Please describe your proposed solution.
Monthly events would be hosted in Accra, Ghana. These events would be composed of three primary blocks. First an update from local IO regarding Crypto news and opportunities, followed by a relevant keynote speaker. Finally, time for networking and discussion among attendees with refreshments and entertainment.
IOHK launched a Haskell programming course in Ghana last year for about eighty students. This is a new well of talent and Crypto enthusiasts just sprouting. It is imperative that we set them up with the right networks to get them more involved in our community and ensure their commitment to DeFi.
Please describe how your proposed solution will address the Challenge that you have submitted it in.
By bringing networking events to Accra, we create a focal point for similarly minded Cardano/Crypto enthusiasts to engage with one another as well as the greater international community we have been establishing here with Project Catalyst. As mentioned previously, IOHK implemented a course last year in Accra to teach 80 students Haskel. As this course takes off and its students with it, there is the perfect opportunity for synergy with networking events that have already proven to be successful in Ethiopia.
What are the main risks that could prevent you from delivering the project successfully and please explain how you will mitigate each risk?
General challenges we will face in this endeavor are:
Finding the right keynote speakers.
Securing the right venue.
Ensuring security at each event.