over budget
P.I.E for Miscellaneous-Challenge
Current Project Status

Propose & apply the P.I.E framework to assess the result of Miscellaneous-Challenge’s funded proposals (with various contexts) in F7+F8


It’s very hard to evaluate the implementation of funded proposals in “F8: Miscellaneous-Challenge” without a systematic framework

Addresses Challenge


3 members

P.I.E for Miscellaneous-Challenge

  • Propose P.I.E (Proposal Implementation Evaluation) Framework with criteria and indicators for evaluating the conformance and performance of F8: Miscellaneous-Challenge’s funded proposals which come from various contexts and sectors.
  • Apply the proposed P.I.E for evaluating funded proposals for the Top 50% of funded proposals in F8: Miscellaneous-Challenge based on the voting result.

General Framework of P.I.E consists of

[A] Conformance-based criteria: are used for assessing the degree to which the goals, commitments, KPIs/metrics set forth in the proposal have been achieved.

  1. Input:
  2. Conformance of time: percentage of actual implementing time over the expected implementing duration
  3. Conformance of finance / budget usage:
  4. Percentage of actual total budget usage over the expected budget requested.
  5. Average deviation of expenditure items from commitment
  6. Activities: Conformance of activities taking place as commitment (if available)
  7. Output: Conformance of products/services released as commitment

[B] Performance-based criteria: are used for assessing the degree to which the implementation results of the proposal have been achieved in supporting the given challenge, Cardano's mission, principal pillars, and annual related goals.

  1. Outcome:
  2. Community usage after operation (numbers of people, members, views, downloaded,…)
  3. Community satisfaction (Likert Scale Survey)
  4. Impact:
  5. Impact to the achieving of Challenge's goals/KPIs
  6. Impact to the achieving of Cardano's mission, principal pillars, and anual related goals

[more detail are described in attachment]

Firstly, the number of funded proposals in each funding round is increasing significantly, in detail, the average growth rate of funded proposals from Fund 2 to Fund 7 is about 20%, and the number of funded proposals is expected to exceed >350 in Fund 8 and >450 in Fund 9. This is a challenge for IOG for evaluating the implementation results and progress of these funded proposals, especially in the future. As a result, if this situation continues, the questions of conformance and performance of Catalyst Funds may rise.

Therefore, implementing this proposal would contribute to the purpose of

  • Reducing the increasing load on IOG;
  • Helping to identify the implementation status, problems (if any) of the Catalyst funding process, as a whole, and in Fund 8, in particular, and, as a result, implications for solutions in the following funds can be created;
  • Reports published through this proposal may serve as reliable documents for decentralized representatives (dREP) as well as other institutions in decision making.

Specifically, the implementation of this proposal will contribute to the success of this Challenge in the following KPIs:

(i) “Number of funded proposals audited”: since auditing is a part of our P.I.E framework, through this proposal, we aim at auditing 50% of funded proposals belong to the challenge of “F8: Miscellaneous-Challenge”.

(ii) “The number of reports, articles, and videos/podcasts on Performance, Achievements, Financials”: by implementing this proposal, we aim at:

  • Writing 04 reports for evaluating funded proposals in the challenge of “F8: Miscellaneous-Challenge” in the process of implementation [6 months, 9 months, 12 months], and after the proposal finished its implementation.
  • Producing 01 videos [uploaded to the Cryptoviews’s Youtube Channel] for summarizing the Final Report.

In the expected reports, besides the implementation results evaluated by using P.I.E criteria, there are spaces where all the views and comments (consensus/not consensus) from the community’s different groups [including the challenge teams, the proposer(s), and other communities members] can be noted.

There are 06 main risks we may face, including

  1. This challenge consist of proposals come from any context which mean we need to work closely with stakeholders to design the detailed framework for evaluating proposals in this challenge.
  2. The barriers of connecting and getting specific information from the IOG, F7's and F8’s funded proposer(s): transaction history for financial auditing, for example. For dealing with this, we use the first month to work with all the relevant stakeholders (IOG, funded proposers,…) to ensure that proposed indicators are (i) suitable for the challenges, the funded proposals; and (ii) collectible and measurable.
  3. Funded proposal's KPIs/metrics and ROIs are not always clear and measurable. To deal with this, our team place a 1 month period [preparation phrase] from the beginning when we work with funded proposers, challenge team for QA, completing the P.I.E framework for related proposals. We also survey experts, from different fields related to the sector of Community Development (including: from vCA, dREP, SWARM,…).
  4. Conformance & Performance evaluation of plans/proposals are controversial in certain points. For getting consensus on this, the surveying, working with various stake holders in the community are very important. That's why we placed the 1st month of preparation
  5. The number of funded proposals in F8 is greater than expected [expected 30%]: we place a financial reserve for mitigating this risk.
  6. Flip page of ADA price: we place a reserve as mitigation for dealing with price volatility (30% of working items listed)


CryptoViews focus on giving ojective insights, research results to the Cardano Community, our roadmap is:

2022 - Focus on Tracking, Auditing and Evaluating Catalyst's proposals


Proposing P.I.E framework for top funded proposals in selected challenges/sector (based on voting results). This proposal's implementation can be seen as pilot of community working procedure for auditing [F7's + F8's proposal].


  • Publishing our P.I.E framework for evaluating/auditing funded proposals in selected challenges/sectors
  • Fundraising in Fund 9 for building Cryptoviews's platforms (web, mobile application) for presenting Cardano ecosystem's projects,


  • Publishing our 2nd P.I.E Report
  • Building Cryptoviews's platforms
  • Completing frameworks for tracking and evaluating projects on Cardano blockchains, especially projects that funded (fully/partly) by Catalyst.
  • Fundraising in Fund 9 for researching and proposing frameworks for tracking and evaluating projects on Cardano blockchains, especially projects that funded (fully/partly) by Catalyst.


Publishing our P.I.E Reports for evaluating/auditing funded proposals in selected challenges/sector

2023 - Building Hub of Tracking and Auditing Projects on Cardano blockchain

2024 - Building CryptoViews's DAO as a decentralized funding mechanism of Catalyst

We know that giving objective views and organized distributed views from our communities are challenges. Receiving funds from Capital venture will reduce our objective views. As a results, we need contributions from the Project Catalyst.



Month 01 [May 2022]


  • Publish a detailed framework of P.I.E, with a full set of criteria and indicators that suitable to the proposals and challenges as a whole.
  • Get consensus from related stakeholders on the framework.

Month 02 - 03 [Jun 2022 - Jul 2022]

Goal: Publish 1st P.I.E Report of F7 funded proposals


  • Jun 2022: Tracking & Evaluating implementation results of F7 funded proposals after 6 month period
  • Jul 2022: Produce & Publish 1st P.I.E Report of F7 funded proposals

Month 04 - 06 [Aug 2022 - Oct 2022]


  • Publish 2nd P.I.E Report of F7
  • Publish 1st P.I.E Report of F8


  • Aug 2022: Tracking & Evaluating implementation results of F7 funded proposals after 9 month period.
  • Sep 2022: Tracking & Evaluating implementation results of F8 funded proposals after 6 month period.
  • Oct 2022: Produce & Publish 1st P.I.E Report of F8 + 2nd P.I.E Report of F7

Month 07 - 09 [Nov 2022 - Jan 2023]


  • Publish 3rd P.I.E Report of F7
  • Publish 2nd P.I.E Report of F8


  • Nov 2022: Tracking & Evaluating implementation results of F7 funded proposals after 12 month period.
  • Dec 2022: Tracking & Evaluating implementation results of F8 funded proposals after 9 month period.
  • Oct 2022: Produce & Publish 2nd P.I.E Report of F8 + 3rd P.I.E Report of F7

Month 10 - 12 [Feb 2023 - Apr 2023]


  • Publish Final P.I.E Report of F7 + Produce 01 video [English] for summarizing the F7's Final Report
  • Publish 3rd P.I.E Report of F8


  • Feb 2023: Evaluate [performance-based] implementation results of F7 funded proposals after completion.
  • Mar 2023: Evaluate [conformance-based] implementation results of F8 funded proposals after 12 months. Produce & Publish 3rd P.I.E Report of F8
  • Apr 2023: Produce & Publish Final P.I.E Report of F7; Produce 01 video [English] for summarizing the F7's Final Report; Produce & Publish 3rd P.I.E Report of F8

Month 13 - 15 [May 2023 - Jul 2023]


  • Publish Final P.I.E Report of F8
  • Produce 01 video [English] for summarizing the F8's Final Report.


  • May 2023: Evaluate [performance-based] implementation results of F8 funded proposals after completion.
  • Jun 2023: Produce & Publish Final P.I.E Report of F8 funded proposals + Produce 01 video [English] for summarizing the F8's Final Report
  • Jul 2023: Report with insights and lessons learned from the implementation process that can contribute to the Catalyst as a whole.


Total requested budget $23,556

In detail:

Month 01 - Preparation [Getting info, consensus] = $2,183

  • Work + Surveys with experts, community members from different fields related to the sector of GameFi & Game Development (including: from IOG, vCA, dREP, SWARM, related proposers,…)= $1,283
  • Synthesize and propose P.I.E [Proposal Implementation Evaluation] with framework, criteria, and indicator = 30 working hours x 30$/hour = $900

Month 02 - 03 - Ongoing evaluation [Conformance] = $585


  • Tracking & Evaluating implementation results of F7 funded proposals after 6 month period = 17 proposal x 2.5 working hours x 15$/hour = $638
  • Produce & Publish 1st P.I.E Report of F7 funded proposals = 1 report x 5 working hours x 15$/hour = $75

Month 04 - 06 - Ongoing evaluation [Conformance] = $1,463


  • Tracking & Evaluating implementation results of F7 funded proposals after 9 month period = 17 proposal x 2.5 working hours x 15$/hour = $638
  • Produce & Publish 2nd P.I.E Report of F7 funded proposals = 1 report x 5 working hours x 15$/hour = $75


  • Tracking & Evaluating implementation results of F8 funded proposals after 6 month period = 18 proposal x 2.5 working hours x 15$/hour = $675
  • Produce & Publish 1st P.I.E Report of F8 funded proposals = 1 report x 5 working hours x 15$/hour = $75

Month 07 - 09 - Ongoing evaluation [Conformance] = $1,463


  • Tracking & Evaluating implementation results of F7 funded proposals after 12 month period = 17 proposal x 2.5 working hours x 15$/hour = $638
  • Produce & Publish 3rd P.I.E Report of F7 funded proposals = 1 report x 5 working hours x 15$/hour = $75


  • Tracking & Evaluating implementation results of F8 funded proposals after 9 month period = 18 proposal x 2.5 working hours x 15$/hour = $675
  • Produce & Publish 2nd P.I.E Report of F8 funded proposals = 1 report x 5 working hours x 15$/hour = $75

Month 10 - 12 - Ongoing evaluation [Conformance] for F8 + Ex-Post evaluation [Performance] for F7 = $6,000


  • Evaluate [performance-based] implementation results of F7 funded proposals after completion = 17 proposal x 5 working hours x 30$/hour = $2,550
  • Produce & Publish Final P.I.E Report of F7 funded proposals = 1 report x 10 working hours x 30$/hour = $300
  • Produce 01 video [English] for summarizing the F7's Final Report = 1 video x 10 working hours x 15$/hour = $150


  • Evaluate [conformance-based] implementation results of F8 funded proposals after 12 months = 18 proposal x 5 working hours x 30$/hour = $2,700
  • Produce & Publish 3rd P.I.E Report of F8 funded proposals = 1 report x 10 working hours x 30$/hour = $300

Month 13 - 15 - Ex-Post evaluation [Performance] for F8 = $3,150


  • Evaluate [performance-based] implementation results of F8 funded proposals after completion = 18 proposal x 5 working hours x 30$/hour = $2,700
  • Produce & Publish Final P.I.E Report of F8 funded proposals = 1 report x 10 working hours x 30$/hour = $300
  • Produce 01 video [English] for summarizing the F8's Final Report = 1 video x 10 working hours x 15$/hour = $150

Reserve in case the number of funded proposals is greater than expected [30%] = 7 proposal x 15 working hour/proposal x $30/hour = $3,150

Reserve of ADA's price slippage (equal to 30% of cost items listed above) = $5,436

[Clearer illustration in attachments]


CryptoViews is oriented to the mission of providing the Cardano community with objective assessments, analysis, and advices on projects in the Cardano ecosystem in general and proposals in Catalyst in particular. Our team is consist of following core members:

Huy Dinh Vuong, [Proposer]; Founder of CryptoViews.

Social link:

  • Linkedin: <https://www.linkedin.com/in/huydinhvuong>
  • Twitter: <https://twitter.com/huydinhvuong1>
  • Facebook: <https://www.facebook.com/leonardovuong>
  • TG: <https://t.me/vuongdinhhuy>


  • Over 6 years of experience in academic research & data analytics in a Think Tank of Ho Chi Minh City Government.
  • Master in Regional & Urban Planning, experience in public plan/project implementation evaluation.
  • A member of The Young Southeast Asian Leaders Initiative (YSEALI) - a U.S. government's signature program to strengthen leadership development and networking in Southeast Asia.
  • Catalyst community member since F5; Catalyst Community Advisor from F7.
  • Core Member in 2Min Review, a team with 2 funded proposals (from F6 and F7), providing easy tools and information for voters.

Huan Dinh Vuong, Co-Founder of CryptoViews.

Social link:

  • Linkedin: <https://www.linkedin.com/in/huan-vuong-dingh-121ba5184>
  • Twitter: <https://twitter.com/nhHunVng1>
  • Facebook: <https://www.facebook.com/nero.vuong>
  • TG: <https://t.me/HUANVUONG>


  • Over 2 years of experience in urban planning concept design and 6 months in research & data analytics.
  • Experience in plan/project implementation evaluation from the viewpoint of the private sector.
  • Joined Catalyst voting since Fund 7, evaluated proposals as a CA.
  • Other members are experienced graphic designers that will help in designing the Final reports and video.

Other members are experienced graphic designers that will help in designing the Final reports and video.

We are welcoming new members, so please feel free to join at:



2Min Review

2Min Review is a funded team in Fund 6 [<https://cardano.ideascale.com/c/idea/37021>2] and Fund 7 [<https://cardano.ideascale.com/c/idea/384807>], who aim at providing easy tools and short videos of proposal's summary for voters. 2Min Review is consist of experienced community builder and administrators who could help in developing suitable indicators for the sector of "Community Development".


ADABoys LAB is also a funded team [<https://cardano.ideascale.com/c/idea/384807> ; <https://cardano.ideascale.com/c/idea/383397> ; <https://cardano.ideascale.com/c/idea/383932>] in F7. ADABoys LAB is consist of experience game developers who can help in technical terms in implementing this proposal.

The progress and the development of this proposal can be tracked by following KPIs:

  • Percentage of funded proposals evaluated by using P.I.E framework in the challnege of "Miscellaneous-Challenge" (F7 + F8) : 100%.
  • 8 P.I.E reports.
  • 02 video uploaded for summarizing F7 and F8 Final P.I.E Reports.


After 12 months

  • The Final P.I.E Report of F7 is released and uploaded to various media channels of CryptoViews approved by the IOG, this Challenge Team.
  • 1 video [in English] summarizing the Final P.I.E Report of Implementation Results of F7’s funded proposals in the challenge of "Miscellaneous-Challenge" (F7 + F8), this video should exceed at least 1.000 views after 2 weeks.
  • Consesus from more than 75% related F7's funded proposers [through a survey].

After 15 months

  • The Final P.I.E Report of F8 is released and uploaded to various media channels of CryptoViews approved by the IOG, this Challenge Team.
  • 1 video [in English] summarizing the Final P.I.E Report of Implementation Results of F7’s funded proposals in the challenge of "Miscellaneous-Challenge" (F7 + F8), this video should exceed at least 1.000 views after 2 weeks.
  • Consesus from more than 75% related F8's funded proposers [through a survey].

This is an entirely new proposal, not a continuation of a previously funded project in Catalyst. But this team is consist of funded proposers with experience in working with Catalyst's processes.


So please VOTE for this proposal to contribute to the auditing performance and the growth of the Cardano ecosystem as a whole in both breadth and depth.

Best regards,



  • EP2: epoch_length

    Authored by: Darlington Kofa

    3m 24s
    Darlington Kofa
  • EP1: 'd' parameter

    Authored by: Darlington Kofa

    4m 3s
    Darlington Kofa
  • EP3: key_deposit

    Authored by: Darlington Kofa

    3m 48s
    Darlington Kofa
  • EP4: epoch_no

    Authored by: Darlington Kofa

    2m 16s
    Darlington Kofa
  • EP5: max_block_size

    Authored by: Darlington Kofa

    3m 14s
    Darlington Kofa
  • EP6: pool_deposit

    Authored by: Darlington Kofa

    3m 19s
    Darlington Kofa
  • EP7: max_tx_size

    Authored by: Darlington Kofa

    4m 59s
    Darlington Kofa