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The Orcfax Explorer was launched in late 2024 and provides a powerful demonstration of the “Trust but Verify” concept to the Cardano community and other stakeholders interested in the price of ADA cryptocurrency.
Each Orcfax fact statement that is published as transaction datum on the Cardano blockchain has a corresponding source data audit trail that can be easily searched and browsed via the Orcfax Explorer. These audit log packages document how the primary source data was collected and validated. They are formatted according to open industry standards that enable interoperability and digital permanence.
Not all oracle data stakeholders are software engineers. The average user needs to be able to trust but verify that the external data their dApps are using to settle major financial transactions are authentic and accurate. The Orcfax Explorer provides a human-readable portal to perform this critical accountability check. The Explorer will also serve as an interface to secondary re-uses for this high-quality oracle data that is validated by a decentralized node network and published immutably to Cardano transactions.
While navigating through the Orcfax Explorer, users can click on a fact statement card to see the detailed summary for that fact statement. The Explorer widget loads the archival audit log package from the Arweave decentralized storage network and provides the user with an intuitive interface to browse its contents.
We have delivered core functionality in the first version of the Orcfax Explorer, including presentation of the the cryptographic links and relationships between:
- Oracle feeds;
- The fact statements published as part of those feeds;
- The sources of those fact statements and feeds;
- The methods of triangulation and calculation that resulted in the final fact statement value;
- The transactions on Cardano and storage networks used;
We have received constructive user feedback on the first release of the Explorer which is now ready for its next phase of development. In this project we will enhance the Orcfax Explorer to include:
- Real time network status;
- Dashboard visualizations;
- Network incident reporting;
- Audit log package downloads;
We will also see the addition of new Centralized Exchange (CEX) and Cardano Native Token (CNT) price feeds in the next major Explorer upgrade. Once we complete these Phase 2 enhancements the Explorer software development will focus on creating an Orcfax Explorer dashboard interface to display node statistics locally for each validator operator.