Our current objective is to bring networking events and educational content to students in Ecuador and Paraguay. We would like to take things a step further and connect students displaying interest in Cardano with this community, and guiding them thereafter on establishing better connections with members of the community and ultimately submitting their own proposals. We would also like to extend these networking events and outreach to Medellin, Colombia as well as Buenos Aires, Argentina
The people that understand the economic and cultural infrastructure of Latam the best are Latin Americans themselves. These people have unique insight when it comes to determining how best to bring Cardano to their communities. Educating them on the tech, connecting them with fellow crypto enthusiasts, and thereafter bringing them into the fold of project catalyst allows us access to this valuable insight.
The success of this project would be partially contingent on the success of our F7 project "Networking/Education LATAM". This is primarily because the degree to which these new onboarded members of the catalyst community are actually engaged with the community is dependent on their knowledge of Cardano and their engagement with our networking and educational programs. In the areas we already plan to implement education (Ecuador/Paraguay), ensuring long term engagement will be easier.