Please describe your proposed solution.
Perception + Approach
We believe that the open source funding problem is a symptom of a larger issue. Because Web2 made it possible for large corporations to make lots of money while providing services that seem “free” to end-users, the economics of sustainable open-source development are hard to adapt to decentralized ecosystems. We must illustrate new funding models while continuing to develop open-source projects. Andamio is built to support this work.
Andamio is a platform for contributor onboarding and collaborative treasury management built on the Cardano blockchain. Our intention is for the Andamio Network to be as open and decentralized as Cardano itself. One of the core technical components of Andamio is Andamio CLI, which provides an industry standard command-line interface for interacting with the Andamio Network. Andamio CLI is also the backbone of a growing array of API services that support anyone to use Andamio.
Andamio CLI is written in Golang. With this project, we will build Andamio CLI in public. To do so, we will rely on other open source Go libraries like Bursa, Snek and gOuroboros from Blink Labs, and Apollo from Edoardo Salvioni (<span class="mention" data-denotation-char="" data-id="195925" data-index="0" data-value="<member id='195925' communityId='163'>zhaata</member>"><span contenteditable="false"><span class="ql-mention-denotation-char"></span><member communityid="163" id="195925">zhaata</member></span></span>) . Along the way, we will recognize ways that we can contribute to those libraries. These kinds of collaborations are already underway: the Andamio team is already working with Blink Labs and Salvionied and contributing to their open-source projects.
Who Will Your Project Engage:
This project will engage with the Cardano Go developer community and anyone who wants to build contributor onboarding solutions with Andamio.
This project will also engage with Developers who want to contribute to high-impact open-source projects – while also getting paid.
What is Unique & Why is this Important?
This project will show that blockchain tooling makes it possible to fund open source work in new ways.
Andamio and Blink Labs are building for-profit businesses on Cardano. We are also building open source libraries. The Andamio Team is creating open source tools so that anyone can get started building on Andamio. The Blink Labs Team has a long track record of building open source repositories and of delivering scale-able solutions for paying clients.
Andamio needs the tooling that Blink Labs has built as part of its solution. Blink Labs is sowing the seeds of massive open source developer communities. This collaboration will show developers - of both open and closed source projects - a unique approach to sustaining critical work.