Please describe your proposed solution
Our proposal addresses the need for transparency and community involvement in decentralized finance (DeFi) by focusing on the development and open-sourcing of a new version of the MuesliSwap DEX smart contracts based on a next-gen orderbook smart contract.
Enhanced Development:
- Next-gen Orderbook Smart Contracts: These smart contracts will include many features not possible with AMM-based approaches, such as time-based orders that auto-cancel and more efficient orders with lower costs. By open-sourcing the smart contracts, other developers can build advanced market makers and tools that can interact with these contracts easily due to the open-source nature of the smart contracts.
Impact and Measurement:
- Engagement Metrics: Success will be measured by the level of active community involvement in development as well as usage of the next-gen orderbook DEX. By developing a next-gen orderbook DEX we will make the Cardano ecosystem more transparent, efficient and appealing in the broader DeFi ecosystem.
Beneficiaries and Cardano Ecosystem Value:
- Users: A more efficient and user-friendly DEX enhances accessibility and usability for all users, from novice traders to experienced investors.
- Developer Community: Open-source access empowers developers to learn, innovate, and contribute to the DeFi ecosystem on Cardano, fostering a robust developer community.