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Next gen NFT Metaverse with incentivizing reward system and a real impact on sustainability for planet Earth through partnering companies – making green choices easy to sort out and hard to resist.
Current Project Status

Tellus2. By creating a Metaverse version of planet earth, closely coupling it with the real world we can influence people’s choices, thus gamifying sustainability, increasing peoples greener choices.



The real problem number one is the sustainability issue. We need to reduce emissions and stop emptying all nature resources. People’s habits need to be changed to achieve that.


Impact / Alignment
Value for money


1 member

Next gen NFT Metaverse with incentivizing reward system and a real impact on sustainability for planet Earth through partnering companies – making green choices easy to sort out and hard to resist.

Please describe your proposed solution.


Tellus2 will be our sustainable next gen metaversion of planet Earth (Tellus). The Tellus2 Metaverse will be populated by our NFT avatars, the Tellusians. Tellus2 will be community influenced to a high extent, that is the Tell us too-part.

Tellus2 is created to make action of people’s will to really live sustainably in every aspect and to be an NFT Metaverse with real impact on sustainability through its hand picked collaboration partners.

Tellus2 will make green choices easy to sort out and hard to resist!

<u>The avatars</u>

Our first hand drawn unique avatars, the Tellusians, are now available as NFTs on

The NFT avatars act as entry tickets to our closed community channel on Discord. That is the place where the community have the opportunity to influence how the Metaverse will look like by sharing ideas and having voting rights for choosing our partnerships for sustainability.

The NFT avatars also give the owners access to the future Tellus2 Metaverse and besides that they provide discounts on NFT building blocks for the Metaverse and access to our coming events.


One of our Tellusians.

<u>The Metaverse</u>

The Metaverse remains to be built, the Tellus2 team has so far just decided on the framework.

The Metaverse is decided to be exploratory and world building.

Stage 1 (Under construction) - will be creating an overlooking view of the world map of the Earth, dividing the map into small hexagonal parts of land each represented by a land NFT.

From these parts of land, the owners can communicate with each other in different ways. Their land plot will be the home of their Tellusian Avatar (our first NFT drop). Ultimately when making greener choices through our collaboration partners in the real world will give rise to more NFTs living on your land plot. Different imaginative creations will be possible on your land plots and also visiting others' land plots.

Stage 2 - This stage is planned to be mainly open sourced in order to get the help needed by the community's contributions and creativity needed to achieve such an ambitious goal. By clicking into your hexagonal land plot NFT, we will see a 3D world similar to Minecraft, closely coupled with the real world and with NFTs as building blocks. We aim to build an incentivizing reward system inside the Metaverse deeply coupling it with long term sustainability for the real world. In our opinion, this is how NFTs should be used to maximize positive impact on sustainability on Earth.

Sustainability through partnerships

How the link between the Tellus2 Metaverse and sustainability for the real world will look like in detail is to be decided by the community (open source), but the idea is that events and actions in the real world will affect the Metaverse and vice versa through our partnering companies, thus gamifying sustainability.

Environmentally desirable events and actions by an NFT holder IRL will give advantages and new features in the Metaverse. For example if you buy a jacket from recycled materials from our partner your NFT avatar will get a cool jacket as well and if you buy solar panels or an EV from our partners your NFT avatar will receive similar components in the Metaverse, influencing the game and how it's played. For example, faster movement with the EV.

And on the other hand, if you plant a forest in the Metaverse, a tree will be planted by our partner IRL. If you remove plastics from the ocean in the Metaverse, money will be donated to our partner for the same thing to happen IRL. If you buy an EV or solar power in the Metaverse, you could get a discount on the same products from our partners IRL.

The examples above are just - examples. The imagination defines the limits for what we can do!

Our idea is to provide incentivizing and impactful partnerships for our Metaverse in every relevant area such as:

  • Energy
  • Transportation
  • Food
  • Clothing
  • Recycling and reuse
  • Protection of forests and oceans (eg tree planting, plastic removal from oceans etc)

We also plan to include play to earn elements in our Metaverse.

And we welcome the community for further contribution of ideas for creating a greener planet.

Please notice that we are working on concept art. This will soon be available as a preview of our Metaverse.

How does your proposed solution address the challenge and what benefits will this bring to the Cardano ecosystem?

We think that our idea has the potential to make a real impact on people’s behavior IRL through the incentivizing reward system and also having a real impact IRL from actions in the Metaverse. As well as incentivizing by being a rewarding open world Metaverse creative gaming experience.

You can see Tellus2 as a mashup between an NFT project having positive environmental impact, such as CardanoTrees, and Minecraft with its world building features, added the community and identity aspects, being an environmental project also. By that we think we provide a valuable approach to the space that not just Cardano ecosystem will benefit from but also planet Earth and humanity. We will use blockchain technology to provide real solutions to real problems!

How do you intend to measure the success of your project?

Our goal is to have a big community of dedicated NFT holders enjoying our Metaverse and to make a real impact through our partnerships. This will create value and meaningfulness for the Cardano community and also make it grow, attracting new users. The project has the potential to give positive publicity for Cardano by contributing to sustainability.

Therefore, it is natural to measure progress in those key areas:

  • Number of NFT avatars sold
  • Number of active community members on Discord
  • Amount of activity in all of our social media channels
  • Number of active users of the Tellus2 Metaverse
  • Number of established partnerships in the areas mentioned earlier
  • How frequently our partnership generated sustainability actions occurs (which is the main point and increase in this measurement is the most desirable outcome)

It is desirable to have a steady growth/progress in every key area for maximum impact over long period of time.

Please describe your plans to share the outputs and results of your project?

We will create a feature on our homepage and Metaverse to measure how much greener the Earth has become since our work started, counting how many trees that are planted, how many other services and products are used and what the impact is on climate change. Also continuously communication through our social media channels. We also plan to share our achievements on NFT expoverse and other conferences like that.

What is your capability to deliver your project with high levels of trust and accountability?

The team is still super dedicated and with broad competence, despite the fact that we are just four people, and the work with Tellus2 has been going on since summer 2021. The result of our hard work can be seen on our home page and our first NFT drop is live. The fact that we are fully open about our identities, makes us accountable to our plans and actions.

What are the main goals for the project and how will you validate if your approach is feasible?

We have made it our mission to contribute to sustainability in a measurable way. We want to be able to continuously donate thousands of dollars to hand picked partners planting trees, providing clean water and energy etc. We also want to change people's habits by making green choices through our partners easier and cheaper and more inspiring.

To be able to achieve this our goal is to develop a green NFT Metaverse, stage 1 will be the interactive world map and stage 2 will be the full Metaverse.

We intend to be fully done with stage 1 as the next NFT bull run starts, which we expect to happen during 2024. Business-wise we consider it harder to reach out to a broad audience during these market conditions and we expect to accelerate our NFT sales next year and we are preparing our marketing process right now. We aim to sell out our first NFT drop 10,000 (available now) during 2024.

Thereafter we intend to release NFT land sales for stage 1 world map, bringing income and sustainable impact from further NFT sales.

Please provide a detailed breakdown of your project’s milestones and each of the main tasks or activities to reach the milestone plus the expected timeline for the delivery.


Putting the core team together - Done

Defining our idea - Done

Vending machine programming - Done

Create business plan - Done

Create marketing plan - Done

NFT avatar creation - Done

Company foundation - Done


Venture Cup - Swedish competition for start up ventures. Tellus2 got to the finals. We refined our idea and presentation. - Done

Homepage creation - Done

Consider incubator participation Sweden Game Arena Skövde, Sweden - Not applicable at this stage.

Marketing initiation - Twitter, YouTube, Discord, Instagram channels created - Done

NFT avatars first mint 10.000 NFT avatars available for sale right now - Done.

Q2 2023

First partnerships initiated with - Done.

Q3 2023

Metaverse creation process initiated. We need to sell at least a couple of thousand NFTs or get funded by Catalyst to be able to start hiring additional developers to start Metaverse development - Underway.

Concept art creation - Underway.


First 10.000 NFT avatars sold out

Hiring gaming developer(s) - The profit from NFT sales will provide capital enough to hire game developer(s) to start creation of Tellus2 Metaverse.

Consideration for visibility on wencnft or the like - when applicable

We will contact podcasts in the Cardano and crypto space for us to be interviewed and thus spreading the word about us. - when applicable

We will also try to attend NFT events such as NFT expoverse - when applicable

NFT avatar 2nd mint - We have a vast amount of extra avatars to be minted if there is interest. Since Annie has worked with different layers that then have been combined, we have been able to create a big amount of avatars.

NFT land - Metaverse land plots to be sold for players to start building on.

NFT building blocks - Building blocks and components for the Metaverse to be sold.

2025 or when applicable

Launch of Tellus2 Metaverse betaversion. Continuous development and improvement thereafter.

Please note: If we were to receive catalyst funding, that would bring down the inherent risk of the project not delivering according to the plan. It would also, presumably, catalyze the process as a whole giving us the chance to initiate the Metaverse building right away and to market more aggressively, increasing our chance to reach out to potential NFT buyers.

Please describe the deliverables, outputs and intended outcomes of each milestone.

Our main goal is to produce real impact contributing to a sustainable earth through our partnerships described above. These achievements will be displayed publicly in all our channels (homepage and social media). This will include for example numbers of trees planted, amount of money donated to certain sustainable efforts, number of liters clean water delivered, number of tons CO2 emissions avoided.

It is of great importance to share these numbers with the community in order to remain reliable. We will only establish partnerships that will produce a trackable footprint for this reason.

Please provide a detailed budget breakdown of the proposed work and resources.

Budget (if funded)

Marketing (payed ads, payed partnerships, event participations, inhouse expenses) $10.000

Legal matters, 10 hrs consultation (put applicable Disclaimer and Terms & Conditions documents together, juridical consultation if needed, inhouse expenses) $ 3 000

Metaverse development initiation + blockchain programming (hire 1 developers for 12 months to start with, inhouse expences) $ 65 000

Graphic design (Concept art) (salary for inhouse artist) $ 10.000

Technical equipment upgrade (new computer and cloud services for websites, web3 and cardano development standards) $ 6 000

Total $ 94 000 = 336 000 Ada (2023-07-09)

Who is in the project team and what are their roles?

Kok-Wing Giang CEO – Programmer & crypto expert

Annie Hallén AD/Artist, Bachelor of Fine Arts, super skilled digital artist

My Yen Giang Finance/Legal – Master of Science in Business and Economics

Linus Hansson Marketing and partnerships – Journalist/Media working experience


How does the cost of the project represent value for money for the Cardano ecosystem?

We will continue to work hard with Tellus2 even if we were not to be funded now. It will be much harder and time consuming, still not impossible. A fund would truly be an important catalyst for us decreasing the risk in the project!

If we were to receive funds it would catalyze the development of the project. The biggest cost will be to hire external developers to be able to pick up speed in the Metaverse creation process. Also we need to purchase a more powerful computer that can handle the connection with the Cardano node when many users are active at the same time.

If we succeed in our mission to create this big, vivid impactful Metaverse it will bring value and goodwill to the whole Cardano Ecosystem. Thus coupling the Metaverse and gaming to sustainability and forever coupling Cardano to this process of real world improvement.



  • EP2: epoch_length

    Authored by: Darlington Kofa

    3m 24s
    Darlington Kofa
  • EP1: 'd' parameter

    Authored by: Darlington Kofa

    4m 3s
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  • EP3: key_deposit

    Authored by: Darlington Kofa

    3m 48s
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  • EP4: epoch_no

    Authored by: Darlington Kofa

    2m 16s
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  • EP5: max_block_size

    Authored by: Darlington Kofa

    3m 14s
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  • EP6: pool_deposit

    Authored by: Darlington Kofa

    3m 19s
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  • EP7: max_tx_size

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    4m 59s
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