Many community members use Discord to share and organize information.
This proposal is for automating Catalyst Discord community social interactions.
We would like to create new features to Open Source Catalyst Discord Bot and improve existing infrastructure documentation.
New Features
- Channel Connector
- Configuration option to add 'tag' to the channel
- Configuration option to whitelist partner servers
- Command to send a message to all channels in different servers with a specific 'tag'
- Funds Balance Automation
- Configuration option to set a Balance Channel
- Command to describe 'sent' transaction
- Command to describe 'received' transaction
Other Updates
- Bot Permission Manager
- Create Bot Access role based on the role they have in server
- Role Changer
- Instead of reactions, we try built-in Discord buttons
- single configuration file for better set up experience
Extra Service
- Supporting the community with setting up and using CatalystBot
This proposal is about building tools and supporting new forms of collaboration.
If these tool experiments going to be useful, we have an opportunity to move the access control on the chain instead of using only the whitelist for trust contracts.
The milestones and progress will be actively documented on an open project management Miro Board: https://miro.com/app/board/o9J_l1uX30U=/
All the released work features will be accompanied by user guides for both developers and community members.
I believe this kind of documentation will allow standards of ideation and collaboration.
I'm currently spread thin across many projects so if there is a blocker or misunderstanding of the next steps it could take several days before I am able to have full focus on solving the issues.
Luckily all the projects I am involved with are related to Project Catalyst so my strategy is to make sure the end result is useful even if I am late to deliver on the proposal.
This time I will also attempt to scale the team with incentives.