not approved
Nurturing Roots in Africa: The Evolution (Education)
Current Project Status

Funding the next level of educational support for Wada hubs across the continent will uplift local hubs by equipping them with their own minimal developer base and fortifying our developer community.


Wada hubs made huge progress with Nurturing Roots part 1, but are not yet able to fully sustain themselves. The next level of educational support is needed to continue on 3 yr path to independence.

Value for money
Impact / Alignment


3 members

Nurturing Roots in Africa: The Evolution (Education)

Please describe your proposed solution.

We are working to establish a three year path to independence for each of our hubs. Phase 1 of this proposal (Nurturing Roots in Africa) started us off with the first 6 months of support, and through this proposal we are looking to fund the next 9 months of support.

Our strategy for supporting hubs falls into three distinct phases as outlined below. Many of our hubs have already set up their basic infrastructure, so this round of funding will focus on providing Phase 2 support, emphasizing Education. The DITC team (Wada Cameroon hub) has completed their train the trainer program (as outlined in Spread Plutus through Africa) and is ready to assign a Haskell/Plutus developer mentor to each Wada hub. We are prepared to offer French and English support in addition to curriculum for the hubs to follow.

Phase 1: Emphasis on infrastructure

  • Infrastructure (set up a physical space, furniture, utilities, generator or solar panel)
  • Minimal personnel support (hub lead supported by Wada)
  • Hub equipment (computers, webcam/other recording devices to enable audio/video streaming and conferencing)

<u>Phase 2:</u> Emphasis on education (goal–train one developer lead or up to 3 new developers at each hub over the next 9 months)

  • Personnel support: Hub lead (to be supported by Wada)
  • Developer trainees to be supported with small motivation
  • Educational materials: Books, stationary, whiteboard
  • Continue some support for infrastructure such as utilities, and space rental

Phase 3: Emphasis on dApp creation

  • The hubs will have the resources and tools to be financially independent as they will now have the knowledge to create IT solutions to generate revenue
  • In addition they will have a business plan in place to support local operations
  • Hub’s business initiatives are able to support operation costs

How does your proposed solution address the challenge and what benefits will this bring to the Cardano ecosystem?

Africa presents immense opportunity for Cardano blockchain adoption however, the continent's well-documented barriers to adoption could hamper the design of cutting edge digital solutions and the growth of Cardano in Africa. This proposal will Grow Cardano by ensuring the best solutions on the ground. We want to highlight Cardano's cutting-edge solutions in the Sub Saharan Africa region. With focus on:

  1. Infrastructure
  2. Education & Outreach
  3. dApp Creation

How do we equip and support developers with tools and working infrastructure?

Wada has done a lot of work onboarding African students and entrepreneurs into the Cardano ecosystem. We are looking to target developers through this next phase by adding a focus of technical education to our Global strategy. At the local level, many of our hubs have been working in the background to boost their technical levels. Through this next phase of funding we will be able to support these hubs to share their own knowledge and offer more local training to bring even more developers into the ecosystem.

How do we make Cardano their first choice when it comes to building dApps, innovating and collaborating?

Our hubs are already very involved in the Cardano ecosystem and have been doing numerous outreach events educating on the opportunities with blockchain, highlighting Cardano in particular. By supporting our hubs with more technical knowledge and capability we will be ensuring that they stay here to follow up with their innovative ideas and are supported to actually build them on Cardano.

How do you intend to measure the success of your project?

Community Engagement

  • Wada membership portal activity (track number of users, number of posts per day etc.)
  • Other Wada social media following and engagement
  • Attendance of Wada monthly calls


  • Number of events (that are shared across hubs)
  • Attendance at events (in-person and online)

Developer Engagement

  • Developer discord activity (number of members, number of posts/day)
  • Developers enrolled in Wada's education program
  • Developers activity on GitHub

In addition to these measures used to track how many people we are engaging and reaching we will also follow up with each hub's timeline for setting up their physical space and their business plan development.


  • Ensure that basic infrastructure planned was secured and adequate


  • Hubs that have adequate infrastructure will have at least one developer lead who will begin training to become a Haskell/Plutus trainer
  • Each developer lead will have regular (monthly) progress checks to ensure training is advancing

Please describe your plans to share the outputs and results of your project?

We plan to keep the community up to date about our progress internally by posting to our Wada membership portal, and encouraging engagement there.

In addition we will use our various social media accounts to keep the community involved in our progress.

  • Status updates and event announcements to Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn
  • Youtube to post various recorded/live-stream events and technical educational content
  • Other social media will be developed: TikTok and Instagram to attract more young people to our network

What is your capability to deliver your project with high levels of trust and accountability?

Past success of earlier phases of this initiative: Planting Roots in Africa and Nurturing Roots in Africa

Current Wada Hubs

Established hubs:

Ghana - Accra

Ghana - Nalerigu

Cameroon - Douala

DRC - Goma

DRC - Kinshasa

Cote d'Ivoire - Abidjan

Burkina Faso - Bobo-Dioulasso

Emerging Hubs

Senegal - Dakar

Sierra Leone

Ghana - Center

Cameroon - Dschang

Cameroon - Bertoua

Virtual Hub


Close-out report for Planting Roots in Africa: here

Close-out report for Nurturing Roots Part 1: here

Close-out presentation from Nurturing Roots showcasing each hubs' current status: here

What are the main goals for the project and how will you validate if your approach is feasible?

The main goal of this next phase is to emphasize EDUCATION and how to spread that across our network of hubs. We want to make sure we are giving our hubs the tools to become independent so that they can develop their own products and services.

  • Leverage the established curriculum by the DITC team and tailor it to this new audience.
  • Implement a schedule for trainers to follow
  • Assign DITC trainer to each local hub to act as mentor/teacher
  • Monitor progress with monthly checks for understanding
  • Final evaluation to certify trainee's completion of program

Please provide a detailed breakdown of your project’s milestones and each of the main tasks or activities to reach the milestone plus the expected timeline for the delivery.

Below we will detail the milestones along with how the funding will need to be dispersed for us to be able to achieve our goals. I have listed them with the 9 months of our project on the left to add clarity.

month 1-Milestone 1: 20% of budget needed

New + Established Hubs:

  • Introductory meeting with all hub leads present, sharing of project expectations and milestones
  • Financial needs:
  • Infrastructure up-front costs (3 month)
  • Monthly support (coordination, marketing, hub leads, trainers, and developers) (1 month)

month 2-Milestone 2: Education 1 16% of budget needed

New + Established Hubs:

  • Consolidate curriculum and training environment/tools
  • Select developers who will follow the training (could be group of up to 3 for more established hubs)
  • Assign DITC team members to each hub
  • Create schedule for training program
  • Financial needs:
  • Monthly support (coordination, marketing, hub leads, trainers, and developers) (2 months)

month 3- no milestones to submit

month 4- Milestone 2: 27% of budget needed

New + Established Hubs:

  • Developer(s) from each hub - Evaluate trainer progress
  • Check we are on-track with schedule
  • Graded assignments expect at least 75% success
  • Financial needs:
  • Infrastructure support (3 months)
  • Monthly personnel support (coordination, marketing, hub leads, trainer, trainees) (3 months)
  • Other support such as events budget and Wada overhead (30%)

month 5- no milestones this month

month 6- no milestones this month

month 7-Milestone 3: 22% of budget needed

New + Established Hubs

  • Developer(s) from each hub - Evaluate trainer progress
  • Check we are on-track with schedule
  • Graded assignments expect at least 75% success
  • Financial needs:
  • Infrastructure support (2 months)
  • Monthly support (coordination, marketing, hub leads) (2 months)
  • Other support such as events budget and Wada overhead (30%)

month 8- no milestones to submit

month 9-Milestone 4: final 15% of budget needed

Education 3

New + Established Hubs:

  • Developer(s) from each hub completes training with certification

Business model

New Hubs:

  • Establish a specialization and name for Hub
  • Outline path to independence (first draft of business idea that will make the hub self sustainable within 3 years)

Established Hubs:

  • Produce an official path to independence with a business plan
  • Present business plan including logo and branding strategy
  • Financial needs
  • Final infrastructure payment
  • Final salary pay-out
  • Final other misc support such as Wada overhead
  • Final new hub discovery budget

Please describe the deliverables, outputs and intended outcomes of each milestone.

By the end of this 9 month period we will have delivered on the following:

  • One education trained per hub completes first module of Haskell training
  • Applicable hubs (tbd) implement blockchain clubs with local universities
  • Applicable hubs will identify devs to target for next round of Haskell program
  • In-person meet-up across hubs to start and end the program

Please provide a detailed budget breakdown of the proposed work and resources.

Wada through Nurturing Roots in Africa and now this next phase are providing the following support to hubs, based on their maturity.

<u>Emerging Hubs</u>: The main focus we will have with emerging hubs is to solidify a relationship with a hub lead on the ground, making sure we share the same vision.

  • Events budget
  • Hub lead motivation (variable depending on level of commitment)

Deliverable: After 6 months of contact, we will have finalized a hub lead point of contact, and start to talk about the potential for a Wada hub and what it might look like to support them as a New Hub.

<u>Year 1 Hubs</u>

New Hubs: 0-6 Months: Our main focus is supporting the infrastructure of the hubs.

  • Infrastructure
  • Space rental
  • Utilities (electricity, internet, and associated set-up costs)
  • Electronics (computer, printer)
  • Furniture (minimal)
  • Hub lead motivation

Deliverable: Each hub by the end of 6 months needs to:

  • Set up physical or virtual Wada Hub providing local access to Wada network resources and events
  • Determine a specialization for their hub
  • Outline path to independence (start working on a business idea that will make the hub self sustainable within 3 years)

Established Hubs 6+ Months: Still focusing on infrastructure, but now we will be able to asses more specifically each hub's individual needs such as what back up power source is most appropriate, and will add Wada and Cardano branding to the site. I

  • Wada + Cardano branding @ physical hubs: $500

  • Small additional budget for printing materials, business cards and flyers

  • Infrastructure

  • Space rental

  • Utilities

  • Electrical backup (generator/solar panel)

  • Furniture

  • Electronics

  • Hub lead motivation

  • Education (some cases)

  • Educational materials (books, whiteboard, projector…)

  • Trainer motivation

Deliverable: Each hub will produce an official path to independence with a business plan. Additionally, some hubs may have someone ready to act as educational trainer if not we leverage the network of hubs to start training a trainer in Haskell/Plutus.

<u>Year 2-3 Hubs</u>: We will continue to support hubs' basic infrastructure needs (although no more "set-up" costs), but emphasis will shift dramatically towards education. In this phase, we will support a local trainer lead that will be responsible for providing developer support to new developers locally.

  • Infrastructure

  • Space rental

  • Utilities

  • Hub lead motivation

  • Education

  • Educational materials (books, whiteboard, projector…)

  • Haskell/Plutus trainer motivation

Deliverable: Each hub will have one lead trainer responsible for education and developer support locally. Also each hub will be implementing their business plans on the path to be self sustainable by the end of year 2.

Detailed budget breakdown => here

Please note this budget was calculated using an exchange rate USD to ADA of 0.25, the exchange rate at the time of drafting this proposal. In the possibility of ADA price fluctuations we plan to handle it as follows: if ADA price increases, we will look to extend the life of this project to support the hubs for an extra month for example, another option would be that we support more local events. In the case of ADA price dropping, we may choose to shorten the duration of this project.

Who is in the project team and what are their roles?

Megan Hess: Project Lead, and Hubs Liaison @ Wada

Wada Cameroon Hub Co-Lead, Central Africa and Francophone Coordination. Has 2+ years experience coordinating the Wada hubs through events and education.

Past experience includes: Math & Physics teacher, bilingual (French & English), Linkedin: < >

Josh Fielding - Global Lead @ Wada

Has a combined 10+ years’ experience in fintech and startups, focused on banking, payments and lending across Europe, APAC and African continents. He brings his years of project management and team leadership experience, running teams for Start Up Bootcamp and as an organizer for a Danish enterprise accelerator.

As an active member of Catalyst since Fund 2 and previously-funded audit proposer, Josh has the experience and capability to deliver on the goals of the proposal, alongside the team at Wada.


Mercy A - Coordination Lead @ Wada

Has a combined 25+ years' experience in Project Management and Engagement (West Africa, Canada) Healthcare (UK, Canada) and brings a wealth of experience and passion to this project. Mercy is responsible for Wada coordination, and building partnerships.


Afia Owusu - Oracle Lead + West Africa Regional Lead @ Wada

Holds an MSc degree in Management Information Systems from the University of Lancaster, UK and a BSc. (Hons) in Natural Resources Management, University of Science and Technology (UST), Kumasi, Ghana. She coordinated the Project Wildlife Clubs of African implemented by Birdlife International involving 17 African countries with the major output being information exchange between African Wildlife Clubs and their international counterparts through development of an electronic manual for the mainstreaming of environmental education for participating countries.



How does the cost of the project represent value for money for the Cardano ecosystem?

The cost of this proposal 450,000 ADA to cover 9 months of support to Wada Cardano hubs across the continent in West and Central Africa is relatively small compared to the impact. We will be supporting 10+ hubs, which averages to less than 45,000 ADA per hub to cover a 9 month period. During that 9 months we will be making a huge step towards educating more developers across our hubs in Haskell and Plutus!



  • EP2: epoch_length

    Authored by: Darlington Kofa

    3m 24s
    Darlington Kofa
  • EP1: 'd' parameter

    Authored by: Darlington Kofa

    4m 3s
    Darlington Kofa
  • EP3: key_deposit

    Authored by: Darlington Kofa

    3m 48s
    Darlington Kofa
  • EP4: epoch_no

    Authored by: Darlington Kofa

    2m 16s
    Darlington Kofa
  • EP5: max_block_size

    Authored by: Darlington Kofa

    3m 14s
    Darlington Kofa
  • EP6: pool_deposit

    Authored by: Darlington Kofa

    3m 19s
    Darlington Kofa
  • EP7: max_tx_size

    Authored by: Darlington Kofa

    4m 59s
    Darlington Kofa