding the right Cat(Category) for your proposal;
  3. Impact, Metrics and KPIs;
  4. How to find people to form a team? Showing your skills;
  5. Roadmap, Statement of Milestones, Proof of Achievements
  6. Setting a budget for your proposal;
  7. The importance of promoting your proposal;
  8. How to submit a Statement of Milestones?
  9. How to submit a Proof of Achievement?
  • Module 4 - Community Reviewer
  1. Proposal Reviewer role, pre-requisites, payments…
  2. How to register as a Community reviewer?
  3. How to level up as a Community Reviewer?
  4. How to review a proposal?
  • Module 5 - Moderators
  1. Moderator role, pre-requisites, payments…
  2. How to moderate proposals?
  • Module 6 - Milestone Reviewers
  1. Milestone Reviewer role, pre-requisites, payments…
  2. How to review a Statement of Milestones?
  3. How to review Proof of Achievements?


We will create a feed of content related to Project Catalyst. This content will be created from calendar of the respective Funding Round of Project Catalyst, Catalyst general updates, changes and additions of new Funding Categories, among other informative content relevant to the community.


In order to disseminate the content, we'll create profiles on different social media with SEO(Search Engine Optimization) to promote content in a user-friendly manner, in order to attract newcomers, increasing the base of community members active in Project Catalyst and distribution decision-making, which is essential to promote Cardano decentralization.

We will collaborate/partner with different content creators in the Cardano ecosystem to spread our project.


We will offer 1-on-1 mentoring for reviewers and proposers. Mentoring for proposers will focus on teaching the work, where they will get more in-depth information than in tutorials.

For proposers, we will offer mentoring to help them develop proposals and provide feedback before the review stage in order to improve their chances of approval.

Please define the positive impact your project will have on the wider Cardano community

EDUCATION AND INFORMATION CONTENT - Articles and translations will be added to the project's Medium or Gitbook, where they can be read and social metrics measured. In addition, educational content will be shared across social medias.


  • Number of likes, views, impressions, comments and shares on articles;
  • Number of likes, views, impressions, comments and shares on translated articles;
  • Number of mentorships sessions held;
  • Number of mentorship clients assisted;
  • Number of leads captured;


  • Assist 10 different clients with our mentorship service
  • 70% of surveys participants qualifying our mentorship service as good or excellent;
    • 70% of surveys participants qualifying our tutorials as good or excellent
  • 500 leads captured

SOCIAL MEDIA ENGAGEMENT - Social metrics will be included in PoA submitions.


  • Number of followers on Twitter and YouTube;
  • Number of likes on Twitter and YouTube;
  • Number of shares/retweets on Twitter and YouTube;
  • Number of comments on Twitter and YouTube;
  • Number of views/impressions on Twitter and YouTube.


  • +500 organic followers on Twitter+YouTube at the end of the project
  • +50,000 impressions on Twitter(X) at the end of the project

What is your capability to deliver your project with high levels of trust and accountability? How do you intend to validate if your approach is feasible?

Why are we qualified?

Our team has extensive experience on Project Catalyst, we have been involved in Project Catalyst since Fund2, 4 years ago. Since then we have participated in several roles within Catalyst.

As proposers, part of our team was responsible for submitting and approving 3 Challenge Settings before Fund 10 and for the approval of the proposal "DReps LATAM - Brazil - Exploration & Community Sensing", approved in Fund 10 of Project Catalyst and successfully concluded in September 2024.

We also have extensive experience as Community reviewers, Community Moderators and Milestone Reviewers on Project Catalyst, having participated in hundreds of proposal reviews (with several assessments/reviews qualified as excellent), thousands of Community moderations and dozens of Milestone reviews so far.

As mentors, we have provided free assistance to dozens of proposers, helping them to develop proposals in accordance with Project Catalyst guidelines, some of which have had proposals approved by Project Catalyst.

We have collaborated in the creation of guidelines for the review stages and quality assurance in Funds 3 and 4 of Project Catalyst.

Our team also has several years of experience with content creation for social media, marketing, project management, software development and AI related solutions.

Validation of our work

The proposal you are reading now is the second phase of a project that began over a year ago. In the first phase, part of our team carried out an exploratory community sensing stage in order to identify key areas of action in the Voltaire Era and Project Catalyst. Our team successfully completed the "DReps LATAM - Brazil - Exploration & Community Sensing" proposal, which was approved and funded by Project Catalyst 10 months ago.

We achieved all the quantative metrics, qualitative metrics, KPIS and goals set out in the original proposal and created a community with hundreds of participants. The feedback given by the project participants indicates good quality of our work, validating our methods. All of this can be verified through the links provided, more precisely in the Project Close-Out Video and Project Close-Out Report.

Through this funded proposal, we founded the Manifesto Cardano Brazil and we recently delivered:

Education and support to dozens of community members on different aspects of the Voltaire Era, CIP-1694 and Project Catalyst.

Exploratory community sensing through debates on different aspects of Cardano governance, Project Catalyst, and how dReps or Catalyst dReps should act to represent their communities.

Surveys and reports documenting community feedback.

Guidelines documents for dReps and Catalyst dReps

Our experience and success achieved in the past validate our ability to deliver our proposal. The metrics, KPIs and Statement of Milestones established in this same proposal indicate what we intend to achieve and how we will validate our future work.

What are the key milestones you need to achieve in order to complete your project successfully?

Milestone 1: Foundation and Frameworks- Month 3

  • Milestone Outputs

  • Establishment of Frameworks;

  • Acceptance Criteria

  • Proof of concept document about the framework chosen for Content creation;

  • Proof of concept document about the framework chosen for Promotion;

  • Document establishing the frameworks for Rewards Program.

  • Evidence of Milestone Completion

  • Documents related to the frameworks will be available on our Gitbook or will be shared as PDF on our Google Drive.

Milestone 2: Project Catalyst Onboarding Trail - Month 7

  • Milestone Outputs

  • 1st Catalyst Fund coverage;

  • Onboarding Tutorials;

  • Project Catalyst Articles.

  • Acceptance Criteria

  • Informational content related to the First Fund of the Project Catalyst(firest fund since the approval of this proposal) translated and localized into Portuguese and Japanese;

  • The video tutorials show how to participate in the Catalyst Project in each established role and are accessible to the community;

  • The 7 articles were published and translated into Portuguese and Japanese.

  • Evidence of Milestone Completion

  • The informative content will be verifiable on our social media;

  • Video tutorials are available on YouTube;

  • Articles are available on Medium or Gitbook.

Milestone 3: Project Catalyst Content Delivery - Month 11

  • Milestone Outputs

  • 2nd Catalyst Fund coverage,

  • Completion of mentorship service.

  • Acceptance Criteria

  • Informational content related to the Second Fund of the Catalyst Project (second fund since the approval of this proposal) translated and localized into Portuguese and Japanese;

  • 30 hours of mentorship completed.

  • Evidence of Milestone Completion

  • The informative content will be verifiable on our social media;

  • Mentoship-related reports will be submitted in a PDF file and shared on Google Drive.

Final Milestone: Project Close-Out - Month 12

  • Milestone Outputs

  • PCR and PCV.

  • Acceptance Criteria

  • PCR and PCV submitted on Moderation Module.

  • Evidence of Milestone Completion

  • PCR and PCV available on Moderation Module.

Who is in the project team and what are their roles?

Rodrigo Pacini - Project Management, Mentorship and Content Editor

Has participated as Veteran Community Advisor/Veteran Proposal Assessor/Reviewer Level2 and Moderator on Project Catalyst since Fund2. Funded proposer on Fund 10, Twitter(X) Space host of the Manifesto Cardano Brasil project and project manager of DReps LATAM - Brasil - Exploration & Community Sensing. Mentorship of proposers in Catalyst. Participation in the development of guidelines and processes for quality assurance processes in the review stage of Catalyst. Former Cardano Ambassador Moderator. Economics, blockchain and DeFi research since 2018. Btech degree in Naval Construction. Linkedin

TELEMIDIA - Social Media Management, Content Creation and Copywritting

Company with experience in Automated Content Creation, Marketing, Social Media Analysis, Landing Page Optimization, Traffic management, Lead Management and AI-powered solutions. Telemidia has been involved in Project Catalyst for a year, helping with AI content creation, social media management, tutorials and marketing for the Cardano ecosystem. Work that can be verified through the Manifesto Cardano Brazil project.

Our team already has the necessary skills to deliver the proposal, but we will hire freelancers to help with translation, research and social media activities. We already have people with the necessary skills in line to assist in development. All of them are already active participants in the Cardano ecosystem and have experience in the necessary areas.

Some of the members contacted are:

YUTA, Cardano ambassador in Japan;

Atico Mismana, stake pool operator and Cardano content creator; and

Eduardo Silka, Blockchain researcher.

Please provide a cost breakdown of the proposed work and resources

Content Creation and Dissemination: $23,992 USD

Catalyst Articles: 7 articles x 16 hours/article x $25/hour = $2,800 USD

Translations for Treasury: $4,150 USD

Catalyst Weekly Updates and Announcements Translations: 34 weeks x 3 hours/week x $25/hour = $2,550 USD

Automated Translation of Articles and Tutorials: 7 articles + 7 tutorials = 14 translations x 1 hour/each x $25/hour = $350 USD

Proofreading of Articles and Tutorial Scripts: 50,000 words per language x 2 languages = 100,000 words to be proofread = 50 hours x $25/hour = $1,250 USD

Gitbook/Medium Creation: 10 hours x $25/hour = $250 USD

Gitbook/Medium Maintenance: 2 hours/week x 34 weeks x $25/hour = $1,700 USD

Tools and Subscriptions: $100/month x 8 months = $800 USD

General Content Copywriting: 2 hours/week x 34 weeks x $25/hour = $1,700 USD

Copywriting and Scripts for Tutorial Content: 15 hours x $30/hour = $450 USD

YouTube Content Creation + SEO: 5 hours x $30/hour = $150 USD

YouTube Channel Maintenance: 4 hours/video x 21 videos x $22/hour = $1,848 USD

Preparation of Content for Tutorials (slides, reference materials): 56 hours x $25/hour = $1,400 USD

AI Tutorial Video Editing: 200 hours x $30/hour = $6,000 USD

Hardware for Filming: $500 USD

Social Media Management: 3 hours/week x 34 weeks x $22/hour = $2,244 USD


Catalyst Mentorship Service: $1,500 USD

Mentorship for Reviewers and Proposers: 30 hours x $50/hour = $1,500 USD


Project Management: $6,710 USD

Creation of Statement of Milestones (SoM) Document: $600 USD

Attendance for Proof of Life: $50 USD

Document on Content Creation Framework: 10 hours x $40/hour = $400 USD

Document on Promotion Framework: 10 hours x $40/hour = $400 USD

Document on Rewards Program Framework: 10 hours x $40/hour = $400 USD

Treasury Management: 1 hour/week x 42 weeks x $30/hour = $1,260 USD

Proof of Achievement (PoA): 4 reports x 10 hours/report x $40/hour = $1,600 USD

Project Close-out Report (PCR): 1 report x 30 hours x $40/hour = $1,200 USD

Project Close-out Video (PCV): 1 video x 20 hours x $40/hour = $800 USD


Incentives to Boost Community Participation and Bounties: $1,000 USD


Aggregate Cost: $33,202 USD


Contingency Costs (5%)

To cover possible ADA price fluctuations and/or unforeseen tasks/events:

$33,202 x 0.05 = $1,660 USD



Cost: $34,862 USD

Requested Budget

99,606 ADAs (@ $0.35/USD on October 15, 2024)

No dependencies.

How does the cost of the project represent value for money for the Cardano ecosystem?

If we look at the data related to the voting results in Project Catalyst, mainly in the last 4 or 5 Funds, we can see a stagnation in community participation. The number of votes cast on each proposal has stagnated. The vast majority of voters vote on a small number of proposals because they do not see sufficient incentives to dedicate more time to this activity.

Considering the large amount of time needed to read, choose and vote on proposals, it is understandable that participation is low. This voter fatigue became more noticeable when the number of proposals in Catalyst increased to hundreds of proposals per Fund, which makes it almost impossible to understand what is being voted on in a broad way.

Because of this, we understand that vote delegation is the most appropriate way to bring more decentralization and mitigate one of the biggest complaints about Project Catalyst today, which is the great influence of whales in defining who will receive funding, cult of celebrities, destructive lobbying and collusion to approve proposals.

Due to the fact that our industry is global and the workers in the ecosystem live in different countries, we are using rates practiced in the international market. In order to ensure good cost-benefit and use of resources for the Cardano treasury, we have set our labor costs approximately 10% below the international market standards practiced by the industries corresponding to the positions held. The following websites were consulted and used as a reference for setting hourly rates for the contributors of this proposal.

The budget was set in dollars to facilitate the review, for transparency, allowing easy verification of hourly rates, activities and costs in general. The final budget is set in ADA, according to Project Catalyst guidelines.

If there is a considerable appreciation in the price of ADA during the development of this proposal, we will expand our work, we may write a Change Request to update our Statement of Milestone and extend the project duration by creating more content, or putting the proposal review service into practice in a subsequent Catalyst Fund, this will improve the cost-benefit ratio of the project to the ecosystem.



  • EP2: epoch_length

    Authored by: Darlington Kofa

    3m 24s
    Darlington Kofa
  • EP1: 'd' parameter

    Authored by: Darlington Kofa

    4m 3s
    Darlington Kofa
  • EP3: key_deposit

    Authored by: Darlington Kofa

    3m 48s
    Darlington Kofa
  • EP4: epoch_no

    Authored by: Darlington Kofa

    2m 16s
    Darlington Kofa
  • EP5: max_block_size

    Authored by: Darlington Kofa

    3m 14s
    Darlington Kofa
  • EP6: pool_deposit

    Authored by: Darlington Kofa

    3m 19s
    Darlington Kofa
  • EP7: max_tx_size

    Authored by: Darlington Kofa

    4m 59s
    Darlington Kofa