Please describe your proposed solution
This is a research and development project that will produce:
- An analysis report that evaluates existing Web3 staking protocols and tools.
- An opinionated architecture design that selects specific protocols and tools to implement as a staking mechanism for use in the Orcfax validator network. This will include use case descriptions and architecture diagrams. The design will be applicable to other Cardano projects implementing a Layer2 reward mechanism.
- Proof-of-concept software with a test case suite that demonstrates how a validator node operator can deposit stake, be rewarded stake for conformant (good) behaviour and be slashed stake for non-conformant (bad) behaviour.
Staking is a mechanism based on game theory that seeks to encourage actions that support the operation and maintenance of a Web3 network while discouraging actions that work against its shared objectives.
The Orcfax oracle network will employ a network of validator nodes to collect and verify source data. These validators will hold Orcfax $FACT tokens as a deposit while performing these functions. They will be rewarded with more $FACT tokens if their node participates as expected during Orcfax’s data publication cycles. Otherwise if a node reports irregular data or has networking issues, for example, their stake will be deducted from their deposit balance, i.e. “slashed”.
One of Web3 and blockchain’s major breakthroughs was to employ game theory to incentivize the operation and maintenance of a decentralized network in the absence of a central, coordinating party. This is a powerful new model that has yet to reach its full potential while also experiencing new developments. Cardano projects are poised to lead the next wave of Web3 innovation but this needs to be based on a solid understanding of the most current research and developments in game theory and how it is being applied to staking and rewarding models.
This project will deliver an architecture design and proof-of-concept software demonstrating how a best-practice staking model can be implemented in a Cardano-native platform.