On a bimonthly basis, we will organize and host promotional events designed to generate intrigue and excitement around Cardano. These events will target investors, tech students, and block chain enthusiasts. An educational segment followed by an expert speaker will focus the attendees on what sets the Cardano project apart from other cryptocurrencies currently available on Bitpoint. Time will be set apart after for networking and discussion among attendees with the right atmosphere and refreshments.
Now that Cardano is conventionally available in the Japanese market focusing the attention of investors and crypto enthusiasts in its direction is extremely important. Our events will motivate the mainstream Japanese investor to take ADA seriously and recognize its unique potential when juxtaposed with the other cryptocurrencies currently listed on Bitpoint.
One potential hurdle is the language barrier. One of our team members has studied Japanese some in the past and can verify that it is completely disconnected to the typical romance/germanic languages most of us are familiar with (English/Spanish/Portuguese). That being said, Japanese culture exemplifies organizational excellency. Planning these events and working with translators to bring our vision to life will be completely manageable.