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Onboarding Africa’s largest crowdfunding platform BackaBuddy to Cardano with an innovative Learn2Earn initiative building on the success of 1 million crowdfunding users
Current Project Status

Our team has built crowdfunding platforms with 1.7M African users, we will transition web2 to web3 via “Learn to Earn,” targeting local “Champions” to drive Cardano adoption and real-world value.


Africa, with 1.4 billion people and 590 million internet users, is disconnected from the global financial system, making it ground zero for real-world blockchain adoption.

Impact Alignment
Value for Money


3 members

Onboarding Africa’s largest crowdfunding platform BackaBuddy to Cardano with an innovative Learn2Earn initiative building on the success of 1 million crowdfunding users

Please describe your proposed solution


The "Learn to Earn" initiative aims to seamlessly transition Africa’s vibrant web2 crowdfunding community to the Cardano ecosystem by harnessing the success of established platforms like BackaBuddy. This program is designed to leverage the substantial traction already gained in web2 African crowdfunding, which has engaged 1.7 million users and raised $45 million to date.

Africa Stats:

  • 590 million people with internet access
  • $700 billion mobile money volume
  • Monthly interest rates between 9% and 27%
  • 500 million people without ID
  • Approximately 10% cross border payment fee
  • $120 billion crypto transactions

Duration: 6 month pilot

Participants: Successful BackaBuddy fundraisers with high social capital

Learn to Earn: Users will be rewarded with ADA for completing educational modules and tasks, which cover topics such as Cardano ecosystem, social capital, and effective fundraising strategies.

Integration with Existing Platforms:

As Africa’s leading crowdfunding platform, BackaBuddy will be the first to integrate ADA into its campaigns, allowing users to donate and raise funds in ADA. This integration will serve as a pilot, demonstrating the benefits of blockchain technology in traditional fundraising.

Users will engage with a social capital scorecard, which helps them assess and enhance their local influence, a critical skill for successful fundraising. As they improve their social capital, they earn ADA, further incentivizing participation and engagement.

Building a Community of Impact Champions:

By gaining valuable skills in blockchain technology and fundraising, users will be better equipped to conduct community funding rounds using ADA and fiat. As these local Champions find value in using blockchain for impactful purposes, they will influence their communities to also adopt blockchain.

The initiative aims to build a sustainable and engaged user base that contributes to the long-term growth and innovation of the Cardano ecosystem. By aligning with the values of the impact community, the program promotes Cardano’s image as a platform committed to social good and financial inclusion.

Please define the positive impact your project will have on the wider Cardano community

  1. Expanding User Base: The program targets Africans with medium to high social capital and a passion for impact, introducing thousands of new users to the Cardano ecosystem.
  2. Enhanced ADA Transactions: By integrating ADA into crowdfunding efforts, the initiative is expected to significantly increase the number of ADA transactions, fostering greater acceptance and use of Cardano’s cryptocurrency.
  3. Blockchain Literacy and Adoption: The initiative will enhance users' blockchain literacy, encouraging a broader adoption of Cardano for community-driven projects across Africa.
  4. Innovative Fundraising Solutions: By showcasing the benefits of decentralised funding models, the program will highlight Cardano’s potential to revolutionise traditional fundraising, making it more transparent, efficient, and inclusive.
  5. Vital for Cardano to develop a Learn2Earn model for real penetration in Africa to onboard young talent: more than 25% of Kenyan economy, for example, is digital

What is your capability to deliver your project with high levels of trust and accountability? How do you intend to validate if your approach is feasible?


  • We will leverage our team's expertise in building Africa’s leading crowdfunding platforms with a combined $45 million raised from 1.7 million donors.
  • BackaBuddy attracts 2,000 campaign creators and 11,000 donors monthly
  • Innofund and BackaBuddy have already done a feasibility study on blockchain and Algorand in five East and Southern African countries, including Kenya and South Africa. We will leverage this knowledge and these networks
  • Both companies have links to local regulators and sandboxes
  • Multilingual internal communications and research skills
  • Strong joint tech and strategy teams
  • Joint operational experience
  • Core markets are the African nerve centres of the region: South Africa, Kenya
  • Core networks with key stakeholders: UN agencies, ACfA, INGOS, local CSOs and African private sector clients.
  • Final report will include insights from key stakeholders like universities, schools and adult education centres
  • Secondary Markets: Uganda, Tanzania, Ghana and The Gambia
  • Strategic Partnerships: BackaBuddy, Thundafund, ACfA etc
  • Past Project Partners: UNCDF, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Aga Khan Foundation, GlobalGiving, USAID, JICA, UNICEF, M-Changa

Pilot Programs and Testing:

  1. Integrate ADA on BackaBuddy Platform

Scope: Integrate Cardano’s ADA as a donation option on BackaBuddy, which has 11,000 donors and 2,000 campaign creators monthly.

Execution: Implement ADA payments, monitor performance, user engagement, and transaction volumes to validate the approach.

  1. Identify African “Champions”

Tool: Use the Social Capital Scorecard to identify key African “Champions” with high social capital.

Objective: Engage these champions to engage the Learn to Earn initiative and later promote within their communities.

  1. Design & Test Learn to Earn Platform

Development: Create a user-friendly platform with educational modules on Cardano, social capital, and impact.

Incentive Structure: Design an ADA reward system to encourage participation and learning.

Testing: Conduct beta testing with selected users, gather feedback through surveys and interviews, and refine the platform accordingly.

Feedback Loops: Collecting user feedback during the pilot phase will help refine the program and ensure it meets user needs and expectations.

Scalable Architecture: The platform is designed to handle increasing user loads, ensuring it can scale as the number of participants grows.

  1. Validate through user testing
  2. Are crowdfunding users interested in blockchain?
  3. Are crowdfunding users interested in learn to earn?
  4. What are the learning modules people are most interested in?
  5. Having the answers to these - we'll be able to scale the program later

What are the key milestones you need to achieve in order to complete your project successfully?

Milestone 1: Landscape mapping, ADA integration overview and report outline


  • Design button and select wallet to raise funds in ADA on BackaBuddy
  • Identify Champions and Partners with high social capital to develop learn to earn framework
  • Map all stakeholders in South Africa and/or Kenya
  • Report outline

Acceptance criteria

  • Wireframe outlines of ADA button and wallet integration for BackaBuddy
  • List of Champions and Partners
  • Map of all stakeholders in Kenya
  • Report outline

Evidence of Milestone completion

  • Map and outline of major stakeholders in Kenya and South Africa
  • Wireframes for ADA integration into BackaBuddy crowdfunding platform
  • Report outline

Expected timeline for the delivery

2 months

Milestone 2: Full report, inc


Milestone 2 includes the following key activities:

  • Build/integrate Cardano fundraising button for BackaBuddy campaigns
  • Integrate a web3 wallet that accepts ADA into BackaBuddy backend
  • Interactive data presentation of results
  • Written report
  • Case studies
  • Video outline of report
  • Recommendations

Acceptance criteria

  • BackaBuddy has integrated ADA wallet and fundraising button for its cmpaigns
  • Interactive data presentation of results
  • Written report
  • Video outline of report
  • X5 Recommendations for Next Steps
  • Case studies

Evidence of Milestone Completion

  • BackaBuddy campaigns can raise funds in ADA
  • Video summary of report
  • Interactive data presentation of results
  • Written report, inc recommendations and case studies

Expected timeline for the delivery

3 months

Final Milestone: Follow-up with stakeholders


  • Video outline
  • Zoom call with Cardano and local stakeholders

Acceptance criteria

  • Video outline
  • Zoom call with Cardano and local stakeholders

Evidence of Milestone Completion

  • Video outline
  • Zoom call with Cardano and local stakeholders

Expected timeline for the delivery

1 months

Who is in the project team and what are their roles?

Matt Roberts-Davies: Project Director, Research

Matt Roberts-Davies is Director and General Manager of BackaBuddy – Africa’s largest fundraising platform by volume – and Co-founder of Thundafund Africa, Africa’s first rewards-based crowdfunding platform. Matt has a first-class degree in Economics, and worked in the social sector before focusing on financial inclusion, technology, and start-ups. He has worked for some of the most innovative financial technology companies, including (a crowdfunding platform that has raised over $1.3 billion for entrepreneurs worldwide) and Musoni (the world’s first cashless microfinance institution). Matt has previously worked in Europe, Asia, and America before settling in Kenya. Matt’s mission is for every African to have access to crowdfunding, either as fundraisers, creatives, and entrepreneurs, or as donors, backers and investors.

Alex Macbeth: Head of Research

Alex is the co-founder of Innofund and brings 15 years of experience working for aid agencies in Africa and Central Asia, media outlets and startups across five continents. He speaks seven languages. He holds a degree in African Languages and Cultures from SOAS and has worked in East and Southern Africa for the last 15 years in journalism, development and tech.

Gabriel von Roda: PM, Finance, Research

Gabriel is co-founder of Innofund and brings two decades of experience working for startups on business development in Europe, the USA, South America and East Asia.

Please provide a cost breakdown of the proposed work and resources

Milestone 1: 16,000 ADA

Team and PM: 10,000

Tech: 4,000

Marketing and Comms: 2,000

Milestone 2: 16,000 ADA

Team and PM: 10,000

Tech: 5,000

Marketing and Comms: 1,000

Final Milestone: 12,000 ADA

Team and PM: 7,000

Tech: 3,000

Admin: 2,000

TOTAL: 44,000 ADA

No Dependencies

How does the cost of the project represent value for money for the Cardano ecosystem?

  • Existing BackaBuddy reach, users and clout redeployed for Cardano
  • Onboards Africa’s largest crowdfunding platform onto Cardano
  • Cheap cost of acquisition for new Cardano ecosystem users
  • Innovative new model for low-income markets can be used across Cardano ecosystem (e.g. by Cardano Academy, startups, foundation etc)
  • Huge potential to deploy same solution in other territories with BackaBuddy and Innofund partner platforms


  • EP2: epoch_length

    Authored by: Darlington Kofa

    3m 24s
    Darlington Kofa
  • EP1: 'd' parameter

    Authored by: Darlington Kofa

    4m 3s
    Darlington Kofa
  • EP3: key_deposit

    Authored by: Darlington Kofa

    3m 48s
    Darlington Kofa
  • EP4: epoch_no

    Authored by: Darlington Kofa

    2m 16s
    Darlington Kofa
  • EP5: max_block_size

    Authored by: Darlington Kofa

    3m 14s
    Darlington Kofa
  • EP6: pool_deposit

    Authored by: Darlington Kofa

    3m 19s
    Darlington Kofa
  • EP7: max_tx_size

    Authored by: Darlington Kofa

    4m 59s
    Darlington Kofa