Please describe your proposed solution.
I aim to address the need for streamlined NFT generation by leveraging the platform, which I have developed and maintain. (OSAIS) was voted top project by the community of SingularityNet users in the Round 2 funding of April 2023. It empowers users to harness popular open-source AIs for Generative Arts through API calls, enabling the generation of artwork with customizable parameters.
For developers, I will develop an open-source JS plugin that seamlessly integrates OSAIS with an NFT creation library and with the requesting app (ReactJS or NodeJS). This plugin will automate the artwork generation process and make them readily available for minting on the target library. In terms of NFT minting, I intend to integrate two libraries to showcase the extensibility of the solution, and to force the design for such extensibility. The initial choice is to integrate Tango Crypto and NMKR.
The JS plugin will automatically create an NFT project, upload files, and metadata to the project, preparing them for minting. These files and metadata are the automated outputs of the plugin's calls to the AIs hosted on OSAIS. The plugin will provide APIs but will not include a User Interface (UI) component, which will be delivered as a separate component.
In addition to the plugin, I will create a sample webpage that implements a simple UI for a comprehensive end-to-end integration, from an end-user perspective. Both the plugin and the sample webpage will be available as open-source resources.
To demonstrate the easy integration of the plugin and its sample UI webpage into any application, and to make the service accessible to end-users, not just developers, I will make the sample webpage available on a dedicated URL. This webpage will enable end-users, such as artists, to effortlessly prepare an entire AI-generated NFT collection with just a few clicks. This collection is then immediately ready for minting, for example via Tango Crypto or NMKR.
This unique solution benefits artists, developers, and the overall growth of the Cardano ecosystem. By promoting accessibility, creativity, and growth, it propels the Cardano NFT space forward by incorporating the latest AI technologies for the Arts.