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Open Source Decentralized On-Chain Ecosystem Mapping Tool
Current Project Status

We will use D3js, along with the work in CIP-68 and CIP-88, to create an editable visualization of data stored on-chain, mapping the organizations and individuals in the Cardano Ecosystem.


Cardano lacks a user-friendly visualization tool that enables wallet owners to self-report their intended interactions, hindering seamless collaboration and transparency within the community.

Impact Alignment
Value for Money


3 members

Open Source Decentralized On-Chain Ecosystem Mapping Tool

Please describe your proposed solution

Our project leverages CIP-88 and CIP-68 initiatives within the Cardano blockchain ecosystem to introduce a decentralized Ecosystem Mapping Tool. This innovative tool aims to transform how information and metadata related to the Cardano ecosystem are visualized, managed, and updated by the community itself. Central to our solution is the creation of a decentralized Knowledge Graph, which begins with a database of collected information and expands through continuous community contributions and verifications stored securely on-chain.

Utilizing D3.js, we will develop a data visualization that draws inspiration from platforms like TheyRule.net, renowned for their clarity in displaying networks among influential figures. Our tool, however, will extend these capabilities by allowing users not only to view but also to edit the data displayed. This approach not only enhances transparency and accountability within the Cardano community but also increases user engagement by simplifying complex datasets into more accessible visual formats. Researchers, journalists, and the public will find it easier to uncover insights, identify collaborative networks, and note potential conflicts of interest within the ecosystem.

The entire system is designed with Open Source principles at its core, ensuring that anyone can contribute to or extend the visualization features. The project will be hosted on a dedicated website, which will serve as the default portal for accessing these visualizations, although other entities are free to host their versions.

This solution stands out because it directly engages the Cardano community in its governance by using a democratic approach to data management and visualization. It addresses the need for a transparent, accountable, and easily navigable representation of the Cardano ecosystem, making it a critical tool for decision-making and educational purposes. By fostering a more engaged and informed community, our project will enhance the utility and adoption of the Cardano blockchain, aligning with its goals of decentralized and open development.

Estimated Workflow:

  1. User Interaction:
  • End Users: Users interact with your application primarily through a web browser or mobile app. Their requests are directed to Amazon API Gateway and to the content delivered via Amazon CloudFront.
  • CloudFront: Serves as the content delivery network (CDN), which caches static content close to the users to minimize latency. This includes images, CSS, and JavaScript files stored in Amazon S3.
  1. DNS and Routing:
  • Route 53: Manages DNS for the application, resolving the domain name into an IP address. It directs incoming traffic to the Elastic Load Balancer (ELB), which is now placed outside of the AWS Cloud infrastructure, in the Internet zone.
  • Elastic Load Balancer (ELB): Positioned at the entry point of the AWS Cloud, the ELB receives incoming traffic from Route 53 and distributes it across multiple EC2 instances. This distribution helps balance the load and increases the fault tolerance of the application.
  1. Processing and Response:
  • EC2 Instances: These servers handle dynamic content requests. When a request requires data processing or dynamic content generation, it is routed to one of the EC2 instances. EC2 instances can access Amazon RDS for database queries or execute business logic.
  • Data Base: Provides database services to the EC2 instances, handling data retrieval and storage with high availability and reliability. It operates within the AWS Cloud, securely storing and managing transactional data.
  • API Gateway: Manages all API calls made by the front end, routing them either to Lambda functions for processing or directly to EC2 instances if required.

Benefits and Considerations:

  • Scalability: By using ELB at the Internet entry point and distributing requests across multiple EC2 instances, the system can handle varying loads efficiently. Auto-scaling can be implemented on EC2 instances to automatically adjust capacity in response to traffic changes.
  • Performance: CloudFront ensures that static content is delivered quickly by caching it close to the users, reducing load times and improving user experience.
  • Security: Route 53 and API Gateway provide additional layers of security. Route 53 can help mitigate DDoS attacks, and API Gateway can handle authentication and authorization for API access.
  • Resilience: EC2 instances in conjunction with ELB even in a single instance ASG enhances the overall fault tolerance and resilience of the application.

Image file


Please define the positive impact your project will have on the wider Cardano community


The primary objective of this project is to enhance visibility and connectivity within the Cardano community by creating a comprehensive, dynamic visualization of the ecosystem. This visualization will allow community members to identify active organizations and individuals in various sectors, fostering collaboration and strengthening community bonds.

Quantitative Metrics

To measure the project's success quantitatively, we will track the number of transactions and data entries specifically for maintaining the visualization to gauge active participation. Additionally, website analytics will provide insights into the reach and utility of the visualization by monitoring traffic, user engagement, and interaction patterns. We will also evaluate community involvement in enhancing and expanding the visualization tool through the level of activity in the project’s Open Source repository, including updates and contributions.

Qualitative Metrics

Qualitatively, the project's impact will be assessed through user surveys and feedback, which will help us understand user satisfaction and the usability of the visualization. Furthermore, monitoring social media engagement will provide insights into the community's perception of the visualization's value, gauging how frequently it is discussed, shared, and mentioned.

Impact Evaluation Strategy

Our strategy for evaluating the impact involves continuous monitoring and periodic reviews. Continuous tracking of on-chain data, website analytics, and Open Source repository activity will enable real-time adjustments and improvements. Semi-annual comprehensive reviews will assess overall project performance, where we analyze collected data, revisit user feedback, and engage with community stakeholders to discuss findings and solicit suggestions.

This approach ensures a high level of transparency and adaptability in our project, allowing us to measure the direct impact of the visualization on the Cardano community and ensure the project evolves in alignment with community needs and preferences.

What is your capability to deliver your project with high levels of trust and accountability? How do you intend to validate if your approach is feasible?

The Leadingbit Solutions LLC team has been developing software for over 30 years. Silona Bonewald has led many large-scale projects from the first 6 Sigma level e-commerce website for Siemens, creating backend systems for MMOs, to more recently leading the refactorization of Paypal Payment core, refactoring Paypal’s orchestration tooling from ideation to deployment to production, and designing the Open Source enterprise search tool. She created a DLT in 2004 using Mercurial and Merkle trees for the transparent Federal Budget Project with Bill Bradley and Jimmy Wales.

Leadingbit Solutions most recently worked with IEEE and adhered to their business contracting standards for three and half years while launching and creating the platform for IEEE SA OPEN community. We adhere to the accrual accounting method. We carry 2 million dollars in liability insurance and can provide a certification from Hartford Insurance if needed.

Silona also has over 20 yrs of experience working in the field of Open Source Software. She was the VP of Hyperledger and helped create several processes to better unify the global community, including creating a wiki with translation capabilities. Her work with the Hyperledger TSC to create the processes for the project lifecycle and the inclusion of labs increased engagement and reduced volunteer burnout. Currently, she is on the Board of Directors for FOSET (Foundations for Open Source Ecosystem Technology) and Foundation for Public Code, both are 501c3 in the US.

Lloyd Duhon - Systems Architect: <https://www.linkedin.com/in/lloyd-duhon> 30+ Year IT veteran, CTO experience. Cardano Plutus Pioneer 2nd Cohort. COO DripDropz, Founder Living Greens Urban Farm. Cardano Ambassador. Intersect Civics &amp; Community Advisory Board.

Adam Dean - Full Stack Developer: <https://www.linkedin.com/in/the-real-adam-dean> 15+ years of full-stack development experience [PHP, Python, HTML/CS/JS]. Cardano Plutus Pioneer: 1st Cohort. SPO [Retired]. Intersect Open Source Committee &amp; Community Advisory Board. Cardano Improvement Proposal (CIP) Editor. Founder Agrow Labs. Founder Buffy Bot Publishing. Founder NFTxLV. CTO (Acting) DripDropz. Author/Co-Author: CIP-27, CIP-83, CIP-88, CIP-99.

What are the key milestones you need to achieve in order to complete your project successfully?

Milestone 1: Outputs:

  • Provide a survey form to potential users to gauge interest (or similar)
  • Provide open spaces/after Town Halls to gather initial community support and feedback
  • Develop a user journey diagram
  • Gather sample OSINT data

Acceptance Criteria:

  • Survey - 30+ respondents
  • User Journey - Feedback from community
  • OSINT Data represents 60% of existing Cardano Community
  • Submission of open spaces to the Townhalls during and after milestone


  • Informs community of process and where to join our efforts esp in regards to standardization of Data formats for CIP 68
  • Further informs community of when and where they desire to engage in our processes
  • Inspires the community to help edit and improve the dataset representing them and their work
  • Shows ongoing support needed from community for additional milestones awareness

Milestone 2: Outputs:

  • Wire frame of the proposed UX/UI
  • Initial metadata standard proposal for on chain data
  • Code repositories created and CI/CD processes are documented

Acceptance Criteria:

  • Submission of the proposed Wireframe to the community with a clear feedback pathway on the Gitlab kanban
  • Submission to the Community of the initial metadata standard Proposal with a clear pathway to feedback
  • Review the Public Repo and documentation of CI/CD publishing in a public repository


  • Link to Wireframe and Community Feedback Summary
  • Link to metadata proposal and Feedback Summary
  • Link to Public Repo and Documentation

Milestone 3: Outputs:

  • Improved UX/UI from wireframe to full
  • Gather feedback on metadata standard in two workshops to get community feedback, propose final standard.
  • Continued development of the visualization and mint/burn interfaces from sample OSINT data

Acceptance Criteria:

  • Review to ensure the clear addition of the majority of previous Feedback from Community to revised wireframe listed in the Feedback kanban on repo
  • Review to ensure the clear addition of the majority of previous Feedback from Community to revised meta data standard listed in the Feedback kanban on repo
  • Review of Current state of OSINT Data


  • Kanban Report on continuing community feedback on Wireframe
  • Kanban Report on continuing community feedback on Metadata Standard
  • Examples of Mint/burn Interfaces w sample OSINT data

Milestone 4: Outputs:

  • Deploy the system to testnet and invite the community to test and provide additional sample data.
  • Documentation for use
  • Bug fixes documented and/or repaired

Acceptance Criteria:

  • Confirm Samples were deployed to testnet
  • Confirm Documention has been publicly posted
  • Confirm high priority bugs in Kanban were identified and addressed


  • Community tests posted to testnet
  • Link to Kanban report on Bugs
  • Link to Documentation on repo

Final Milestone: Outputs:

  • Initial product is deployed on Mainnet with the following features:
  • Visualization Map Style 1
  • Visualization Map Style 2
  • Minting interface to declare your intent
  • Modify interface to modify your intent
  • Burning interface to remove your participation
  • Closeout Report
  • Closeout Video

Acceptance Criteria:

  • Initial Product is available and running with 2 visualization maps
  • Initial Product is posting to the Chain
  • View Close out Report
  • View Closeout Video


  • Initial Product is up and running on website
  • Initial Product is posting to chain
  • Link to Video on youtube
  • Link to Report in repo

As this is an MVP, Leadingbit is not completing this project to our full standards for production readiness. We would recommend that the tool be further improved to make sure the software is robust, localizable, maintainable, compliant, efficient, and scalable. Additional effort would normally be spent on accessibility and user engagement. We hope to submit again in the next round to expand to support a full product.

Who is in the project team and what are their roles?

Silona Bonewald - Lead - UX and Visualization


Lloyd Duhon - Monitoring Milestones, Catalyst Reporting, and Video


Adam Dean - CIP 68 and CIP 88 deployment, Meta Data Standardization, and Community liaison


Raul Pineda - IT Lead handles cloud deployment and Infra as code

Raul Pineda, a seasoned IT professional with over 25 years of experience in infrastructure architecture and IT solutions, has led critical initiatives across the defense, banking, insurance, and consulting sectors. A passionate Open Source advocate, he has spearheaded DevSecOps and Infrastructure as Code on platforms for the IEEE community and LeadingBit Solutions. Raul has contributed to key events like OSCON and OpenUK State of Open Con23, discussing platform engineering. As CTO of Leadingbit Solutions, he aligns technology strategies with business goals, leveraging Open Source software. His notable tenure includes roles at BAE Systems and CSC, enriched by his education at The University of Texas at Austin and multiple industry awards recognizing his leadership and contributions.


Beth Hancock - Program Management - Community lead on Open Source

With experience project managing cross-functional Agile blockchain development teams and working with a variety of volunteer-led organizations from art to Open Source, Beth is excited to be connecting with the Cardano community.


Sonia Santana - Web Development for visualization hosting and database integration


Sarah Womer - OSINT expert


Please provide a cost breakdown of the proposed work and resources

  1. Project Management: 50,000 ADA
  • Coordinator (Part-time)
  • Overseeing project milestones, timelines, and team coordination.
  • Administrative Support
  • Handling logistics, procurement, and communications.
  • Meetings and Miscellaneous
  • Includes costs for virtual meeting platforms, travel for face-to-face meetings (if necessary), and other unforeseen administrative expenses.

2. Data Gathering and Preparation 13,000 ADA

3. Technical Development: 162,500 ADA

  • Server &amp; Repository Creation and Maintenance
  • Design
  • User Interface (UI) and User Experience (UX) design tailored for accessibility and user engagement.
  • Implementation
  • Front-end development
  • Back-end development
  • Testing
  • Includes testing frameworks, beta testing with community members, and bug fixing or documentation.
  • Website Development and Maintenance

4. Marketing and Community Engagement: 37,500 ADA

  • Social Media Promotion
  • Campaigns on Twitter, LinkedIn, and Reddit to engage with the broader Cardano community.
  • Community Events
  • Surveys, online webinars and interactive feedback sessions.

5. Documentation: 10,000 ADA

  • Technical Documentation:
  • Basic developer guides and API documentation.
  • User Documentation:
  • Basic user manual.

6. Cloud Infra &amp; Services and Website Costs: 15,000 ADA

Web Hosting

  • Domain Registration and SSL Certificate
  • Server costs for hosting the project website and associated data.
  • Website Maintenance
  • Regular updates, security patches, and performance optimizations.
  • Server Costs
  • For backend services, database management, and on-chain transactions.
  • Data Storage
  • Costs associated with storing data securely on the cloud.
  • APIs and Middleware
  • Costs for third-party services like geolocation, IPFS for decentralized storage, etc.

7. Ada Fees: 5,000 ADA

  • Transaction Fees
  • For deploying smart contracts and regular interactions with the Cardano blockchain.
  • Initial Data Upload Fees
  • Costs associated with the initial bulk upload of ecosystem data to the blockchain.

8. Reporting and Community Updates 7,000 ADA

  • Community Feedback Integration
  • Incorporating feedback from community engagement into project updates.
  • Final Project Report &amp; Video
  • Comprehensive review of the project outcomes and future directions.

Total Budget: 300,000 ADA

All third-party software we will be using to support the project is Open Source software. We will be self-hosting the necessary instances of any needed software.

How does the cost of the project represent value for money for the Cardano ecosystem?

Our fees are similar to the fees we have charged previous clients with slight changes for inflation over time.

The value to the Cardano Ecosystem is to better understand the entire ecosystem, to be inclusive, and to allow each entity to add its data and create unique perspectives on the data. It is common in the Open Source world to create landscaping diagrams. The CNCF Landscape diagram is a well-known example: <https://landscape.cncf.io/>. Inclusion in those diagrams happens upon joining the organization and the org fully controls the diagram moving forward. Typically, the marketing/PR value alone is worthwhile for the community.

Creating a decentralized version provides more freedom. All the information will be on the Cardano chain. Various groups can add data, other groups can then see the new data and choose to include it in their visualization. Since the visualization tool itself is also Open Source, the community at large is also free to add new features and overlays. This could be key data for many applications supporting marketing, job hunting, and contracting firms.



  • EP2: epoch_length

    Authored by: Darlington Kofa

    3m 24s
    Darlington Kofa
  • EP1: 'd' parameter

    Authored by: Darlington Kofa

    4m 3s
    Darlington Kofa
  • EP3: key_deposit

    Authored by: Darlington Kofa

    3m 48s
    Darlington Kofa
  • EP4: epoch_no

    Authored by: Darlington Kofa

    2m 16s
    Darlington Kofa
  • EP5: max_block_size

    Authored by: Darlington Kofa

    3m 14s
    Darlington Kofa
  • EP6: pool_deposit

    Authored by: Darlington Kofa

    3m 19s
    Darlington Kofa
  • EP7: max_tx_size

    Authored by: Darlington Kofa

    4m 59s
    Darlington Kofa